Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey Observing galaxy mass assembly at z > 1 in the SXDF FMOS Science Workshop January 13, 2004 Kaz Sekiguchi (Subaru Telescope) ★ Redshift Desert ★ Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field ★ What the FOMS can do ?
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey Redshift Desert: 1.0 < z < 2.0~2.5 Where the familiar optical spectral features redshifted in the near infrared region, From Glazebrook (2004)
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey z Age of U (Gyr) Redshift Desert is an important epoch of the history of the Universe. -> Peak of the QSO epoch -> Formation of ☆ ’s in massive galaxies (from Sub-mm) [Test ground of the current hierarchical paradigm]
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey From GEMINI GDDS Press Release
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey LRIS-B (Keck-I) study by Steidel et al. (2004) ・ Optical Spectroscopy using LRIS-B (Keck-I) ・ Covers 3,200 Å < λ< 6,000 Å (FWHM ≈ Å) ・ Sample selection : R, G, & Un ・ Magnitude limit : R = 25.5 ・ Integration time : 5,400 sec ・ # of Objects : 792 Compare to the sample of star forming galaxies at z~3, galaxies at z~2 are significantly redder. This indicates an increase in the average stellar mass at z~2 compared to their counterparts at z~3.
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey
FIRES /HDFS (Franx et al. 2000, 2003) ・ Near-IR Photometry ・ Js, H, Ks ・ Sample selection : Js-Ks >2.3 (z > 2) ・ Magnitude limit : Ks < 22.5 ・ Field size : 4.7 arcmin 2 ・ 14 galaxies ・ Surface density : 3±0.8 galaxies arcmin -2 ・ Photometric redshift : 1.92 < z < 4.26 (median z = 2.6) ・ One Star –forming G & Red faint optical (median V=26.6) Remnants of the LBG of higher redshifts ( z > 4) ???
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey K20 (Daddi et al., 2004) ・ Optical Spectroscopy using VLT FORS1 & FORS2 ・ Covers 3,600 Å < λ< 8,000 Å (FWHM ≈ 13 Å) ・ Sample selection : Ks-band ・ Magnitude limit : Ks < 20 ・ Two fields (52 arcmin 2 ) ・ 546 objects (about 30 galaxies are z > 1.7, ~ 6%) Subset of K20/GOODS-South ・ 32 arcmin 2 ・ 304 objects (9 galaxies with spectroscopic z > 1.7, ~ 3%) ・ Surface density : 0.28±0.26/0.13 galaxies arcmin-2 z~2, the peak or low-z tail of the massive galaxy assembly?
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey
Gemini Deep Deep Servey (GDDS, Glazebrook 2003 & 2004) ・ Optical Spectroscopy using GMOS with Nod & Shuffle ・ Covers 5,000 Å < λ< 10,000 Å (FWHM ≈ 16 Å) ・ Sample selection : K-band ・ Magnitude limit : K = 20.6 ・ 4 fields (5’5 x 5.’5) Two of them: SA22 (48,600 sec) : 111 objects NDWS (90,000 sec) : 60 objects The mass density in the most massive galaxies declines very slowly to z = 2. Giant galaxies formed much earlier (at z > 3).
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (From Glazebrook et al., 2004)
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (From Glazebrook et al., 2004)
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (From Glazebrook et al., 2004)
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey Subaru Telescope Observatory Project SXDS Team
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey SXDS Team members : Akiyama M. 1, Aoki K. 1, Doi M. 2, Furusawa H. 1, Fuse T. 1, Imanishi M. 3, Ishida C. 1, Iye M. 3, Kajisawa K. 4, Karoji H. 1, Kobayashi N. 2, Kodama T. 3, Komiyama Y. 1, Kosugi G. 1, Maeda Y. 5, Miyazaki S. 3, Mizumoto Y. 3 Morokuma T 2. Nakata F. 6, Noumaru J. 1, Ogasawara R. 1, Ouchi M. 2, Sasaki T. 1, Sekiguchi K. 1, Shimasaku K. 1, Simpson C. 6, Takata T. 1, Tanaka I. 3, Ueda Y. 5, Watson M. 7, Yamada T. 3, Yasuda N. 3, & Yoshida M. 8 1 Subaru Telescope, 2 University of Tokyo, 3 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 4 Tohoku University, 5 Institute of Space and Astronautical Science 6 University of Durham 7 University of Leicester (XMM/SSC) 8 Okayama Astrophysical Observatory
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey Chandra DFS VIRMOS Deep SA68 LZLE Slone Various Survey fields on the Subaru sky SXDS Field COSMOS
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey 1.3º 02h18m -5º00’ SXDS Field
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (From Benson et al. 2001) 141h -1 Mpc z = 3.0 B-V M B – 5 log h GOODS COSMOS SXDS HDF
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey Multiwavelength: ( ✓ : Done, ✜ : On-going, Allocated) ✓ XMM-Newton (XMM/SSC) PI: Mike Watson ✓ Subaru B,(V),R,i’& z’Imaging SXDS Team ESO/VLT U Imaging Public Survey ✜ Subaru FOCAS Spectroscopy SXDS Team ✓ AAT 2dF Spectroscopy AAT/SXDS Team UKIRT/WFCAM (UKIDSS/UDS) PI: Omar Almaini SIRTF (SWIRE) PI: Carol Lonsdale BLAST (BLAST Consortium) PI: Mark Devlin ✜ JCMT/SCUBA (SHADES) PI: James Dunlop ✓ VLA PI: Chris Simpson ✓ HST ACS (I-band) as part of the High-z SNe project CSO : 350μ Obs. SHADES+Canadian
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey Multiwavelength: (Planned) Chandra : X-ray high spatial resolution imaging GALEX : UV imaging & spectroscopy VIMOS : Multi-Object Spectroscopy SMA : high spatial resolution mm imaging ALMA : high spatial resolution mm imaging SIRTF: IRAC Deep Imaging Subaru/FMOS: Galaxy Survey of 1.0 < z < 2.0
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey deg x-ray 400 ksec of EPIC data from XMM/Newton: 100 ksec on central field 50 ksec on 6 flanking fields
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey detailed X-ray spectra ~30 sources crude X-ray spectra ~300 sources X-ray colours ~1000 sources ~1000 X-ray detections source detection and parameterisation completed –X-ray colours, spectra, morphology –X-ray variability 12h 24h (between obs) years (SDS-4 & some overlap regions)
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey
Optical Imaging by Subaru Suprime-Cam The SXDS covers 5 Suprime-Cam pointings (1.3 deg 2 ) to the exposure time (estimated depth) : B : 18,000 sec, 900sec x 20 (B=28.1) ( s/n=3σ) R : 12,480 sec, 480sec x 26 (R=27.5) i’: 15,000 sec, 300sec x 50 (i’=27.3) z’: 14,560 sec, 180sec x 80 (z’=26.7)
All 5 FOV Consistent with n(m) given in previous surveys ~0.3-0.5 mag deeper than GTO SDF data From Furusawa
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey x-rayoptical deep Suprime-Cam BRi’z’ (& V) data over entire SXDS field, plus some spectroscopy (FOCAS and AAT/2dF) plus ESO/VLT deep U (to 27 mag) over entire SXDS field and extensive moderately-deep FOCAS spectroscopy
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey From Furusawa
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey FOCAS/MOS: 30 masks (~1-2 hr per field, ~500 IDs) 2dF/AAT : 4 nights Spectroscopic ID of X-ray Sources in the SXDS field From Akiyama
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey Spectra of XMM-Newton X-ray Sources Taken by FOCAS MOS From Akiyama
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey * QSO at z= fields (0.2-3hours) = ~3000 objects R<21mag QSOs, R<20 mag Galaxies AAT/ 2dF Spectroscopy From Akiyama
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey x-rayopticalNIR 175 arcmin 2 to J=22, H=21 & K=20 from UH2.2m/SIRIUS 800 arcmin 2 to J=21.5, H=20.5, & K=19.5 from SAAO1.4m / SIRIUS 0.7 deg 2 to J=25, H=24 & K=23 from UKIRT / WFCAM (UKIDSS / UDS)
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey SIRIUS JHKs coverage of the SXDF From Takata et al.
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey Telescope: 1.4m SAAO, Sutherland Instrument: SIRIUS (Simultaneous 3color Infrared Imager for Unbiased Survey) 1 field => 7.8’x7.8’ J,H,Ks simultaneous imaging 2 hours exposure of 18 field (~790 arcmin2) Seeing was ~ band Depth: Ks(Vega)= ?(to be estimated) ~4000 object with Ks(Vega) < 19.2 From Takata et al.
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey Red: ERO Violet:VLA Radio Green:X-ray From Takata et al.
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey From Takata et al.
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey Sky Distribution of EROs (R-Ks>5.3 & i’-Ks>4.0 & Ks<19.2) From Takata et al.
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey WFCAM Cryostat
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey UKIDSS UDS Science goals K=23.0 (0.4 microJy) 0.77 sq. degs Epoch of spheroid formation Map of the Universe at z=3 Relation between EROs, ULIRGs, & AGN
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey x-rayopticalNIRMFIR MIR imaging with IRAC to S 3.6 =7 Jy, S 4.5 =10 Jy, S 5.8 =27 Jy, S 8.0 =32 Jy MIR imaging with MIPS to S 24 =0.4 mJy, S 70 =2.7 mJy, S 160 =17 mJy MIR imaging with IRAC to S 3.6 =7 Jy, S 4.5 =10 Jy, S 5.8 =27 Jy, S 8.0 =32 Jy MIR imaging with MIPS to S 24 =0.4 mJy, S 70 =2.7 mJy, S 160 =17 mJy
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey
x-rayopticalNIRMFIRsubmmradio entire field to S1.4=15 mJy with B-array VLA entire field to S5=30 mJy with B-array VLA GMRT 240MHz & 151MHz
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey
1.3º 02h18m -5º00’
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey ・ What the FMOS can do (?) There are ~ 10,000 galaxies with Ks < 20 in the SXDF. These galaxies can be observed with FMOS in 100 hours (assuming the average integration time of 3 hours per setting) Then, we can expect about a few hundreds to a thousand of z > 1 galaxies sample. These include both blue & red galaxies, EROs, sub-mm galaxies, and QSOs.
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey ・ Properties of the galaxies in the “Redshift Desert” ・ Redshift distribution ・ Evolution of LF ・ Evolution of LD ・ Evolution ot galaxy star mass function ・ Nature of old & dusty EROs ・ Nature of Starburst at z ~ 2 Combined with FMOS data and some K-band MOIRCS observations at the center field ( where also the SHADES data exist) and the wealth of the Multiwavelength data available, we can explore;
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey