ATMOSFERSKA KEMIJA Dio slika je iz kolegija koji je prošle godine vodio prof. Udo Frieß, Institut za fiziku okoliša Ruprecht-Karls Sveučilišta u Heidelbergu.
NO 2 pollution levels in Europe, from January 2003 to June 2004.
Claude Monet, 1900 Great London smog of 1952
Inversion Smoke rising in Lochcarron is stopped by an overlying layer of warmer air.Lochcarron
Katabatic wind
James Lovelock
Dichlorodifluoromethane, CFC-12, Freon 12 Trichlorofluoromethane, CFC- 11, Freon 11
Nitrous oxide
+ + Formation of Hydroxyl Radicals Ozone: O 3 Molecular Oxygen: O 2 Excited Oxygen Atom: O( 1 D) Water Vapor: H 2 O Hydroxyl Radical: OH Add NaCl particles to chamber Add humid air to a relative humidity above NaCl deliquescence point CE M MC T water regulated temperature control CPC DMA gas inlet P, T, %RH 560L Stainless Steel and Aluminum Chamber FTIR Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) Aerosol Generation and Measurement Atmospheric Pressure Ionization Mass Spec (API-MS) Spectrometer Q1Q3 Xe lam p photolysis lamps Spectrometer Aerosol Chamber (Top View) Add ozone Photolyze at 254 nm (generate OH radicals) Measure gaseous reactants and products using FTIR, DOAS, and API- MS. Aerosol interfacial chemistry Barbara J. Finlayson-Pitts UC Irvine, 1997 Slide by Eladio Knipping
O 3, H 2 O 2 OH O 3, H 2 O 2 OH + Cl – Known Aqueous Phase Chemistry Cl 2 Potential Surface Reactions OH Cl – + OH Cl – Cl – OHO3O3 2 OH – Cl 2 Proposed Mechanism for Cl 2 Production Knipping,, Lakin, Foster Jungwirth, Tobias, Gerber, Dabdub, Finlayson-Pitts, Science, April 2000 IRVINE-PRAGUE-JERUSALEM collaboration
ATMO 689: Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry Fall 2007 Instructor: Dr. Gunnar Schade 1 Definitions; Review of periodic table and electron configurations 2 Radiation and spectroscopy review; O 2 and O 3 photolysis 3 Kinetics; Basic atmo-chemistry reactions: CO, CH 4, O 3, NO y, HO x, lifetimes 4 Atmospheric CO, CH 4, and NO x budgets 5 NO x and HO x cycling in the troposphere 6 Analytical instrumentation for basic air quality measurements; mid term exam 7 Review of Organic Chemistry 8 Tropospheric hydrocarbon chemistry 9 Photochemical ozone pollution; NO y -chemistry 10 Tropospheric sulfur chemistry, atmospheric sulfur cycle 11 Atmospheric aerosols I 12 Atmospheric Aerosols II; Stratospheric Chemistry I 13 Stratospheric Chemistry II 14 Special Topic and Review 15 Review and final exam