MEDICAL & HEALTH SITUATION REPORTING Based upon the 2011 California Health & Medical Emergency Operations Manual 5/23/
Objectives Describe the differences between an Unusual Event and Emergency System Activation List several elements included in Assessing the local Health and Medical system List several data elements in the Healthcare Facility to MHOAC Reporting Form Describe several “Levels” of incidents Describe several activities to be performed at the Operational Area level prior to submitting a written Situation Report to the state 5/23/
What Happened? The MHOAC Program is the principal point-of ‐ contact within the Operational Area for information related to the public health and medical impact of an unusual event or emergency system activation. 5/23/
Unusual Events The occurrence of an unusual event or emergency system activation should always trigger completion of a Medical and Health Situation Report 5/23/ H & M SitRep Unusual Event DOC Activation EOC Activation
Information Sharing The Medical and Health Situation Report is shared with relevant partners representing the Public Health and Medical System, including the: Public Health Department, EMS Agency, RDMHC Program, CDPH/EMSA Duty Officers (or JEOC if activated). 5/23/
So, what is an Unusual Event? Unusual Event means an event beyond ordinary day ‐ to ‐ day activities, that do not rise to the level of an emergency but warrant enhanced situational awareness and notification of partners. 5/23/
Unusual Event? (cont’d) Broadly defined, an unusual event significantly threatens or impacts public health, environmental health or emergency medical services. The specific criteria for an unusual event include any one of the following: The incident significantly impacts public health or safety (or significant impact is anticipated); The incident leads to disruption of the Public Health and Medical System (or disruption is anticipated); 5/23/
Unusual Event? (cont’d) Resources are needed beyond the capabilities of the Operational Area and those available through pre ‐ existing agreements, memoranda or contracts, e.g., day ‐ to ‐ day assistance, automatic aid, Memoranda of Understanding, and other types of emergency assistance agreements; The incident produces media attention or is politically sensitive; The incident leads to a Regional or State request for information; and Any time increased information flow from the Operational Area to the State will assist in the management or mitigation of the incident’s impact. 5/23/
Situation Assessment 5/23/
Situation Assessment Prior to completing or submitting a Medical and Health Situation Report on behalf of the Operational Area, the MHOAC program must conduct an assessment of the current status of the health and medical system. This assessment may include: Acute Care Hospitals Medical Transportation Other Health and Medical Providers 5/23/
Hospital Assessments ED Bed Assessment EMSystems (EMResource) thru MCI Events Inpatient Bed Assessments (HAvBED) HAvBED thru EMSystems (EMResource Hospital Status / Needs Assessment Facility to MHOAC Status Report Form is an additional tool that may be used by the MHOAC to assess the status and needs of local hospitals. 5/23/
Facility to MHOAC Report 5/23/ Date / Time Initial or Revised Report? Prognosis
Facility to MHOAC Report 5/23/ HEALTHCARE FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Name Address Contact Person
Facility to MHOAC Report 5/23/ Casualties Pts Awaiting Admit (E.D.s only) Overall Status
Facility to MHOAC Report 5/23/ Morgue Capacity Evacuation?
Facility to MHOAC Report 5/23/ Hazards Damage Resources
Incident/Event Status Prior to completing the Situation Report, the MHOAC Program must also determine the status and prognosis of the incident including: Condition of current Health and Medical System o (Green) Normal Operations; Situation Resolved o (Yellow) Under Control; No Assistance Required o (Orange) Modified Services; Assistance from within OA o (Red) Limited Services; Some Assistance Required o (Black) Impaired Services; Major Assistance Required o (Gray) Unknown 5/23/
Contact the RDMHC Program Prior to submitting a written report, the MHOAC should contact the RDMHC Program and provide the following information if known: o Brief description of the incident; o Anticipated support and/or resource needs (if any); and o Acknowledge time for submission of Medical and Health Situation Report. 5/23/
Completing the Health & Medical Situation Report This may be achieved by one of two approaches: (Preferred) Use the electronic version of the Medical and Health Situation Report available for download from the California Health Alert Network (CAHAN)- ( Document Library Documents State and Local Health # CDPH EPO EOM Electronic SIT REP ). (Optional) Use a printed copy of the Medical and Health Situation Report form. ( Document Library Documents State and Local Health # CDPH EPO EOM SIT REP Pen‐and‐Paper Form.). 5/23/
Minimum Data Elements 5/23/ Report Type (initial, update, final) Report Status (Advisory or Alert) Date / Time
Minimum Data Elements 5/23/ Incident Information Level of the Incident User Information
Minimum Data Elements 5/23/ Current Condition of the Health / Medical System Prognosis
Minimum Data Elements 5/23/ Descriptions of the Current Situation Current Priorities, if any Critical Issues or Actions Taken
Submitting the Situation Report Within two hours of incident recognition, the MHOAC should submit the completed Medical and Health Situation Report to the: o EMS Agency o Public Health Department o RDMHC Program o CDPH and EMSA Duty Officer o OES (or Operational Area EOC) 5/23/
Submitting the Situation Report Contact the RDHMC to confirm receipt of the Health and Medical Situation Report. Maintain the Medical and Health Situation Report information as a part of the incident historical document file. 5/23/
Situation Report Updates The MHOAC should provide updates to the Medical and Health Situation Report as follows: Once during each operational period at agreed upon times; Changes in status, prognosis,or actions taken; and In response to State/Regional agency request as communicated by the RDMHC Program. 5/23/
Congratulations! You have completed the Medical and Health Situation Reporting Module. 5/23/