California Climate Action Registry Overview Contact: Diane Wittenberg, President Diane Wittenberg, Jill Gravender, Technical Director (213)
CA Registry Goals CA Registry Goals ► Support Credible, Nationwide Registry Transparent and defensible Extensive participation ► Influence Global Debate on Registries ► Help Develop and Mature GHG Accounting, Reporting, and Certification Standards Reporting, and Certification Standards
Registry Status ► Began Operations 9/01 in Los Angeles ► Initial Two Years Funded by CA Energy Commission Grant and Foundations ► Board Appointed by Governor Davis Will adopt General Protocol – June 2002 ► Data Base Completed Fall 2002 ► Registry Enrollment Begins Fall 2002
California Registry Provides ► Reporting and Certification Protocol Rules for registering emissions Formulas/ recommended software / default emission factors Backup documentation required Certification requirements to establish baseline and register annual emissions
How CA Registry Is Different ► Minimum State-wide Reporting Not at project or facility level only ► Initial Focus on Emissions, not Reductions Baseline and Gross Annual Emissions Productivity ratios or efficiency measures ► Report Both Direct and Indirect Emissions ► Require Certification of Results Qualify technical assistance providers and certifiers
How CA Registry is Different ► State Will Defend Certified Data ► Access to Agency Technical Expertise Public process for programmatic development Review alternatives to required protocol ► Share Best Practices/ Successful Strategies ► Leader in Inventory Standards and Best Practices Best Practices
CA Registry Will Provide ► Support to Participants Workshops List of approved technical advisors List of independent certifiers Public database to record annual emissions results
The General Reporting Protocol ► Direct Emissions Combustion Vehicle fleet Fugitive emissions ► Indirect Emissions Electricity & steam usage ► CO2 Mandatory Other Kyoto gases when member three years
Topics of Interest in Protocol Development ► Level of Reporting Detail Report one annual CO2e tonnage number Data aggregated at facility level Data aggregated by type of emission source ► Setting De Minimus Source Levels 5% of total GHGs (at level of participation) Lesser of 10K tons CO2e or 5% of total GHGs Initially zero with submission of upper bound
Protocol Topics of Interest (continued) ► Range of Certification Options Third-party certifies both program or process to gather data and a sample of annual data Self-certify adequacy of program and accuracy of annual data and results Varying levels and frequency of review / combination of reviewers ► Provision of Emission Factors Registry provides menu of acceptable factors Participant can use & defend more accurate number Registry requires single set of emission factors
Protocol Topics of Interest (continued) ► Setting Participant Boundaries Based on “management control” for wholly owned Allow joint ventures be reported on equity basis Threshold for reporting jointly-owned sources (e.g., minimum 20% equity)? (e.g., minimum 20% equity)? Dual track reporting for joint ventures (management and equity basis)? (management and equity basis)? Access to data problems with equity share approach?
Next Steps Next Steps ► Industry-Specific Protocols and Efficiency Metrics Metrics ► Guidance on Emission Reductions, Sequestration, and Other Mitigation Sequestration, and Other Mitigation ► Guidance on Reporting Non-CO2 GHGs