Process Essays English Writing 此簡報可能會牽涉到聽眾的討論 活動,也就是所謂的執行項目。 因此在進行簡報時﹐可充份利用 PowerPoint 來記錄這些執行項 目: 於投影片放映狀態按下滑鼠右鍵 選取〔會議記錄簿〕 選取〔執行項目〕 標籤 將出現的意見都記錄於此 按下〔確定〕以結束此對話方塊.


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Presentation transcript:

Process Essays English Writing 此簡報可能會牽涉到聽眾的討論 活動,也就是所謂的執行項目。 因此在進行簡報時﹐可充份利用 PowerPoint 來記錄這些執行項 目: 於投影片放映狀態按下滑鼠右鍵 選取〔會議記錄簿〕 選取〔執行項目〕 標籤 將出現的意見都記錄於此 按下〔確定〕以結束此對話方塊 在簡報進行到最後時 ﹐ PowerPoint 將會自動的建立一 個執行項目投影片﹐並將你所記 錄的內容顯示在該投影片上

Process Instruction How do you do it? How to prepare a Christmas dinner Explanation What should be done? How to apply for a graduate school.

Directive process essays Gives step-by-step directions or instructions. How to write a book report. Usually addresses the reader as ‘you’. ‘You’ is implied.

Directive process essays: organization Introductory paragraph Thesis statement Body paragraph 0: Preparation A B C Body paragraph 1: Step1 Body paragraph 2: Step2 Body paragraph 3: Step3 Conclusion paragraph

Directive process: How to Find Items at eBay Introductory paragraph Thesis statement: There's a world of great things to buy at eBay—from antiques to electronics to collectibles of all types. And there are two easy ways to find them: browsing and searching. Paragraph 1: (Preparation) Registration Method of payment Paragraph 2: (Step 1)Browsing Browsing is clicking through categories and lists of items until you find what you're interested in. Paragraph 3: (Step 2) Searching If you know exactly what you're looking for, just type a few words into the search box on the Home page and you'll get a list of relevant items.Home page Conclusion paragraph

Directive process: How to Sell Items at eBay Introductory paragraph Thesis statement: It is easy and convenient to strike a deal at eBay as long as you follow the following steps. Preparation (Body paragraph 1) Register at eBay Choose the method of payment Steps Fill out the form (Body paragraph 2) Communicate with your customers (Body paragraph 3) Receive your payment (Body paragraph 4) Ship the item (Body paragraph 5) Get feedback (Body paragraph 6) Conclusion paragraph

Informative process essays Explains how things are done by providing information Tell readers what has taken place or what is taking place Do not need to use ‘you’. Not necessarily a step-by-step guide

Informative process essays: organization Introductory paragraph Thesis statement Background/context A B C Development (narrative) A B C Conclusion paragraph

Directive vs. Informative Directive What to do in the future Step-by-step instructions Informative What has taken place What is taking place Chronological explanation Require a lot of explanation

How to make a cup of Caf é Latte Topic sentencence Coffee beans, coffee machines and dairy products usually identify a cup of good coffee. Steps First of all, coffee beans are the soul of Caf é Latte. The best choice of coffee beans is Arabica because its quality remains steady and conforms one ’ s flavor to the popularity. Next is coffee machine. Finally, dairy products are the best coffee mate for Caf é’ Latte, for example, milk and fresh cream. Conclusion Whether you choose any kinds of products, it will become a cup of delicious coffee that you like. Let ’ s have a piece of cake. Sure, it is a good idea.

How to make a cup of Caf é Latte Drinking a cup of coffee in free time seems to be the fashion. Whether in coffee bars or in outdoor coffee tables, it become ordinary in Taiwan. According to statistics, the female consumers show much favor to a cup of Caf é Latte especially for breakfast. Coffee beans, coffee machines and dairy products usually identify a cup of good coffee. First of all, coffee beans are the soul of Caf é Latte. Arabica, Liberica and Robusta are the three most productive coffee beans in the world. They have one characteristic common that they produce from tropic countries, for example, Brazil and Columbia. The best choice of three coffee beans is Arabica because its quality remains steady and conforms one ’ s flavor to the popularity. The others taste bitter and unsmooth because their caffeine is three times Arabica ’ s. Next is coffee machine. There are many kinds of coffee machines we have to use it. Taking a coffee mill grinds the coffee beans into fine grind, the finest powder, for espresso. We use espresso to be the base of a Caf é Latte, and then pour water that is suitable for the temperature into a coffee maker with finest grinder. Waiting until the powder dissolved in water completely and become a model of a Caf é Latte. In the meantime, we can sugar the coffee, which add from coffee sugar or crystal sugar. Finally, dairy products are the best coffee mate for Caf é’ Latte, for example, milk and fresh cream. Milk is suitable for any changes for coffee so we blend milk and coffee together. Fresh cream and other perfumes such as a cinnamon use to decorates with Caf é’ Latte. Whether you choose any kinds of products, it will become a cup of delicious coffee that you like. Let ’ s have a piece of cake. Sure, it is a good idea.

Remember … Explain clearly Use transitional expressions. After, then, next, subsequently, before, to begin with, the last step, Don’t list the steps. Explain the steps. Do not use too many imperatives. Narrate the steps.