Global Citizenship How to write a 5 paragraph informational piece
Introduction Your introduction tells a lot of information to your readers. You can let them know what your topic is, why it is important, and how you plan to proceed with your paper. Capture your reader’s attention! How? Opening with a story, a fascinating quotation, an interesting question, or a great example can get your readers to see why this topic matters and get them to want to read more. Introduce your 3 sub-topics (What is ____? What is currently being done to solve____? What can I do to help solve ____?
Example: Did you know deforestation, driven mostly by demand for timber, palm oil, and other commodities, destroys an area of rainforests the size of England every year? Experts estimate that at the current rate, rainforests will be wiped out in less than 40 years. Deforestation is cutting down forests in massive quantities. Luckily, preventative measures have been put in place to protect rainforests from being depleted. Additionally, there are things that I can do to help protect the rainforests.
Other Examples – Non Global Citizenship Examples In order to protect China from its northern enemies, the largest man-made construction in the world was built. It was a wall that could prevent the enemies from invading. It is the only monument that can be seen from outer space. This structure is the amazing Great Wall of China that took over one thousand years to construct. Imagine that you are a high school teacher in a space shuttle. You are traveling at a speed of two thousand miles per hour, and you are forty-six thousand feet above the Atlantic Ocean. Suddenly, you hear an explosion and the crew cabin you are sitting in is crashing towards the Atlantic Ocean. This is what Christa McAuliffe felt like as her space shuttle, the Challenger, crashed into the ocean.
Some ways we should not start our paper… Hi, my name is Mrs. Osbeck and this is my paper. I worked really hard on this, so I hope you enjoy my paper. In my report you will hear some reasons why pandas are rare.
You Try! Introduce your topic in a creative way. (story, quotation, question, example) Talk about each sub-question
Share with a classmate!
3 Body Paragraphs Body Paragraph #1 Begin your 1 st Body paragraph with a transition and answering your 1 st sub-topic. Use examples from your research to support your 1 st sub- topic.
Body Paragraph #1 Example What is deforestation? To begin, deforestation is the cutting, clearing, and removal of rainforest or other related ecosystems. In place of forests are pastures, croplands, plantations, and more. Deforestation is incredibly devastating for multiple reasons. “The most dramatic impact is a loss of habitat for millions of species.” Second, losing trees causes more carbon dioxide to be released into the area, which directly affects global warming. Lastly, water and air pollution increases from the oil and mining chemicals.
You Try! Transition Answer 1 st sub-topic question Provide 3 examples to support your 1 st sub-topic question
Body Paragraphs #2 and #3 You are going to do the same thing as you did with body paragraph #1! Share with the class!
Conclusion Your conclusion is your chance to have the last word on the subject. The conclusion allows you to have the final say on the issues you have raised in your paper, to summarize your thoughts, to demonstrate the importance of your ideas, and to propel your reader to a new view of the subject. It is also your opportunity to make a good final impression and to end on a positive note.
How to start your conclusion… Restate your 3 sub-topics Propose a course of action, a solution to an issue, or questions for further study.
Example: Deforestation is a devastating problem of cutting down rainforests. If rainforests continue to be destroyed, it will have lasting negative impacts on our society. Thankfully, organizations such as Greenpeace USA are taking a stand against corporations who are causing deforestation. Additionally, US laws including the Wilderness Act and the Roadless Rule are enacted to protect the rainforests as well. I can personally get involved with different volunteer organizations to help protect trees, and I can educate others on what I now know about deforestation. Is there more that we can do as a society to prevent deforestation? Absolutely, so get involved today!
Other Example – Non Global Citizenship Example The Great Wall of China is a wonderful achievement that took many lives and a great deal of effort to build. Was it worth all of the trouble? At the time when the wall was completed, it might have seemed that it was a waste of time, especially since it could not hold back Genghis Khan’s army. However, over time, it gained a tremendous amount of fame that almost anyone could look at a picture of the Great Wall and identify it. The Great Wall of China has earned the appreciation that it deserves, and hopefully it will never be torn down.
Some ways we should not end our paper… That was my report, I hope you like it. I hope you learned a lot about the deforestation and what it is because I know I did. My name is Mrs. Osbeck and this is my report on deforestation.
You Try! Restate your 3 sub-topics Discuss what we can do in the future to help your topic
Title Page Deforestation By Mrs. Osbeck