Larry Wolk, MD MSPH Executive Director Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
State of Colorado/CDPHE strategy ACA Delivery System Reform Payment System Reform Technology advancement Colorado-specific opportunities
Safe and Clean Food, Water, Air Affordable Care Act Winnable Battles Foundation Initiatives & Collective Impact Integrated Care (State Innovation Models Funding Initiative) Medicaid Accountable Care Collaborative And many more… The State of Health Full report:
Full report:
State of Colorado/CDPHE strategy ◦ Elegant, Efficient, Effective ◦ Public Health in the context of the ACA ◦ Promote technology ◦ Evidence-based education and information ◦ “Simply Health” State of Health Foundations Winnable Battles
CDPHE funds 15 primary contractors with 47 centers operating statewide. In FY , nearly 22,000 children and youth were served by our school-based health centers partners. Thank you and congratulations on job well done!
SBHC Legislative Intent: To provide access to primary, behavioral and dental health care for low-income, uninsured or under-insured, high-risk children and youth through school-based health centers. SBHC Program Priorities: Quality through the Standards and Clinical Outcomes; Quantity by increasing the number SBHCs, the number of persons served and the services offered; Sustainability through local infrastructure development such as data and records systems, billing systems, and clinic build-outs; and Partnerships through active involvement by local SBHC staff and stakeholders such as through advisory committee participation and application reviews.
Quality of care by providing funds for highly qualified primary care, behavioral health and dental care providers; by funding training and technical assistance to help SBHC sites meet the SBHC Quality Standards. Quantity by investing in existing SBHC centers to continue or expand their services and to serve more children and youth, and by providing funds for emerging and newly operational sites. Sustainability by investing in the infrastructure of SBHCs, including patient enrollment in Medicaid and CHP+, enhancements to physical space, and data and billing systems to capture health service information and to generate program revenue through Medicaid and private insurance billing. Partnerships by funding key partners, such as CASBHC for events such as this annual conference, and others to provide quality training on important topics related to SBHC care.
ACA (life after capital) ◦ Similar to LPHAs providing direct services ◦ Insurance eligibility ◦ Insurance enrollment ◦ Provider enrollment ◦ Billing and encounter submission
Delivery System Reform ◦ Medical home ◦ Integrated primary/behavioral healthcare (SIM) ◦ Dental ◦ Relevant metrics (HEDIS, “stars”)
Payment system reform ◦ Medicare “bump” ◦ Care management, care navigation ◦ Episodes of care ◦ Medicare pilots (inclusive, outcomes, severity)
Technology advancement ◦ EHRs/Meaningful Use ◦ HIE/Meaningful Use ◦ APCD ◦ Public Health and disease-specific registries ◦ Telehealth ◦ Project ECHO
© 2010 Colorado Regional Health Information Organization (CORHIO) - All Rights Reserved CORHIO Proprietary - Not For Redistribution
Live In Development In Queue # Office Providers Live: 1416 # Hospital Providers Live: EHR practices representing 763 providers Behavior Health: 24 facilities/118 providers 48 LTPAC orgs/123 facilities 3 Labs: CLS, LabCorp, Quest 33 Hospitals/Systems: BCH, SLVRMC, Centura, LUH, PVHS, Parkview, Memorial, Banner, Children’s, UCH, Craig, HCA (Rose), Evans, Rio Grande CDPHE NB Screening Results Delivery, ELR, Immunizations QHN Integration Interstate/HISP : KHIN, Surescripts 9Health Fair 3,449,784 Unique Patients 133,819,480 Messages # Office Providers Live: 1416 # Hospital Providers Live: EHR practices representing 763 providers Behavior Health: 24 facilities/118 providers 48 LTPAC orgs/123 facilities 3 Labs: CLS, LabCorp, Quest 33 Hospitals/Systems: BCH, SLVRMC, Centura, LUH, PVHS, Parkview, Memorial, Banner, Children’s, UCH, Craig, HCA (Rose), Evans, Rio Grande CDPHE NB Screening Results Delivery, ELR, Immunizations QHN Integration Interstate/HISP : KHIN, Surescripts 9Health Fair 3,449,784 Unique Patients 133,819,480 Messages #Providers in Development: 543 EHR Practices: 22 practices/359 providers LTPAC: 2 organizations/2 facilities 7 Hospitals/Systems: Denver Health, Pagosa Springs, HealthONE, Exempla, Estes Park, Evans, Rio Grande 1 Regional Lab: Schryver Behavioral Health: 2 Organizations CDPHE: Immunizations, ELR CDC: Syndromic Surveillance Payer: Colorado Access ACO: PHP HISP: Montana Other: Kaiser Permanente #Providers in Development: 543 EHR Practices: 22 practices/359 providers LTPAC: 2 organizations/2 facilities 7 Hospitals/Systems: Denver Health, Pagosa Springs, HealthONE, Exempla, Estes Park, Evans, Rio Grande 1 Regional Lab: Schryver Behavioral Health: 2 Organizations CDPHE: Immunizations, ELR CDC: Syndromic Surveillance Payer: Colorado Access ACO: PHP HISP: Montana Other: Kaiser Permanente Providers: Ready: 34 practices/56 providers Other: 39 practices/252 providers 4 Hospitals/Systems: Southwest Memorial, Animas Surgical, Mt. San Rafael, Conejos 1 Regional Lab: Cedar Diagnostics Behavioral Health: 1 Organization LTPAC: 8 organization/11 facilities Public Health: Cancer Registry Providers: Ready: 34 practices/56 providers Other: 39 practices/252 providers 4 Hospitals/Systems: Southwest Memorial, Animas Surgical, Mt. San Rafael, Conejos 1 Regional Lab: Cedar Diagnostics Behavioral Health: 1 Organization LTPAC: 8 organization/11 facilities Public Health: Cancer Registry
Marijuana (medical, retail, minors) 10 Winnable Battles General Fund Environmental Health ◦ Fracking ◦ Radon ◦ Water
Contact: Larry Wolk, MD MSPH ◦ ◦