Chapter 8 Jeopardy Game Take your time and pay attention! Everything covered on this review is ON the TEST!!
What type of government system does the US have? DEMOCRACY!!!
What is a democracy? It is a system in which the people hold the power of government!
What is a citizen? A citizen is someone who is born in a country or promises to be loyal to that country.
True or False
Citizens choose officials to represent them TRUE
Citizens decide who will represent them by voting in elections. TRUE
Citizens do not have a right to participate in the government FALSE
Citizens in democratic system have responsibility to vote for their leaders. TRUE
Income tax is a tax on money you______. EARN
The federal government spends income tax money on: Education National parks National defense (military) Interstate highways
State income tax and state sales tax provide money to support: Public schools Libraries Maintain state roads Provide public transportation Support police and Fire departments
The state government has ______ branches. Three
Name the three branches Legislative Executive Judicial
Which branch carries out the state laws. The governor is the leader of this branch. Executive
The Senate and House of Representatives are part of this branch of government. Legislative branch!
This branch includes state courts and judges Judicial Branch
Who is the governor of Illinois? Pat Quinn
Who is the mayor of Chicago? Richard Daley
People have the right and responsibility to_____. VOTE
People have the right to express their opinions, which is called _________. Freedom of Speech
Assemble means… To gather
True or False: People have the right to practice their religion in ANY state of the U.S. True