Next The water that falls on the Chesapeake Bay watershed drains to local streams and rivers and then flows to the Chesapeake Bay. As the streams and rivers collect water from the surrounding land they also collect materials that wash off the land then transport them to the Chesapeake Bay. This runoff from the land affects the health of the streams and rivers and therefore the health of the Chesapeake Bay. Why is it important to have healthy streams and a healthy Bay? View the video Chesapeake Bay and decide for yourself. Bay Facts AP Environmental Science Stream Study 1. Question
Next The following web resources will provide background information and will be useful in answering the previous question. Feel free to find additional web resources. Watershed Definition CBP Chesapeake Bay Watershed What is a watershed? Land Use Water Quality and Land Use Riparian Buffers Riparian Forest Buffer - Fact Sheet Riparian Buffers and Stream Health Streamside Tree Buffers Chemical Testing of Water Water Quality Factors Chemical Testing of Water Macroinvertebrates Stream Health and Macroinvertebrates Invertebrates as Indicators Impervious Surface Stream Health and Impervious Surfaces 2. Information Sources
Create a Stream Health Report for Oregon Branch During your field experience at Oregon Ridge Nature Center you will collect physical, chemical, and biological data from Oregon Branch. In order to determine the health of this stream and how it contributes to the health of the Chesapeake Bay, you must first analyze the data you collected. 1. Analysis of Data Analyze the data you collected from Oregon Branch stream by completing the following: Physical - Describe the riparian buffer and the stream channel - Physical Survey Chemical - Water Quality Index (WQI) Biological - SOS Stream Quality Survey Simpson Index of Diversity Click HERE for the necessary documents and resourcesHERE 2. Summary Summarize the results of your data analysis and state how it relates to stream health Next 3. Student Activity
You are now ready to complete a Stream Health Report where you will present your data, analysis, and conclusion. The report must have the following parts: 1. A general description of the stream’s watershed (land use, quality of riparian buffer, headwaters etc.) 3. A section showing the physical, chemical, and biological data you collected and and the results of your analysis. 4.A summary of the health of Oregon Branch supported by your data. 5. A conclusion in which you address the original question: How does the Oregon Branch contribute to the health of the Chesapeake Bay? Next 4. Assessment Activity
Next 5. Extension Activity What might macroinvertebrates tell you about land use? 1.Look at the 2005 Benthic Macroinvertebrate Index (BIBI_Map) located HERE.HERE 2.Examine the legend in the right corner. What color indicates a poor BIBI score for macroinvertebrates? Which color indicates a high macroinvertebrate score? 3.Locate the Baltimore Beltway (695) that circles Baltimore City and part of Baltimore County. 4.Describe the BIBI scores for the area inside the beltway. 5.Explain the possible reasons for these scores. 6.What might macroinvertebrates tell you about land use?
Advanced Placement Environmental Science Aquatics Stream Study Objective: Analyze the role of a Maryland stream, Oregon Branch, and how it contributes to the health of the Chesapeake bay. Differentiation: All students complete the same activity and assessment. Students may select from the list of resources provided to gather information. Students may choose any Web 2.0 tool to complete the activities and assessment. Time Management Strategies: It is suggested that this activity be completed over the course of three class periods. This activity could also be conducted in teams of two or more students. Technology Infusion: Students should also be familiar with opening hyperlinks in both the documents and in the Power point presentation. The students should also be familiar with Web 2.0 tools listed on the BCPS Library and Information Services page. AVID Strategy: The following AVID strategy is supported in this lesson: inquiry based learning and writing in Science Learning Styles: Field Dependent, Field independent, Visual and Reflective Learners, Global Understanding Common Core Integration of Knowledge and Ideas RST Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table). RST Translate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text into visual form (e.g., a table or chart) and translate information expressed visually or mathematically (e.g., in an equation) into words. RST Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem. Created by P Ghingher linked to address BCPS Research Module or Slam Dunk Model, Copyright 2012, Baltimore County Public Schools, MD, all rights reserved. The models may be used for educational, non-profit school use only. All other uses, transmissions, and duplications are prohibited unless permission is granted expressly.P Ghingher Teacher Support Materials