Section 21, Sailing Safety
Figure 21–1 Quick-stop Maneuver Stay cool, calm down. With proper maintenance, planning, and equipment, you can take care of emergencies more efficiently and minimize further damage. Keep lookout, be aware of your location and surroundings, weather conditions and forecasts. Figure 21–1 Quick-stop Maneuver
Figure 21–2 Lifesling®
Figure 21–3 Recovery Using Lifesling
Figure 21–4 Lifting Tackle
Thee reason to use a second winch or block is to remove yourself from the snap of the line if it should happen to part. Figure 21–5 Kedging Off
Supplemental Illustrations Section 21 Supplemental Illustrations
Heat Escape Lessening Position (H.E.L.P.)
Safety Harness
Wooden Plugs for plugging Seacocks in emergency
Applying a “Norseman” Fitting to the end of a Wire Cable
End of Section 21 Slides