April 13 Warm Up: Knowsys Group 23 Fill-in-the-Blank What is an Adverb? pg Check Poetry Terms Crossword (homework) Poetry Quiz Analyze Poetry - Literature textbook pg Analyze Message from a Caterpillar and Shelter -Write a persona poem HWK: AR; Group 23 Quiz Friday; poems
April 14 Warm Up: finish reading “Shelter” Analyze & Write Poetry -Write a persona poem -Coming-of-AgeComing-of-Age - Analyze imagery in “Oranges” by Gary Soto (groups) -Complete SOAPSTone chart -"Oranges" video adaptation"Oranges" video adaptation HWK: AR; Group 23 Quiz Friday; poems
Warm Up: Group 23 Narrative – Pick up from table. Turn in to the basket when completed. Analyze & Write Poetry -complete “Oranges” comprehension questions (on back of poem) – This is INDEPENDENT work. Turn in to basket when complete. -write imagery poem (see instructions next slide) in spiral *Use the list of emotion words—NO “happy/sad!” : use poetry elements, imagery, brush strokes (see next slides) - Finish any other poems (skinny mini, limericks, haiku, persona) Adverbs (if time) - Read the notes (handout) - Modifying Adjectives and Other Adverbs WS Turn in to basket when complete. HWK: AR; Group 23 Quiz Friday; poems April 15
Imagery Poem -Begin each line with capital letter -7 lines total -Punctuation -Need 2 poems Title Brainstorm: Today I feel ____ because of _____________. Line 1: Choose an emotion, and assign it a color. Example: “Elation is Yellow” Line 2: Explain how it smells Line 3: Explain how it tastes Line 4: Explain how it sounds Line 5: Explain how it feels Line 6: Explain how it looks Line 7: (Emotion) is (add a metaphoric statement) Example: “Elation is fireworks in your soul.” Imagery
Imagery Poem Example: Fear Fear is red. It smells like fire. Tastes like rotten peaches. Sounds like honking horns. It feels like being scared of the dark. It looks like Freddy Krueger. Fear is falling into a hole.
Once you’ve chosen one emotion, think of a CONTRASTING emotion (complete opposite or different). Example: Emotions that contrast with fear— Security Confidence Boldness And write an imagery poem about that emotion, so that you have a pair of poems that contrast one another.
Paired Imagery Poem Examples: Peacefulness Peacefulness is bright blue. It smells like fresh air. Tastes like water. Sounds like soothing music. Feels like gliding over a tranquil lake. Looks like a slowing dove. Peacefulness is sleeping on a cloud. Eagerness Eagerness is bright red. It smells like nothing—yet. Tastes like baked dirt. Sounds like a growing growl. Feels like waiting for the sun to come up. Looks like everything. Eagerness is a tilted domino.
Paired Imagery Poem Examples: Peace Peace is baby blue. It smells like many scented candles. Tastes like fresh water. Sounds like whistling wind. Feels like floating on water. Looks like the pink and orange sun rises. Peace is being wrapped in a blanket made of clouds. Embarrassment Embarrassment is sea foam green. It smells like wilting flowers. Tastes like plain seaweed. Sounds like rain falling. Feels like color rushing to your face. Looks like people laughing at you. Embarrassment is your secret being split.
Paired Imagery Poem Examples: Curiosity Curiosity is lime green. It smells like cookies meant for a visitor. Tastes like the most delicious meal—you weren’t supposed to have. Sounds like crackling leaves. Feels like craving to explore. Looks like a foal rolling in a field. Curiosity is a little wiggly puppy chasing a butterfly. Mystery Mystery is black. It smells like mist. Tastes spinach and green beans. Sounds like a loud, dark, and scary thunderstorm. Feels like dipping your toes in cold water. Looks like winter’s daybreak. Mystery is an eerie feeling building up inside you...
Warm Up: Knowsys 23 Antonyms Analyze Poetry “Life Doesn’t Frighten Me” by Maya Angelou pages in textbook -Analyze using TPCASTT (Title, Paraphrase, Connotation, Attitude, Shift, Title revisited, Theme) Maya Angelou's Reading of Poem HWK: AR; Group 23 Quiz tomorrow; poems April 16 Library Tomorrow! Need a real book for next week. STAAR test does NOT allow electronic readers.
Warm Up: Knowsys Group 23 Quiz Adverbs, pgs , 137 -comparative & superlative forms -irregular comparative forms Analyze Poetry “On Turning Ten” by Billy Collins pages in textbook -Analyze using TPCASTT template: title, paraphrase, connotation, diction, attitude, shift, title, theme (in small groups) Last 10 minutes: Library - Check out books for next week’s STAAR Testing. April 17
Instructions for Group Work 1.Have your TPCASTT template out from yesterday; you’ll use the second column. Open your Lit book to pg Independently complete the “Title” section before reading. Share with your group. 3.Everyone silently read the poem on pgs Read the poem aloud with your group, taking turns on each stanza. 5.Independently complete the “Paraphrase” section. You should have 11 sentences—same number as the poem. 6.Read the poem together a third time, looking for examples to add to “Connotations” and “Shift” as we did yesterday. 7.Review what you wrote, and determine the tone. Record in the “Attitude” section. Have 3-4 tone words. 8.Complete the “Title Revisited” and “Themes” sections.