School Year
ChopraAaron DoomsMary LinderLisa MarstonMatt MeyersCynthia MiloneCynthia RussoAmie VanNoordJack ViscioniNoreen
Behavior Students expected to be: Safe – Responsible - Respectful ‘Blue’ Slips Warning (3+ in a quarter = detention) Assignments Quality work is expected Late Assignments Scores typically reduced for work not completed on time Multiple late assignments may result in lunch or after school academic detention Home Access updates Student & Parent Access
Use these two tabs to check scores. Classwork is a view of the gradebook Interim Progress are progress reports.
Agenda Filled in everyday, for every subject Neat & Accurate Check off work as it is completed Assume students have work About an hour to two each night Daily assignments, projects, study, read, journal STUDENTS SHOULD BE READING INDEPENDENTLY EVERY NIGHT !!!
Home Work Time Set aside time everyday Distraction-free work area Encourage your child to: prioritize – time management be organized – Binder develop good study skills & habits ask questions in class use his notes effective effort – try participate in extra-curricula activities Breakfast Sleep - (experts recommend 9 hours)
Overnight trip to Illinois’s Capital Functions of government Three branches of government Abraham Lincoln & Civil War Sights: Lincoln’s Home, Law Office, Tomb, Library, Museum; New Salem Village; New and Old State Capitals; and War Monuments This year October 9&10 Leave early Thursday, return late afternoon on Friday Information sent home – more to come
Objective: To apply the eight mathematical practices that mathematicians do: Solve problems without giving up Think about numbers in many ways Explain my thinking and try to understand others Show my work in many ways Use math tools and explain why I use them Work carefully and check my work. Use what I know to solve new problems Solve problems by looking for rules and patterns
Standard Rational Numbers Expressions, Equations & Linear Equations Ratios & Proportionality Data & Probability Geometric Measurement Pre-Algebra Real Numbers, exponents, linear equations Pythagorean Theorem Linear Relationships & Functions Systems of Functions Geometric Figures Statistical Applications
Objective: To understand the events, trends, individuals, and movements that shape the world Civilizations Review Government United States Constitution & Constitution Test Europe – Middle Ages to Modern Era The continent of Africa and its diverse nations Latin America
Objective: To collect relevant evidence, use logical reasoning, apply the imagination to devise hypotheses, and explanations to make sense of collected evidence. Scientific Method Study of Matter using Dry Ice Cells Rocks, Minerals, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and Plate Tectonics Protests, Bacteria, and Viruses Study of the Watershed
Six Traits Ideas Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions Expository Persuasive Argument Narrative Vocabulary Write for authentic purposes Writers Workshop
New & Improved Curriculum Now with more Common Core Includes the ideas of Readers Workshop Structured around central themes, ideas, and skills More choice Field Testing Reading Strategies… Draw Inferences & Make Predictions Ask Questions Monitor Make Connections Visualize Determine Importance Synthesize Creating Skilled Readers
Please feel free to visit our classrooms at this time. Room numbers are listed on tonight’s schedule.