The Hand That Was Wounded For Me 1-4 The hand that was nailed to the cross of woe, In love reaches down to the world below; ‘Tis beckoning now to the souls.


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Presentation transcript:

The Hand That Was Wounded For Me 1-4 The hand that was nailed to the cross of woe, In love reaches down to the world below; ‘Tis beckoning now to the souls that roam, And pointing the way to the heav’nly home. The hand of my Savior I see, (Savior I see,) (See, I see,) The hand that was wounded for me: (was wounded for me;) (for me,) ‘Twill lead me in love to the mansions above, The hand that was wounded for me! (was wounded for me!) The hand that was nailed to the cross of woe, In love reaches down to the world below; ‘Tis beckoning now to the souls that roam, And pointing the way to the heav’nly home. The hand of my Savior I see, (Savior I see,) (See, I see,) The hand that was wounded for me: (was wounded for me;) (for me,) ‘Twill lead me in love to the mansions above, The hand that was wounded for me! (was wounded for me!) Words by Hattie Pierson & Fred Morris / Music by D. B. Towner

The Hand That Was Wounded For Me 2-4 E’en now I can see, thru a mist of tears, That hand still out stretched o’er a gulf of years, With healing and hope for my sin-sick soul; One touch of its finger will make me whole. The hand of my Savior I see, (Savior I see,) (See, I see,) The hand that was wounded for me: (was wounded for me;) (for me,) ‘Twill lead me in love to the mansions above, The hand that was wounded for me! (was wounded for me!) E’en now I can see, thru a mist of tears, That hand still out stretched o’er a gulf of years, With healing and hope for my sin-sick soul; One touch of its finger will make me whole. The hand of my Savior I see, (Savior I see,) (See, I see,) The hand that was wounded for me: (was wounded for me;) (for me,) ‘Twill lead me in love to the mansions above, The hand that was wounded for me! (was wounded for me!)

The Hand That Was Wounded For Me 3-4 The hand that wrought wonders in days of old Holds treasure more precious than gems of gold: The price of redemption from sin and shame, The gift of salvation thru Jesus name. The hand of my Savior I see, (Savior I see,) (See, I see,) The hand that was wounded for me: (was wounded for me;) (for me,) ‘Twill lead me in love to the mansions above, The hand that was wounded for me! (was wounded for me!) The hand that wrought wonders in days of old Holds treasure more precious than gems of gold: The price of redemption from sin and shame, The gift of salvation thru Jesus name. The hand of my Savior I see, (Savior I see,) (See, I see,) The hand that was wounded for me: (was wounded for me;) (for me,) ‘Twill lead me in love to the mansions above, The hand that was wounded for me! (was wounded for me!)

The Hand That Was Wounded For Me 4-4 Triumphant thru grace I shall some day stand, With Jesus at home on that golden strand, His face in its beauty at last to see, My hand in the hand that was pierced for me. The hand of my Savior I see, (Savior I see,) (See, I see,) The hand that was wounded for me: (was wounded for me;) (for me,) ‘Twill lead me in love to the mansions above, The hand that was wounded for me! (was wounded for me!) Triumphant thru grace I shall some day stand, With Jesus at home on that golden strand, His face in its beauty at last to see, My hand in the hand that was pierced for me. The hand of my Savior I see, (Savior I see,) (See, I see,) The hand that was wounded for me: (was wounded for me;) (for me,) ‘Twill lead me in love to the mansions above, The hand that was wounded for me! (was wounded for me!)