Personification Giving human traits to nonhuman things Examples: The raindrops kissed my cheeks as they fell from the dark blue sky. The sun smiled as the children played in its warmth. The car engine coughed and gagged as the driver attempted to start the ancient car. The firefighters wrestled with time as they extinguished the burning blazes.
Personification “Paper Dragons” In March, kites bite the wind And shake their paper scales. They strain against their fiber chains To free their dragon tails. What line(s) is an example of personification?
Personification “April Rain Song” Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops Let the rain sing you a lullaby. The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk. The rain makes running pools in the gutter. The rain plays a little sleep-song on our roof at night— And I love the rain. Langston Hughes
Personification “Foghorns” The foghorns moaned in the bay last night so sad so deep I thought I heard the city crying in its sleep. Lilian Moore
Personification “Check” The Night was creeping on the ground! She crept, and did not make a sound Until she reached the tree: And then She covered it, and stole again Along the grass, beside the wall! I heard the rustling of her shawl As she threw blackness everywhere Along the sky, the ground, the air, And in the room where I was hid! But no matter what she did To everything that was without, She could not put my candle out!
Personification “City, City” City, city Wrong and bad, Looms above me When I’m sad, Throws its shadow On my care, Sheds its poison In my air, Pounds me with its Noisy fist, Sprays me with its Sooty mist. Till, with sadness On my face, I wouldn’t live Another place.
Personification “Sunrise” The city YAWNS And rubs its eyes, Like baking bread Begins to rise.
Personification “City” In the morning the city Spreads its wings Making a song In stone that sings In the evening the city Goes to bed Hanging lights About its head.