1 MTAC WORKGROUP 111 Status Update Nov 1, 2006
2 Work Group 111 Charter Issue Statement: Identify gaps, define solutions, highlight benefits, and improve education and communications to promote PostalOne! usage by Mail Service Providers, such as but not limited to lettershops, presort bureaus, fulfillment companies, and consolidators. Impact on Other Issues/Procedures This new initiative will affect and require changes to current business processes. Some of the impacted organizations or functional areas are identified as, but not limited to: USPS Business Mail Acceptance Lettershops/Mail Service Providers Mail Owners Software Providers
3 Work Group 111 Charter 1. Identify gaps that inhibit transition from paper postage statements and documentation to electronic statements and documentation by Mail Service Providers. 2. Design solutions to facilitate adoption of PostalOne! by Mail Service Providers that integrates processes across the pertinent stakeholders to include the USPS, Mail Service Providers and the Mail Owners. 3. Identify and promote benefits of PostalOne! among Mail Service Providers and Mail Owners. 4. Improve education and communications about PostalOne! among Mail Service Providers and Mail Owners. 5. Improve education within USPS on Mail Service Provider operations and how these operations interface with PostalOne! 6. Have Software providers develop software which interfaces with Postal One providing a user friendly environment for Mail Service Providers. Desired Results: The workgroup will focus on the following
4 Initial Meeting Agenda 1.Introduction of Participants 2.Review of Work Group Charter 3.PostalOne! What’s available and What’s Planned eDocumentation/ePostage Process Review Customer Application Process Data Exchange Overview Software Certification 4.Open Discussion 5. Issues List, Next Steps and sub Group tasks/assignments
5 MTAC WORKGROUP 111 Action Items 1.Need a timeline for future PostalOne! functionality by release date 2.Define current software providers capabilities 3.Issues concerning the need and transition strategy for replacing the physical certification of postage with an electronic “Round Stamp” 4.Develop communication products and processes for Mail Service Providers to facilitate customer adoption of PostalOne! 5.Ensure PostalOne! supports consolidated standard mail postage statements
6 Action Items (continued) 6.Provide a list of Best Practices on applying for and using PostalOne! 7.Develop the ability for PostalOne! to communicate back to the mailer (i.e., acknowledge the receipt of postage statements and documentation). 8.Identify and resolve issues concerning the development of PostalOne! requirements for all mailers (i.e, Optional Procedure Mailers). 9.Field employees at all levels need to provide adequate, correct and consistent information on PostalOne! MTAC WORKGROUP 111