What are the four classes of arthropods?


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Presentation transcript:

What are the four classes of arthropods? How do they differ? How are they similar? What are the three parts of an insect? What are the two parts of an arachnid? How do millipedes and centipedes differ? How are arthropods different then an annelid? What are examples of annelids? What class and/or phyla do each of the pictures below belong to?

What is the phylum of the top picture What are two characteristics of that phylum? What is the phylum of the second picture? What is the opening at the top called? How do they eat? What is the phylum of the third picture? What does its name mean? What is the phylum and class of the fourth picture? How do they obtain food? What is the phylum of the fifth picture? Why is more advanced then the ones above? What is the phylum and class of the sixth picture? Why is that organisms different then the others in its phylum? What is the phylum of the last picture? What body form is it? What are its stinging cells called?

5/13 What does echinoderm mean? What are characteristics of echinoderms? What is the water vascular system? Explain the parts of the water vascular system. Why are echinoderms more advanced then the other phyla? What are examples of echinoderms?

A B 1. What is the difference between a Vertebrate and Invertebrate?  2. What type of symmetry do each of the following have?   3.           What phylum and class do each of the above belong to? 4. Which is most Advanced? Why? 5. Which of the pictures below is a closed circulatory system. 6. Which organisms have A? B? 7. What makes a cephalopod different the other mollusks? A B

INVERTEBRATE REFLECTION “My Favorite Invertebrate” Write a short essay describing your favorite invertebrate. Be scientific and explain everything in detail!!! You must include the following: What kingdom the phylum belongs to Symmetry Systems (circulatory, digestive, nervous) How it moves How it eats Special characteristics and anatomical features WHY it is your favorite Suggestions for Organization: Paragraph 1: Identify the kingdom, phylum, and give examples. Paragraph 2: Identify characteristics of the invertebrate External and internal anatomy Systems (circulatory digestive, etc.) Paragraph 3:

Rubric: Content 1 2 3 4 Style 1 2 3 4 Organization 1 2 3 4 Focus 1 6 12 18 Conventions 1 2 3 4   Total ___/30 points

Name as many kingdoms, phyla and classes that you can in these pictures and explain each

Echinoderms “Spiny Skinned”

Live in salt water http://www.7thfloormedia.com/projects/safari/3DTouchTank/3dlib/purple.mov

Characteristics *Reproduce sexually *Simple nervous system *Radial Symmetry

Capable of regeneration

*Endoskeleton (Internal Skeleton) ·Water Vascular System (carry food and water; contain tube feet)

Tube Feet: Like suction cups, aid in movement

Pictures of Tube Feet

Examples Three Classes Starfish Sea Cucumbers Sea Urchins