BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS GREEN SCHOOL WORKGROUP: MEETING 1 Green Ambassador INSERT NAME INSERT CONTACT INFO1 INSERT CONTACT INFO2 For additional information: Joanna Pi-Sunyer Green Schools Coordinator Baltimore City Public Schools
Today’s Goals 2 Goals: What is the purpose of the Workgroup? What is a green school? What green activities and requirements are in place at City Schools? What is the design process and timeline? A survey: what do we have and want? What resources are available? Next meeting: who else should be here and when shall we meet?
Workgroup Purpose and Goals 3 Purpose: To advocate for green initiatives that contribute to a healthier learning environment and increased educational opportunities. Goals: To influence the design of this school in ways that support the community’s priorities for sustainability. Support MD Environmental Literacy Standards. Be a bridge to the design team. Begin or expand current green practices. Seek Green School Award.
Participants & Ambassadors 4 Participants: students, teachers, staff, students, parents, partners and community members interested in sustainability Ambassadors: community volunteers passionate about sustainability and trained to facilitate the workgroups
What is a green school? 5
Green schools…. 6 Help kids: Hear See Breathe Move Think Feel And: Are designed, built and operated to be great buildings Reduce our environmental impact Promote the health of students, staff, teachers & the community
What is LEED? 7 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is a nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings.
Watch the video: Green teams speak out! Greening activities - examples Curricular connections: students planned, planted and cared for a garden, involving measuring, soil properties, seed identification and vegetable taste testing Maintenance: staff using different equipment and practices Student engagement: 114 schools received Green, Healthy, Smart Challenge grants for student-led greening projects Partnerships: The Baltimore Energy Challenge is helping students learn about turning off lights, saving energy and protecting the environment 8 Watch the video: Creating Green Schools
Greening requirements Educational Specifications - sustainability principals Environmental education, Healthy school environment, Cost reduction Communication of goals Teaching and learning Outdoor education Site layout Resource efficiency and conservation Acoustics Daylighting Indoor air quality Thermal comfort Alignment with local plans Recycling Commissioning Water 9 Design Standards – more specificity LEED Silver certification
Steps Decide what you have and want – e.g. a garden, a utility kiosk, an outdoor classroom, food education spaces Understand the design process – know when you can influence the design 10 Engage your design team – ask questions, tell them what you want and they can incorporate your ideas Plan for now and the future – build your team for today and when your new school opens
School Survey What green programs are currently going on at your school? What green physical features are currently in place at your school? What green programs do you want at your new school? What green physical features do you want at your new school? 12
Resources Baltimore City Public Schools Sustainability home page (public) Sustainability home page (City Schools Inside) Resource Guide for Going Green in City Schools urceGuideForGoingGreen_CitySchools_2014.pdf 10 Steps to Healthy, High Performance Schools – US Green Building Council MD Chapter & American Institute of Architects Baltimore 20Steps%20to%20Healthy%20High%20Performing%20Schools_USGBC_AIA.pdf 13 All will be in a binder at each school
More Resources School Greening in Baltimore City: The Investment and Its Value %20Greening%20in%20Baltimore%20City%20Investment_2013_07%20Final.pdf Center for Green Schools of the US Green Building Council 14 MAEOE Green Schools Awards Program links to successful City Schools applications Maryland Environmental Literacy Standards ograms/environment/
Next meeting Who else should be here? When shall we meet? What do we want for our new school? Review the survey. What are the Green, Healthy, Smart Challenge grants? What is the MAEOE Green School Awards program? What are the Maryland Environmental Literacy Standards? 15