Scientific Method Class Experiment/Mini Board Project Notes Berrios-Chacon 8 th Grade Science
Scientific Method A series of planned steps used to answer questions and to solve problems Used in any science experiment or project. Used everyday since you were born.
8 Steps of the Scientific Method Q uestion O bservation I nference H ypothesis E xperiment R esults A nalysis C onclusion Q ueens O ffer I ndians H elp E ating R aspberries A nd C herries
Scientific Method Q uestion O bservation I nference H ypothesis E xperiment R esults A nalysis C onclusion What do you want to know? Use 5 senses (6 senses for girls) Prior knowledge If/then/because statement Test/Procedures Data Organize data (graph) What did you find out?
Does the amount of Alka Sletzer affect the time it takes to react? Question
Observation… Alka Seltzer is white in color Smooth texture Powdery surface Circular Shape Brittle Fild cannnister is plastic/smooth texture Cylinder in shape Transparent Has Removalbe lid Inference…. Alka Seltzer is used to medicate stomach problems Dissolves in water Alka Seltzer cause chemical reaction Even the smallest amount of Alka Seltzer can cause a chemical reactino.
Hypothesis If the amount of Alka Selzter is increased, then the reaction time will decrease because very small amounts of Ala Selzter causes a chemical reaction.
Materials Alka Seltzer –¼ Tablet –½ Tablet –1 whole Tablet 1 cup of water 3 Plastic film cannisters Stop Watch Journal Pencil
Experiment Control -A standard for comparison in an experiment. -all the components that are kept the same. Variable A changeable factor in a controlled investigation. - Only one variable should be tested at a time during an experiment!
2 Types of Variables 1.Independent Variables - the variable we change 2. Dependent Variables -the thing being measured
Identify Variables Independent: (What are we changing/testing?) The amount of Alka Selzter Dependent: (what are we measuring?) The reaction time ( The time it takes to explode)
Controls for Experiment The things that MUST remain the same for your experiment to be valid 1.Amount and Temperature of Water 2. Size of canisters 3. Brand of Alka Seltzer 4. Location 5. Environmental Factors
Experiment/Procedures 1. Pour water into canister half full. 2. Place canister on flat surface. 3. Carefully drop ¼ tablet inside canister, quickly close lid, stand back, start timer. 4. Observe 5. Take final time when canister pops. 6. Record results 7. Repeat steps 1-6 for all other tablet amounts
Time to go blow stuff up!!..... Because it’s Science!
Results ¼ Tablet½ Tablet1 Tablet 18 Seconds7 Seconds4 Seconds
Making Graphs -Use a straight edge -Title the Graph -Include values of pie slices or bars -Color -Label your axis.
DRY/MIX D R Y M I X ependent esults -axis odify ndependent -axis
Analysis/Graph Time (Seconds) Amount of Alka Seltzer ¼ Tablet½ Tablet 1 Tablet 18 Seconds 4 Seconds 7 Seconds BOOM!!
Conclusion Paragraph Form 3 rd person What does the data tell us? Was the hypothesis correct? Were any mistakes made? How could we change the experiment in the future? What was learned from this experiment? How can we apply this to real life?
Conclusion (Paragraph Form) After running the experiment, it was evident that as the amount of Alka Seltzer increased, there was a decrease in reaction time. The hypothesis was correct. The whole Alka seltzer had the fastest reaction time. There were no errors in the experiment. In the future, the scientist will add more trials, test more amounts, and may also change the independent variable to water. This experiment would be beneficial in medicine and help create public awareness about the increased effects and possible rapid treatment of stomach problems in people.
Introduction Checklist Written in paragraph form 3 rd Person Question Observations Inferences Hypothesis Independent Variable Dependent Variable Research