TROY INTERNATIONAL DATA SHEET - MAY 2015 BITUMEN EMULSION SS-60 REG: 2014/016662/07 EXPORTERS CODE: VAT NO: DESCRIPTION Bitumen Emulsion SS-60 is a low-viscosity anionic slow-set bitumen emulsion. USES Bitumen Emulsion SS-60 containing 60% Bitumen, is commonly used for Tack-Coating. This is applied to an underlying surface to aid with the adhesion of the following asphalt layer. Bitumen Emulsion SS- 60 Is also used for fog sealing, mist spraying, concrete curing, grouting, sealing, patching, formation and sub-base and surface dressing. Bitumen Emulsion SS-60 is slow setting. PHYSCIAL & CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance Brown Liquid Odour Mild 40 ºC < 80 cSt 100 ºC NA Relative Density (g/cm³) 1,01-1,02 Solubility in 20ºC Water Dispersible pH Melting Point ºC NA Pour Point ºC NA Boiling Point ºC 100 Flash Point ºC NA Vapour 20ºC < 0,1 Solids content % m/m 60 –62 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION AND FIRST-AID MEASURES Effects of overexposure: Moderate eye irritation: Slight skin irritation. HEAD OFFICE Johannesburg, South Africa 2032 T E W
TROY INTERNATIONAL DATA SHEET - MAY 2015 BITUMEN EMULSION SS-60 REG: 2014/016662/07 EXPORTERS CODE: VAT NO: FIRST AID MEASURES Eye contact: Flush thoroughly with water and obtain medical assistance. Skin contact: Wash contact areas with soap and water before Emulsion Cures. Remove cured emulsion (bitumen) with minimum quantity petroleum solvent e.g. White Spirits followed by washing with soap and water. Inhalation: Not expected to be a problem. Ingestion: Not expected to occur in normal industrial use FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES The Product is Non-Flammable ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Procedures if material is released or spilled: For large spills: Contain material and pump back to holding tank for later disposal. Waste disposal methods: Dispose of waste at an appropriate waste disposal facility in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. EXPOSURE CONTROL | PERSONAL PROTECTION Respiratory protection: No special precautions under ordinary conditions of use and with adequate ventilation. Ventilation: No special precautions under ordinary conditions of use and with adequate ventilation. Eye protection: Chemical type goggles and face shield should be worn when contact may occur. Skin protection: Use chemical resistant apron and/or other clothing to avoid skin contact. HEAD OFFICE Johannesburg, South Africa 2032 T E W
TROY INTERNATIONAL DATA SHEET - MAY 2015 BITUMEN EMULSION SS-60 REG: 2014/016662/07 EXPORTERS CODE: VAT NO: STABILITY & REACTIVITY DATA Stability: (thermal, light, etc.) Stable Conditions to avoid: Extreme Heat Incompatibility: Strong Oxidisers Hazardous Decomposition Products: Steam, Bitumen Fumes HANDLING & STORAGE Do not heat above 60ºC. Agitate from time to time if stored for prolonged periods. CONTACT US TODAY FOR AN OBLIGATION FREE QUOTE HEAD OFFICE Johannesburg, South Africa 2032 T E W