Sixth Form was deemed “Good” by Ofsted in recent inspection 132 (58%) Year 11 students applied for 6 th Form 67 students have been accepted, 51% of the applicants Last years Y12 achieved 91% A-E at AS Level
Expectations at KS5 Attendance & Punctuality Independent thinking & learning Minimum of 5 hours independent study per week per subject outside of classroom. Interaction and Engagement Dedication to studies Role Models
The basics Punctuality 8.30am 100% attendance to lessons Meeting deadlines for coursework and homework Use of study periods Uniform Pride in all work
Support offered at KS5 Paul Pomford – Advice Information Guidance Bursary / FSM University application support Organisation weeks Study Skills Support (Gary Aster)
Half TermYear 12Year 13 Sep - Oct Organisation /Time Management Personal Statement / UCAS application Nov - DecNote Taking / Essay WritingCV Writing Jan - FebRevision Strategies Feb - April Determination / Perseverance Preparing for an interview April - MayManaging Stress Budgeting / Managing Money June - JulyPost 18 Career Options
Tuesday Evenings Cardinal Heenan 3:15:pm – 4:15pm Year 12 0rganisation and Time management 30 th September Year 13 Personal Statement 7 th October Year 12 0rganisation and Time management 14 th October Year 13 Personal Statement 21 st October
Key dates (All on Website) Assessment weeks 6 th October & 1 st December Organisation Checks end of each half term Mock Exams begin 26 th January Mock Resits begin 23 rd February Study Leave 18 th May -12 th June Parents evening 5 th March Results day 13 th August
Mock Exam and Resit Procedure If student achieves a grade 2 or more below that of target grade (e.g. D mock when target is B) then student will resit another paper for that subject. Improve revision Improve exam skills
Advice Information and Guidance UCAS application process Apprenticeship Opportunities Work experience (two boys going to DPA Law Firm for two days) Engineering for Future (conference at LFC) 5 students Summer universities CISI Finance programme Placed (Architecture) Realising Liverpool University Social Mobility Future Focus Week Student Shadowing Liverpool University National Citizen Service brilliant opportunity for experience which will look brilliant on any cv personal statement
University Open Days Liverpool University – 27 th September & 11 th October Liverpool John Moores – 4 th October Liverpool John Moores Careers at Sea – 18 th October Edge Hill – 11 th October Hope – 26 th October Chester – 4 th & 11 th October
Marking policy
Information Please make sure that you complete the student data sheets with the correct information. Parental addresses are needed so information can be sent out directly. Pupil mobile numbers will allow us to contact students when opportunities come up.
Please talk to subject teachers and students if you have any questions. Thank you for coming.