12/12/2013 Cluster Workshop on Cybersecurity 1 Michele Bezzi (SAP) Kazim Hussain (ATOS) SecCord & CYSPA Projects
Introduction Objective: build together a map of current projects along three dimensions: Cybersecurity objective (as extracted from EU Cybersecurity Strategy), Target sector/s Technology readiness
Cybersecurity dimension Map the project according concepts extract from Strategic Priorities and Actions of EU Cybersecurity Strategy Document. om/cf/dae/document.cfm?doc_id=1667 (see details in the appendix) 9/5/20153
CSP Forum Event: XXXXXX Project Information Sharing Risk Management Incident Reporting Public-Private Partnership Cyber-incidents simulation Raising Awareness NIS Education and Training Legal Framework Forensic tools Threat analysis Secure Internet for children Cyberdefence Transparency about security Security Labels (Certification) Security Economics Coordination ResearchAgendas Cryptography Confidence Building (trust) Data Protection Preventing mass- surveillance/censorship International Cooperation Other (security) tools.Specify in one-word ASSERT4SOA Secure service discovery SecCord PoSecCo ….. …
Sector dimension Map project to (primary) sectors impacted (use- cases, pilot, main target of the technology, partners,…) Provide one word description per sector If Sector not listed: add it under “Other” If “Cross-Cutting” provide one-word description of the technology 9/5/2015 CSP Forum Event: XXXXXX 5
Primary Target Sectors 9/5/20156 Project TransporteGovEnergyICTFinanceHealth Other (specify) Cross- Cutting ASSERT4SOA Certification for services Certified Marketplace Defense Secure service discovery PoSecCo ….
Technology readiness dimension Map project to Technology readiness, based on the levels (see next slide) Technology Readiness typically evolve during project lifetime Consider level per year Insert future years based on plan/estimation between brackets, (2014) Project finishing year in red 9/5/20157
Technology Readiness Level (adapted from NASA level) Description Technology Readiness Level Basic principles observed and reported 1 Technology concept and/or application formulated 2 Analytical and experimental critical function and/or proof of concept 3 Software component validation in testbed 4 Software component validation in a relevant environment (actual use case) 5 Software system/prototype validation in a relevant environment (pilot) 6 Software system/prototype validation in a real- world scenario (large scale pilot) 7 Actual software system completed & validation in a real-world scenario 8 Actual system ready for commercialization 9 Basic Technology Research Research to Prove Feasibility Technology Development Technology Demonstration System Development Production System
Technology Readiness 9/5/20159 Project ASSERT4SOA …. PoSecCo … Basic Technology Research Research to Prove Feasibility Technology Development Technology Demonstration System Development Production System
References NASA Technology Readiness Level, Mankins, John C. Technology Readiness Levels: A White Paper". NASA, Office of Space Access and Technology, Advanced Concepts Office. (also discussion in SecCord Deliverable D6.1)Technology Readiness Levels: A White Paper" Cybersecurity Strategy of the European Union: An Open, Safe and Secure Cyberspace - JOIN(2013) 1 final - 7/2/ Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning measures to ensure a high common level of network and information security across the Union - COM(2013) 48 final - 7/2/2013 – EN CSP Forum and SecCord 9/5/201510
Appendix Next slide provides the list of concepts extracted from EU Cybersecurity Strategy documents, and used in the map. 9/5/201511
EU Cybersecurity Strategies Priorities and concepts 1.Cyber resilience Information sharing & mutual assistance amongst NIS authorities Best practice for sharing Risk Management Incident Reporting Public-Private Partnership Cyber-incidents simulation Raising Awareness NIS Education and Training 2.Reducing cyber crime Legal framework Forensic Tools Threat Analysis Other tools NIS Training for law enforcement Better internet for children Information sharing & mutual assistance 3.Cyberdefence policy and capabilities related to the Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) Cyberdefence tools Cyberdefence policy 9/5/ Develop the industrial and technological resources for cybersecurity Transparency about security in ICT Products Security Labels (Certification) Security Economics Coordination Security Research Agendas Cryptography 5.Coherent international cyberspace policy for EU Confidence Building & transparency Data Protection Preventing mass-surveillance/censorship International cooperation