November 7, Transition Planning 1.Purpose & Scope 2.Phase List 3.Key Assumptions 4.Transition – Phase by Phase
November 7, Purpose & Scope Purpose: Define the activities, roles and responsibilities associated with transitioning the software and operations responsibilities from Ball to other program organizations for the COS and WFC3 programs. Scope: Transition plan covers the time period from instrument testing at Ball through on-orbit verification in sufficient detail to permit planning and acquisition of the resources necessary to be successful at each phase.
November 7, Gradual transition over multiple phases provides effective transfer of knowledge Phase List: 1.Instrument integration and functional testing for end-to-end system level verification 2.Environmental Testing & Calibration 3.VEST Testing 4.Servicing Mission & On-orbit Verification
November 7, Key Assumptions COS: Environmental test activities will be split between Ball and GSFC Thermal Vacuum testing at Ball, Acoustics & EMI at Goddard Funding will be available for approximately 3 Ball SW/Ops staff for a year after instrument delivery SI delivery date: November 2002 Flight software maintenance & operations transition: after VEST WFC3: Instrument integration and functional testing phase will start in Colorado and finish in Maryland Ball funded SW/Ops staff terminates support at delivery of flight detectors to Goddard (December 2002) SI delivery date: August 2002 Flight software maintenance & operations transition: during Phase 1
November 7, Instrument Integration & Functional Test Phase Phase Description: Instrument assembly completed with all flight components installed. In some cases surrogate assemblies may substitute for the flight parts. The phase is complete when system level functional testing and initial calibration prove compliance with CEI specification requirements. Agency with Primary Responsibility & Location: COS: Ball will be responsible for these activities to be performed in Boulder CO. WFC3: Component electrical, mechanical and optical integration will be performed at Ball. Integration of flight detectors & optical bench with enclosure will be accomplished at Goddard.
November 7, COS Instrument Integration & Functional Test Phase Teams List & Personnel: Colorado Flight Software : Chris Dorato (Lead), Robert Gillett, Linda Krauze Non-Flight Software: Dina Demara, Stephane Beland Software Test & Certification: Denise Miller (Lead), Steve Pitts, Gary Wilberger, Ken Brownsberger, Tina Fredo Instrument Operations: Sue Ross (Lead), Linda Remstad, Hugh Murphy, Ken Brownsberger Instrument Database: Chris Blue SITS: TBD Ron Barasch will plan this group On-Site Program Support: Randy Stevens, Michelle Troeltzsch Software Quality Assurance & Configuration Management: Soraya Fowler, Justin Ahrens STScI Command Development & Engineering Support: Wayne Baggett, Marsha Allan, Tom Wheeler
November 7, WFC3 Instrument Integration & Functional Test Phase Teams List & Personnel: CO Flight Software : Chris Dorato (Lead), Gavin Payne, Dominic Florin, Jason Held, JP MD Flight Software : Brian Rehm, TBD CO Timing Pattern Development & Maintenance: Ron Shrein MD Timing Pattern Development & Maintenance: TBD CO Non-Flight Software: Dina Demara, Jeff Pugliano MD Non-Flight Software: TBD Software Testing & Certification: Denise Miller (Lead), Steve Pitts, Gary Wilberger, Brian McLaughlin, Lockheed Martin Instrument Operations: Tim Schoeneweis (Lead), Todd Barto, Jeff Pugliano Instrument Database: Adam Thodey SITS: TBD Ron Barasch will plan this group On-Site Program Support: Randy Stevens, Michelle Troeltzsch CO Software QA & Configuration Management: Soraya Fawler, Justin Aherns MD Software QA & Configuration Management: TBD STScI Command Development & Engineering Support: Olivia Lupie, TBD, Tom Wheeler
November 7, Activities Performed, Products Developed & Personnel Resources: SW/Ops Test Benches: COS – both benches & SITS strings stay in Colorado for this phase WFC3 – ship one bench & one SITS with instrument Software maintenance: COS – CO flight and non-flight software groups w/ CM build support WFC3 – transition period between optical bench & detector shipments. Colorado retains overall responsibility through end of phase. Software component & qualification testing: COS & WFC3 – completed before SI shipment w/ Colorado test teams Software configuration control board (CCB): Called for changes to SW requirements & for SCRs after SW FQT COS & WFC3 – CO & MD software, CM & QA groups as needed Additional support provided by Colorado University & STScI Instrument Integration & Functional Test Phase
November 7, Instrument Integration & Functional Test Phase Activities Performed, Products Developed & Personnel Resources: Instrument operations & database maintenance including: Database deliveries to the PRD office w/ certification status System Functional Test procedure w/ servicing msn AT/FT System FT post test data analysis and data archive procedure Instrument operations support for I&T COS – Colorado operations and database team at Ball WFC3 – Colorado operations and database teams support activities at Ball and GSFC Training: WFC3 – Colorado will provide flight software training to the Maryland group
November 7, Instrument Integration & Functional Test Phase Activities Performed, Products Developed & Personnel Resources: Software Test Anomaly Review Board for CTAR & WTAR: Problem tracking for issues found during SW development & test using the SW/Ops test benches Software issues result in Software Change Requests Database issues result in Database Change Request Electronics and other hardware issues result in TBD COS & WFC3 – All Colorado teams as required System Test Anomaly Review Board for TAWS & HAR: Problem tracking for issues found during system level testing on FHW Software issues result in Software Change Requests and are approved by the Software CCB (and it’s associated members) Database issues result in Database Change Request Electronics and other hardware issues result in TBD COS & WFC3 – All Colorado teams as required
November 7, Instrument Integration & Functional Test Phase Activities Performed, Products Developed & Personnel Resources: STScI Timing Test & SMS Integration: Provides time-to-complete information for all stored commands Supports test & verification of Institute stored command processing COS & WFC3 – Tom Wheeler & Institute commando team with Colorado operations support as required. Science Data Image Generation : Simulated and detector image data for Institute Back End system testing COS: details defined in STScI Memo of Understanding – Nov 30, 2000 WFC3: details define in STScI Memo of Understanding – TBD COS – Colorado operations team WFC3 – Colorado operations team transition to MD operations team
November 7, Instrument Integration & Functional Test Phase Activities Performed, Products Developed & Personnel Resources: Software & Operations Documentation: Overall responsibility transitions when the instrument is delivered Responsible individuals for specific documents may stay the same COS – Transition responsibility to Maryland at the end of this phase WFC3 – will transition overall responsibility during this phase as defined in the next two pages.
November 7, Instrument Integration & Functional Test Phase Activities Performed, Products Developed & Personnel Resources: WFC3 SW/Ops Document ListColorado RITransition Needed Maryland RI DM-01 SI Commands ListAdam ThodeyYesTBD DM-02 Engineering Data ListAdam ThodeyYesTBD DM-03 FSW Documentation - Unit Development Folders - Users Manual: * Initial – August 2002 * Final – December 2002 Chris Dorato - Yes TBD DM-04 GSE SoftwareChris DoratoNo
November 7, Instrument Integration & Functional Test Phase Activities Performed, Products Developed & Personnel Resources: WFC3 SW/Ops Document ListColorado RITransition Needed Maryland RI DM-05 Command DefinitionMike DraugelisYesTBD DM-06 Science Data FormatAdam ThodeyYesTBD DM-07 FSW Test PlanDenise MillerNo DM-08 FSW Test ProcedureDenise MillerNo DM-14 Telemetry Calibration ListAdam ThodeyYesTBD OP-04 Constraints And RestrictionsTodd BartoNoTodd Barto OP-04 Operations LimitationsTodd BartoNoTodd Barto
November 7, Environmental Testing & Calibration Phase Phase Description: Instrument testing for material and workmanship verification. This phase also provides for instrument & data processing calibration within the limits of ground system environment. The phase is complete when the three tests listed below have been completed. Agency with Primary Responsibility & Location: COS: Ball will be responsible for instrument level Thermal Vacuum. Acoustics & EMI testing will be conducted by Goddard personnel in Maryland. WFC3: GSFC is wholly responsible for this phase.
November 7, Environmental Testing & Calibration Phase Activities Performed, Products Developed & Personnel Resources : SW/Ops Test Benches: COS: Ship one SW/Ops test bench & one SITS with the SI. WFC3: One bench remains at Ball to support operations (TV SMS dry runs) Software Maintenance: COS: Colorado will retain responsibility for flight software throughout this phase. WFC3: flight software maintenance will be controlled by GSFC. Colorado can provide additional support if needed. Operations: COS: Colorado operations team through TV and delivery to GSFC. Will need additional support on SI delivery to GSFC. WFC3: Need to create an operations team at Goddard. Tim Schoeneweis is short term travel, Jeff Pugliano is long term travel, Todd Barto is TBD.
November 7, VEST Testing Phase To Be Supplied Later
November 7, Servicing Mission & On-Orbit Verification Phase To Be Supplied Later