Hypothesis Skills and Processes
Maryland Science Content Standard Students will be able to give reasons for the importance of waiting until an investigation has been repeated many times before accepting the results as correct.
Objective Students will analyze changes of the independent and dependent variables in order to develop a hypothesis.
Notebook Title:Hypothesis Date:9/5/2015 Glue the two papers titled “Hypothesis…More Than a Guess”
The Assignment Read the beginning paragraph on your assignment Complete the first two questions. Read the article “Moving On Up” to research the topic of pelican population in the Chesapeake Bay WatershedMoving On Up Using the independent and dependent variables, develop a hypothesis for each scenario
Prove to me you understand!! A pelican noticed a school of fish swimming below. If the pelican dove down slowly, the fish swam away before he could catch any. If the pelican dove at full-speed, it could scoop up almost three gallons of water and fish. Write a hypothesis describing the feeding dive of pelicans. –Independent Variable: –Dependent Variable: –Hypothesis: