How to write an essay Level 2
Essay writing Why is essay writing SO exciting? Can you think of a time when you will need to be able to write down your ideas and thoughts clearly?
Essay Writing The most important step is choosing a question. Choose a question that you understand and that suits our poetry.
The word ‘analyse’ The word ‘analyse’ is found in most essay questions. ‘Analyse’ means to write about several techniques the poet uses, such as: Figurative language Sound devices
Answering the question What are the key words in the question? Which techniques could you write about? Figurative language, sound devices, structural devices
Planning your answer Brainstorm your answer! Decide which language techniques best fit the topic. You need at least 3 examples per paragraph.
Paragraph Structure Each middle paragraph needs: A topic sentence (a sentence that uses words from the essay question and answers the question directly) The specific technique you will be writing about How the technique was used and why the poet used it
The Exemplar file:///C:\Users\sel\Documents\Year%2012\90378-exp-08-excellence.pdf
For EACH of the texts, analyse how language techniques shaped your attitude toward ONE OR TWO characters or individuals.
Planning your answer – Example (Middle Paragraph 1) Topic Sentence Technique How and Why Furthermore (This shows…) Concluding statement The extended metaphor Farme uses in “The Linesman” encourages me to see that the observer is insecure rather than sinister. The extended metaphor is that of the linesmans safety harness being his support base. The linesman is way up high “dependant upon his safety belt:trusting in it” where as the observer is watching from the ground trusting no-one. We know that the observer is jealous because of the linesman’s “position of comfort and security” through personal pronoun when she says “you see I was hoping he might fall.” This shows us the observer has been let down by those she trusted and depended on. This has made her too insecure to take part in her own life, she wants the linesman to be let down by his safety belt so that he too will be at the same level as her. This extended metaphor that Frame uses makes me feel sorry for the observer as she is too afraid of letting anyone in incase she is let down again. It makes me realise how easy it is for people to be let down repeatedly and to become secluded, not trusting and alone like the observer. I understand the observers jealousy at the linesman’s safety niche because I like everyone can relate to being let down by friends or family at least once in my lifetime.
Let’s plan! We have looked at the Excellence Exemplar Let us look at our essay plan.
Planning the answer for our essay. Topic Sentence Technique How and Why Furthermore (This shows…) Concluding statement A language feature that helped me see war was a great honour is positive connotation ‘gentleness’ ‘friends’ ‘dreams’ ‘hearts at peace’ ‘heaven’ Rupert Brooke used positive connotation how himself, as narrator, views dying at war. He also uses personal pronouns to show that dying in war is honourable. “if I should die..” He sees dying for one’s country as an honourable. He writes through metaphor that in death he is ‘rich’; “there shall be in that rich earth a richer dust concealed”. The ‘richer dust’ are his bones, considered rich because he belongs to England. The use of positive connotation, personal pronoun and metaphor enabled me to see that Brooke so dying as a great honour rather than a gruesome experience. The word ‘rich’ allows me to see that he thinks soldiers are rich even in death. The tone of the poem is very patriotic and enabled me to see that the narrator had not experienced war in the same way Wilfred Owen had.
Planning your answer Look at the Excellence exemplar again. Notice that the structure is the same (some minor differences). Our essay: Try filling out the grid in your folder for the 2nd middle paragraph. Think about the resurrection, baptism…………
The Conclusion The purpose of your conclusion is to provide a persuasive and satisfying end to your essay. Your conclusion needs: The titles and poets’ name A summary of the points you have made previously
Essay Checklist The titles and poets’ names are in the introduction The title has capital letters and is in quotation marks. There is an introduction, four middle paragraphs and a conclusion
Essay Checklist There is one clear topic sentence used at the beginning of each middle paragraph The conclusion summarises the main ideas and does not contain new information or ideas The essay is clear, easy to understand, and persuasive
Essays – Marking Schedule Not Achieved Achieved Merit Excellence Analysis Too much plot summary. Vague or unclear. No reference to specific details in the text. Doesn’t address the question. Simplistic or under-developed ideas. Too short (less than 250 words). Addresses all parts of the question. Analyses how each technique is used and why it has been used this way (at least three techniques analysed). The main idea of is identified using more than one word. Addresses fully all parts of the question. Analyses each technique in depth; how it is used and explains exactly why it has been used this way. Ideas are developed in each middle paragraph and in conclusion. As of Merit, plus: - refer to director’s purpose - provide a sophisticated personal response (from a reader’s point of view) -make an evaluative statement about the techniques - show a very good understanding of the techniques and how and why they were used Evidence Not enough quotes/examples from the text. Evidence used does not support each point being made. Each middle paragraph contains evidence (examples or quotes) from each of the texts. Each middle paragraph contains appropriate, comprehensive evidence (multiple examples or quotes) that supports each point. Quotes and examples are integrated throughout the whole essay. Every piece of evidence used is analysed extremely well.