MTAC WG 114 MTAC Workgroup 114 Service Standards and Measurements for Market-Dominant Products April 12, 2007
MTAC WG 114 Service Standards Review Process –Regular review of service standards with process for mailer input –Review triggered by significant changes (e.g., FSS, network redesign) –Mailer-Initiated review (major mailer to move operations geographically, etc.) –Improvements to communication process for changes in service standards Workgroup Cross-Product Recommendations
MTAC WG 114 Communication/Education on Service Standards –Easy (web-based) access to service standards (software, 3d pairs, etc.) –Consumer education/communication on service standards Workgroup Cross-Product Recommendations
MTAC WG 114 Service Standards –Counting methodologies (Sundays, holidays, etc.) for calculating service standards –Others? Deferred to Full Workgroup for Discussion
MTAC WG 114 Service Standards –Ensure that all products have been discussed –Come to agreement on service standards –Begin drafting recommendation for service standards –Communicate any cross-product issues to full workgroup for resolution Set Next 1-2 Meeting Dates Determine presentations/resources needed to baseline performance measurement discussions (product-specific) Subgroups -- Next Steps
MTAC WG 114 Full workgroup will address the following (so subgroups need not do so unless there are product-specific issues) Service Performance Measurement: –Measurement systems (internal, external, intelligent-mail based, seed-based, etc.) –Reporting requirements (aggregate data) –Scan data quality issues (excluded data) –Stop the Clock indicators –Communications/Aggregate Performance Data Access –Other? Full Workgroup – Future Agenda Items
MTAC WG 114 Main Workgroup: Tues., May 15 in Wash., DC 4 Subgroups: –First-Class Mail: (tentative) May 18 –Periodicals: Wed., May 2, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., New York City –Standard Mail: May 7, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., Wash DC (Venable) –Packages: ? Subgroups should set next 1-2 meeting dates ASAP Future Meeting Dates
MTAC WG 114 MTAC Workgroup 114 Thanks for your Participation!