DANS is an institute of KNAW and NWO Data Archiving and Networked Services Dykes of standards supporting polders of data The practices used in the Netherlands.


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Presentation transcript:

DANS is an institute of KNAW and NWO Data Archiving and Networked Services Dykes of standards supporting polders of data The practices used in the Netherlands for making archaeological data available and accessible Valentijn Gilissen, MA Data Manager April 2014 Copyright DANS – For personal use only

Data Archiving and Networked Services Established in 2005 Predecessors dating back to 1964 (Steinmetz Foundation) Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) Co-founded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) Objective: permanent preservation of, and enabling access to scientific research data E-Depot voor de Nederlandse Archeologie (E-Depot for the Dutch Archaeology)

‘Grey’ literature scanning project Retrospective archiving of datasets Embedding in DANS EASY National regulation in KNA (Quality Norm Archaeology) Odyssee project CARARE project Ariadne project Ongoing archiving and publication of datasets

DANS is een instituut van KNAW en NWO Dataset overview Persistent Identifier Electronic Archiving SYstem EASY BrowseAdvanced search Search DescriptionData files (N)

Title Alternative Title Creator Contributor Date created Copyright holder Publisher Electronic Archiving SYstem EASY Description

Download CheckboxFile SizeAccessibility Directories Electronic Archiving SYstem EASY Data files (N) View details

Deposit dataset – Dublin Core metadata fields Title Alternative Title Creator Contributor Date created Rights holder Publisher Repeat field + (Academic) Title(s) Initials Prefix Surname Digital Author ID (DAI) Organisation New deposit

Additional descriptive information Description Subject Spatial point Spatial coverage Identifier Relation Temporal coverage Spatial box

-Check Dublin Core, edit/modify where necessary -Assign project codes (if required) -Download files, check for completeness / privacy-sensitive data -Migrate files to preferred formats -Modify directory structure (if necessary) -Upload preferred formats -Check individual file metadata, edit/modify if necessary -Add individual file metadata -Publish files (set visibility/accessibility rights) -Create a ‘Jumpoff’ presentation page -Check workflow -Publish dataset -Relate dataset to related datasets or web pages -End administration Before a dataset is made accessible to the public, an archivist needs to go through the general workflow, which comes down to:

BASIC CERTIFICATION is granted to repositories which obtain DSA certification EXTENDED CERTIFICATION is granted to Basic Certification repositories which in addition perform a structured, externally reviewed and publicly available self-audit based on ISO or DIN FORMAL CERTIFICATION is granted to repositories which in addition to Basic Certification obtain full external audit and certification based on ISO or equivalent DIN See: International standards and guidelines

5 Criteria 16 Guidelines DANS 16 guidelines Self assessment Transparency Data Seal of Approval

Publications CAD drawings/GIS maps Field drawings (scans) Data tables (databases / spreadsheets) Photographs Reports Images Archaeological data deposited in EASY

Files are converted to Preferred Formats. We also see if re-structurizing files and folders would add to the clarity and coherence of the dataset. Original Processed

DANS is een instituut van KNAW en NWO A workgroup at DANS researched several file types in recent years ( ) in order to compile a list of Preferred Formats. At present, we have a list, but we do not have a policy for depositors.

file_namefile_contentsoftwareothmat_codebookremarks We ask archaeology dataset depositors to send a file list with each dataset, describing their files using Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) metadata standards. Format conversions are registered in this filelist by the archivist. V20HK01.wmf: occurrence of charcoal at site 20 RIMG0003.jpg: field photograph – table FOTOBEST connects filename to photo number in photo description table FOTOLST V2_BORB.DBF – prospective results: profile details (dBase III file) V20_top.TAB – digital map: topography of the area (MapInfo file)

View details Check file File metadata in EASY

aw_inventarisatie.csv Size: 1731 bytes Creator: Archivist Accessible: Yes file_content: Ceramic finds determination data table data_format: spreadsheet software: MS Excel 2003 othmat_codebook: Ref_Betrouwbaarheid.csv; Ref_Periode.csv File metadata in EASY

RCE Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed / The Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands ARCHIS: GIS-based archaeological registration system

Provincial depots Finds and documentation

Existing archives

Information Service Provincial depots KB DANS data repository Archis RCE library Municipal depots Structured summary of research / site Publications Data / Documentation forms, field drawings, databases, GIS Finds artefacts, samples

Unstandardised field documentation / data tables

ABR: ‘Archaeological Basic Register’ The Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE), 1992 Basic terminology for archeological information systems Material: MAU (Gold) Description Code Start End GarbageAFVALNEOLBNTC Amulet/talismanAMULETNEOMBNTC BraceletARMBANDBRONSLNTC (…)

Digital ‘Pakbon’ (‘Packing slip’): XML-based standardisation General project metadata Basic description of materials and artefacts Includes ABR codebook standardized metadata Unique ID strings Part of the new specification of the KNA (national quality norm for archaeology) National exchange protocol for archaeological research data Developed by the SIKB network in co-operation with the Dutch archaeological sector

New step at the start of the deposit procedure: Import (meta-)data from other sources BrowseUpload Import Archis metadata Import ‘pakbon’ (optional step) If you do not have a ‘pakbon’ or Archis metadata, proceed to step 2

Virtual unity of finds, analogue documents and digital files

Datasets in EASY April : archaeological datasets, 70% available without restrictions

Data archiving standards Certification for data archives ‘Archaeological Basic Register’ National Codebook/Thesaurus Data Documentation Initiative File-specific metadata Preferred Formats Qualified Dublin Core Dataset metadata ‘Digital Packing Slip’ Field and project data XML-standard National regulation in KNA (Quality Norm Archaeology) Fedora storage system / Persistent Identifiers

Fedora storage system / Persistent Identifiers