Ronald Poe Gabe Robertson Planning and Project Development Division
NDOR’s Districts
Environmental Section Environmental Permits Unit o Wetlands/404 Permitting o Threatened & Endangered Species Environmental Documents Unit o NEPA Document Delivery Technical Documents Unit o NEPA Support Document Delivery Roadside Stabilization Unit o Stormwater Permitting o Erosion Control & Landscape Design o Vegetation Management o Environmental Compliance (Construction & Maintenance)
RSU Program Goals Restoration & Re-Vegetation o Roadside compliments surrounding landscape Water Quality Initiatives o Erosion & Sediment Control o Water Quality Treatment Environmental Compliance o Ensure Commitments are being upheld Research o Yard waste compost o Wildflowers o Fertilizers o Vegetation longevity
Water Quality Permits MS4 - Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System o Programmatic Water Quality Permit NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit o Construction Sites – 1 acre or more NPDES Concrete Slurry Discharge Permit o Specific to Diamond Grinding NPDES Dewatering Permit o Pumping Groundwater NPDES Pesticide Application Permit o Spraying weeds near waterways
Compliance Timeline 1998 – First Construction Stormwater Permit 2003 – FHWA Temporary Erosion Control Process Review o Temporary Erosion Control was subsidiary prior to review 2005 – Construction Stormwater Program o NDOR/NDEQ meet to discuss stormwater program 2007 – NDEQ Approves NDOR’s 1st MS4 Permit o NDOR proposes to write permit for NDEQ’s signature 2008 – NDEQ Implements Revised Construction Stormwater Permit 2013 – NDEQ Approves NDOR’s 2nd MS4 Permit
Training Erosion Control Basics for Inspectors Erosion Control Basics for Designers Post Construction Design
Inspector Training All NDOR employees with responsibilities on construction projects o Project Managers, Technicians, Maintenance Staff All contractors responsible for installing a BMP for controlling erosion o Prime, Erosion Control, Culvert, Grading Contractors, etc… Any NDOR employee or consultant with site inspection responsibilities o Environmental staff, DECs, Management
Inspector Training 5 year certification Certification Requirements o Attend NDOR’s E&SC class o Pass Exam NDOR accepts national Certifications o CISEC, CESWII, etc… o Considering neighboring states
Site Inspections Originated with interest in reviewing erosion control BMPs Formalized with Construction Stormwater Permit requirements NEPA Process Review Action Plan Environmental Stewardship and assurance that commitments are being met
Site Inspections Green Sheet Review Process o Prior to letting o Environmental staff review commitments o Ensure commitments are communicated o Generate questions in ECO-Database Prior to Construction o Supply project staff with SWPPP o Create a report detailing questions During Construction o Inspectors complete ECO-Database reports o Goal of resolving “Corrective Actions” within 7 days
Site Inspections Multi-level inspection process o Places inspection emphasis on project staff o Provides levels of oversight to ensure commitments are being met ECO Database Inspection Software o Helps to streamline communication o Allows the ability to query reports NDOR Environmental Stewardship Goals o To be 100% in compliance with Environmental Commitments o To resolve “Corrective Actions” within 7 days
Site Inspections Routine Inspections o Occur every 2 weeks at a minimum o Conducted by District Construction Staff Environmental Oversight Inspections o Occur monthly on projects with SWPPPs o Conducted by District Environmental Coordinators Environmental Oversight Audits o Occur at a predetermined frequency o Conducted by RSU, Consultants & other Environmental Staff
Site Inspections Findings are to be corrected within 7 days Immediate Action issues are to be corrected within 24 hours Tools for Compliance o Incentives and Disincentives NDOR’s answer to “multiple mobilizations” Associated with Rain Event Inspections o Withholding Estimates o Job Shutdowns
Environmental Compliance Oversight Database (ECODatabase or ECOD)
What is ECODatabase Identifying Commitments to Track (Pre-Construction) o Project Setup o Project Review o Inspection Summary Sheet Documenting Commitments in the System (Construction) o Logging Inspections o Inspection Report Distribution o Corrective Actions o Inspection Reminders/Past Due Notices o Threatened and Endangered Species/Migratory Bird Surveys Reporting Commitments when Completed (Post-Construction) NDOR Certified Erosion Control Inspector List Overview
Web Based Headquarter Module District PC Consultant Laptop Project Manager Laptop District PC Electronic reporting software used to identify, document, and report environmental commitments on NDOR construction projects. Consists of inspection software loaded on field machines and a web based headquarter module that manages the data. A sync process exchanges data between user machines and headquarters. What is ECO-Database? Project Data Inspections
Projects are manually created within the ECODatabase system and then additional project information is automatically pulled in from the SiteManager database on a regular basis: o Project Name/Number/Control Number o Project Description/Location o Project Manager/Responsible Charge o Prime Contractor o Key Dates (Letting, Notice to Proceed, Start & Completion) Identifying Commitments – Project Setup
ECODatabase sign-off incorporated into existing Environmental Review Process within Planning and Project Development Division o Roadside Stabilization Unit Manages the ECODatabase System Reviews for stormwater and erosion control conditions o Environmental Permits Unit Reviews for wetland and 404 permit conditions Reviews for threatened and endangered species conditions o Environmental Documents Unit Reviews for NEPA related conditions After reviews are completed, an ECOD Inspection Summary Report is generated and sent to the construction project manager. Identifying Commitments – Project Review
ECOD Inspection Summary Report Sent to Construction Project Manager and District Environmental Coordinator before construction begins. o Contains Project Review Status o Outlines Required Inspections in ECOD o Highlights Species Conditions
ECOD Inspection Tool Software installed on user machines Inspection reports are tailored to each project: o Commitments become inspection questions in the field o Inspectors only have access to projects they are responsible for and inspections that they may conduct. NDOR environmental inspections are recorded using the ECOD system o Routine Environmental Inspection (Construction Phase) o Routine Environmental Inspection (Establishment Phase) o Environmental Compliance Oversight Inspection o Environmental Compliance Audit o Stormwater Permit Close-Out Inspection o Threatened and Endangered Species Survey o Migratory Birds Survey Documenting Commitments – Logging Inspections
Corrective Action Button will glow if items are pending Inspectors only have access to projects they are responsible for. Documenting Commitments – Logging Inspections
Erosion Control Certification Number auto-populates the report. Documenting Commitments – Logging Inspections
Questions are generated from environmental commitments and are specific to each project. Answering “No” requires an action to be logged, and then the system will generate a corrective action that must be addressed. Documenting Commitments – Logging Inspections
Sign and Seal button makes the reports final and un-editable. Inspectors can make a draft of the report before signing.
Documenting Commitments – Inspection Report Distribution Completed Inspection Report Other Inspectors Project ManagerContractorsHeadquarters Completed inspection reports are automatically distributed ( ) to pre-defined groups for review. contains web links to both the inspection report and corrective action log for the project. o PDFs of the report and corrective action log can be generated and printed using the included links.
Documenting Commitments – Corrective Actions
A “Corrective Action Punch List” can be printed and filled out by contractor or inspector as things are completed. Inspectors then date-out each completed action within the system and items are removed from their to do list.
ECODatabase allows NDOR to schedule inspections and send out inspection reminders/past-due notices. o One day before an inspection is due, an “inspection reminder ” will be sent out to project inspectors. o Likewise one day after an inspection should have been logged in the system, an “inspection past-due notice ” will be send to project inspectors as well as select upper management personnel within the District. These are auto-generated by the system based off of the inspection frequency and phase of the project. Currently programming notices for Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys….. Documenting Commitments – Inspection Reminders/Past Due Notices
Documenting Commitments – Logging Inspections Threatened and Endangered Species/Migratory Bird Surveys also logged using ECODatabase. Surveys are submitted on a weekly basis. Species are specific to each project and the time of year the survey is being completed. Reports are automatically sent to Headquarters for review and are then made available to Partner Agencies such as FHWA and USFWS.
ECODatabase has the ability to query data in the system and generate summary reports. Reporting Commitments when Completed
NDOR requires inspectors to be certified in the Erosion Control Inspector Certification Program. The list of certified inspectors is managed through ECODatabase. A link to the database is available on NDOR’s Environmental Website. Inspector ID’s automatically populate the inspection report. The system issues notifications to individuals through when their certification is about to expire. The notice contains a web link to the UNL-LTAP training site so they can re-certify. NDOR Certified Erosion Control Inspector List Online Training is Now Available.
Gabe Robertson Highway Stormwater Specialist Nebraska Department of Roads (402) Questions? Ronald Poe Highway Environmental Program Manager Nebraska Department of Roads (402)