GDI-Grid Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Christian Kiehle Andreas Krüger Christopher Kunz OGF22 Feb 26, 2008
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Agenda 1.Introduction to the German Grid initiative 2.Introduction to the GDI-Grid – Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid (GDI-Grid) Project 3.Grid-enabling Open Source OGC Webservices 4.Gridification of OGC Webservice Chains 5.Security and Scheduling Challenges 6.Discussion Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 2
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Motivation of this session Project just started One of the first new community projects in D-Grid Unsolved challenges ahead Presenting work in progress Looking for ideas Your input is highly appreciated! Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 3
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid The D-Grid The German Grid initiative Long-term strategic initiative started in 2005 D-Grid Call 1 (2005 – 2008) Infrastructure development and testing Use by first scientific organizations D-Grid Call 2 (2007 – 2010) inclusion of several new scientific disciplines Funding by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 2
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid D-Grid – timeline Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide : first working groups 09/2005: D-Grid 1 – early adopters > 100 organizations > 200 researchers 07/2007: D-Grid 2 – new communities > 200 organizations > 400 researchers 2008: D-Grid 3 Goal: sustainable production grid No more funding – feasible business model Integration of new communities
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid D-Grid integration structure Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 6 Text-Grid Medi-Grid D-Grid Integration Project Astro-Grid C3-Grid HEP-Grid GDI-Grid WISENT... Communities... Access Layer, Portals Generic Grid Middleware and Grid Services
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid D-Grid Integration Project Goal: Establish standardized Grid Infrastructure in Germany Requirement: support for three Grid middlewares Globus Toolkit gLite UNICORE Reference installation for all three middlewares Comprehensive documentation Specified product and middleware versions Unified environment that‘s proven to work Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 7
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid D-Grid Integration Project: Site Map 25 facilities Backbone: 8 core facilities 17 additional computing facilities Vital statistics 10,000 CPU cores 3.3 PB disk-based storage 5.5 PB tape-based storage Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 8 Hannover Bremerhaven Oldenburg Göttingen Potsdam Oberpfaffenhofen Freiburg Heidelberg Darmstadt Marburg Dortmund Wuppertal Köln Siegen Sankt Augustin München Hamburg Berlin Dresden Stuttgart Karlsruhe Jülich = computing facility = Core D-Grid facility = Backbone interconnect
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid GDI-Grid „Geodaten-Infrastruktur-Grid“ - „Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid“ Project funded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research funded from 2007/07 until 2010/06 Strong focus on sustainable development Public-private partnership 12 principal partners 8 scientific institutions 4 industry partners Biggest community project within D-Grid 2 3M € budget, 15 funded researchers Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 9
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid GDI-Grid – Project Goals Optimization of SDI and GIS applications to… Satisfy rapidly increasing demand for computing power Improve accessibility of decentralized storage and compute resources Integrate basis technologies of both application fields …especially GT4 and OGC Enable grid resources to seamlessly process geospatial data Development of generic services for… Integration Fusion Management Processing …of geospatial data on the D-Grid infrastructure Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 10
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 9 GDI-Grid – Project Partners
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid GDI-Grid – Scenarios and Proof of Concept Proof of Concept with three distinct scenarios Highly relevant for practical use Large range of GIS applications covered High need for processing power Need for high responsivity Conventional GIS applications already available Scenarios mandated by EU directives Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 12
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid GDI-Grid - Scenarios Flood simulation Based on sensor data / empirical evidence Flood prediction Creation of flood maps Noise propagation Simulation of noise propagation in cities Large-scale simulation in regular intervals Highly detailed simulation setting Relevant for city planning Emergency routing Routing for disaster emergency services Alternative routes (road blocks, traffic jam) High responsivity and adaptivity Utilization of sensor data in routing process Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 13
Grid-enabling Open Source OGC Webservices Dr. Christian Kiehle, lat/lon GmbH
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Dr. C. Kiehle | February 26 th 2008 | Slide 15 Agenda deegree – Open Source Framework for Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) Challenges for Grid-enablement User Requirements Conclusions and Outlook
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Dr. C. Kiehle | February 26 th 2008 | Slide 16 Joint-Project: University of Bonn, Department of Geography, Working Group Geo Information Systems (GIS), Germany. lat/lon GmbH, Bonn, Germany. Free Software based on GNU Lesser Public License.aim Interoperability Spatial Data Management Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) ISO/TC211 models & Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) interfaces Encapsulation of data sources / Abstraction About 1800 Java classes (core library) + various client Most comprehensive implementation of OGC specifications OGC Reference implementation for WMS, WCS.
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Dr. C. Kiehle | February 26 th 2008 | Slide 17 Feature Portrayal Model Aus: Kiehle, C. Lokales abstrakt - Geodaten standardisiert integrieren. IX 12/2006.
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Dr. C. Kiehle | February 26 th 2008 | Slide 18 OpenGIS® Web Services Standardized Interfaces for Storage Metadata Visualization Processing
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Dr. C. Kiehle | February 26 th 2008 | Slide 19 Web Processing Service Interface for Processes Description Execution OGC compliant (in contrast to SOAP / WSDL) Generic approach Three interfaces: GetCapabilities DescribeProcess (processIdentifier) Execute (request) Basis for service chaining / orchestration
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Dr. C. Kiehle | February 26 th 2008 | Slide 20 Spatial Webservices provide... Aus Kiehle, C. (2006): Business Logic for Geoprocessing of Distributed Geodata. Computers & Geosciences 32(10): doi: /j.cageo capabilities to build Spatial Data Infrastructures Decision Support Early Warning Systems Spatial - / Environmental Information Systems Homeland Security a “common sense solution” Interfaces Data Models Application Profiles Best Practices
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Dr. C. Kiehle | February 26 th 2008 | Slide 21 Agenda deegree – Open Source Framework for Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) Challenges for Grid-enablement User Requirements Conclusions and Outlook
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Dr. C. Kiehle | February 26 th 2008 | Slide 22 Grid-enablement of OGC WS Why Grid-enablement? Large-scale data bases (e.g. country wide elevation models) Processing of datasets Processing of 3D-/4D data Virtualization Accounting & Billing Challenges Adopt technology, keep standards as they are Hide complexity from end-users / system integrators The Grid is (just another) computing environment. --> Should not require a new paradigm for spatial data processing WSRF not (yet) supported by OGC OGC paradigm provides a model of real-world phenomena Translate model into Grid-compatible communication schemes OGC Service may be clients on top of grid services Possible solutions Encapsulate Grid-middleware Encapsulate grid processes inside OGC WPS Integrate WSRF into OGC
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Dr. C. Kiehle | February 26 th 2008 | Slide 23 Grid-Computing vs. OGC WS Based on Hobona et al. 2007
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Dr. C. Kiehle | February 26 th 2008 | Slide 24 Architectural Challenges
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Dr. C. Kiehle | February 26 th 2008 | Slide 25 Architectural Challenges II Define Translator Services OGC WS as Grid-frontend
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Dr. C. Kiehle | February 26 th 2008 | Slide 26 Agenda deegree – Open Source Framework for Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) Challenges for Grid-enablement User Requirements Conclusions and Outlook
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Dr. C. Kiehle | February 26 th 2008 | Slide 27 User requirements Who is interested in Grid-enabled OGC WS? Customers with (very) large scaled data sets Environmental Scientists End Users? Survey by project partner ESRI / conterra Resulting requirements Processing capabilities Externalize data storage Virtual Organizations
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Dr. C. Kiehle | February 26 th 2008 | Slide 28 Agenda deegree – Open Source Framework for Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) Challenges for Grid-enablement User Requirements Conclusions and Outlook
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Dr. C. Kiehle | February 26 th 2008 | Slide 29 Conclusions & Outlook © Heier, C.; Kiehle, C. 2007
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Dr. C. Kiehle | February 26 th 2008 | Slide 30 Questions? Dr. Christian Kiehle GDI-Grid Grid-enabling Open Source OGC Webservice
Gridification of OGC Webservice Chains Andreas Krüger Prof. Dr. Thomas H. Kolbe Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformation Science Technische Universität Berlin
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Agenda Scenario Noise Pollution Simulation Gridification in Context of Spatial Data Infrastructure Categories of Gridification Orchestration of Services 32
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid 33 Scenario – Noise Pollution Simulation Noise Pollution Simulation Noise Pollution Simulation Requirements on data: as input a 3D block model of buildings with 3D Digital Terrain Model enrichment with noise emission levels, traffic frequency, … Problem: normally available heterogeneous data sources: 2D area-wide geobasis data 2,5D raster data noise emission data Required services: WCS, WFS for data delivery WPS for 3D model generation WPS for Noise Pollution Simulation WMS for delivery of Noise Pollution Maps
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid 34 Noise Pollution Simulation – OGC Webservices WPS 3D Geodata Generation WPS 3D Geodata Generation WFS 2D Geobasis Data (e.g. National Cadastre Data) WFS 2D Geobasis Data (e.g. National Cadastre Data) WMS Noise Pollution Map WMS Noise Pollution Map WPS Noise Pollution Simulation WPS Noise Pollution Simulation WCS 2,5D Raster Data Laserscan Data / Digital Terrain Model WCS 2,5D Raster Data Laserscan Data / Digital Terrain Model Chain of OGC compliant Webservices Spatial Data Infrastructure WFS Noise Emission Data WFS Noise Emission Data Grid Gridification
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid 35 Agenda Scenario Noise Pollution Simulation Gridification in Context of Spatial Data Infrastructure Categories of Gridification Orchestration of Services
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid 36 Gridification: Adaptation of existing applications and services to requirements of a grid environment. Goals of gridified Spatial Data Infrastructure applications: Possibility of combination with other grid services Potential of access from / to non-gridified OGC Webservice High performance for processing large amounts of spatial data Requirements: Adaptation to grid technology Stateful services WSDL Security (Certificates, public / private key) Maintain interfaces and functionality of OGC Webservice Maximized utilisation of grid resources Optimised distribution of data / services for processing spatial data Harmonised interconnection of services Gridification in Context of Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid-Service OGSI- Interfaces OGC web service functionality
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid 37 Parallelisation Scenario Noise Pollution Simulation: A good choice: Tiling Each service of the scenario works on continuous spatial data of wide areas Each service has object-oriented models as input and output Problem for harmonised parallelisation between services: Adjustment calculation at a data join needs calculation of overlapping borders of tiles Needs on additional overlapping border size differs between several services Parallelisation of object types Parallelisation of operations Tiling Height() Width() Extrude()
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid 38 Pros: Realisable harmonised parallelisation between services Allows full utilisation of grid resources Cons: How works the connection between grid and Spatial Data Infrastructure ? Non-transparent mapping of OGC Webservice chains in grid environment No combination of gridified and non-gridified services Cooperation between services only by using OGSI Pros: Realisable harmonised parallelisation between services Allows for full utilisation of grid resources OGC compliant service chains at the Spatial Data Infrastructure side cooperation between grid and Spatial Data Infrastructure Enables chains of gridified and non-gridified services Cons: Complex realisation of this solution Pros: Orchestration still at OGC Webservice level in the Spatial Data Infrastructure For an user same handling of services, since communication only by OGC Webservice interfaces at Spatial Data Infrastructure side Enables chains of gridified and non-gridified services Cons: Autonomous kind of gridification at each OGC Webservice Non-harmonised parallelisation of more than one OGC Webservice OWS 1 OWS 2 OWS 3 OWS 1 ‘ OWS 2 ‘ OWS 3 ‘ Spatial Data Infrastructure and Grid Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid With Parallelisation OWS 2 OWS 1 OWS
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid 39 Agenda Scenario Noise Pollution Simulation Gridification in Context of Spatial Data Infrastructure Categories of Gridification Orchestration of Services
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid 40 Categories of Gridification and Notation OGC Webservice realised as one grid service Parallelisation by redundant execution of same service in grid environment OGC Webservice stays a Spatial Data Infrastructure service Calculation processes / handling of datasets distributed on several instances mapped as grid services After processing distributed dataset joined at each OGC webservice OGC Webservice stays a Spatial Data Infrastructure service Calculation processes / handling of datasets distributed on several instances mapped as grid services Each instance transfers its part of dataset directly to an instance of another service 3) Transcendent Gridification: OWS n OWS G Grid OWS 1 Grid OWS g 2) Encapsulated Gridification: 1) Gridification by Embedding into a Grid Service: GS OWS Grid
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid 41 Agenda Scenario Noise Pollution Simulation Gridification in Context of Spatial Data Infrastructure Categories of Gridification Orchestration of Services
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid 42 Orchestration of Grid Services Set of services with different parallelisation Set of known workflows for a scenario Workflow-Engine WFS OWS g OWS G OWS g OWS G OWS g OWS G Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid WFS WPS WCS
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid 43 Questions / Contact Thank you for your attention. Andreas Krüger Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformation Science Technische Universität Berlin Phone: +49 (30) Thomas H. Kolbe Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformation Science Technische Universität Berlin Phone: +49 (30) Contact:
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid 44 Problem: High data traffic at centralised Spatial Data Infrastructure services Bottlenecks Additional costs because of Split and Join at each OGC Webservice Grid Encapsulated Gridification OGC Webservice stays a Spatial Data Infrastructure service Each service instance is an separate grid service 3D Geodata Generation works internally on separate data tiles at the service instances Data transfer between two OGC Webservices centralised as one collected dataset inside the Spatial Data Infrastructure WPS g 3D Geodata Generation WFS g 2D Geoobjects … … WCS g Laserscan DTM
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid 45 Transcendent Gridification … WCS G DTM 2,5D Grid Distributed consistent 3D-Model Data distribution one time at the beginning and handed over the whole service chain Geoobjects provided on distributed interfaces as tiles on several grid nodes Every instance gets a single tile, proceeds the calculatons and provides the resulting tile by an own interface Data split only one time at the beginning, and merging one time at the end of the chain Bottlenecks and needless data distribution/data merging can be omitted But: A well harmonised parallelisation exists not in every situation WCS 2 WCS 1 … WFS 2 WFS 1 WFS G Geoobjects 2D WFS n WCS n … WPS 2 WPS 1 WPS n WPS G 3D Geodata Generation
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid 46 Transcendent Gridification – Noise Pollution Simulation Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid WPS 1 G 3D Geodata Generation WFS 2D Geobasis Data WFS 2D Geobasis Data WCS 2,5D Raster Data WCS 2,5D Raster Data WMS Noise Pollution Maps WMS Noise Pollution Maps WPS 2 G Noise Pollution Simulation WPS 2 ‘ WPS 1 ‘ only possible if input parallelisation signature WPS 2 = output parallelisation signature WPS 1
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid 47 Transcendent Gridification – Noise Pollution Simulation Additional Capabilities: Input / Output signature of parallelisation for orchestration Access to service endpoints of grid instances OGC compliant Publish-find-bind concept … Grid WPS 2 WPS 1 WPS n … WPS 2 WPS 1 WPS n WPS G 3D Geodata Generation WPS G Noise Pollution Simulation Capabilities find (getCapabilities) bind publish Input / Output signature
Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Security and Scheduling Challenges Christopher Kunz OGF22 Feb 25, 2008
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 49 Agenda Security Challenges GSI vs. traditional models Current situation and concepts in D-Grid Feasibility and scalability of PKI-based AuthN in SDI environments Data storage and handling Possible alternatives Scheduling and architecture Current situation and concepts in D-Grid Architectural concepts for GDI-Grid Necessary redundancies Where to scale What to scale Compatibility challenges Discussion
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Security – current context in D-Grid D-Grid supports 3 middlewares: Globus Toolkit 4 gLite 3 UNICORE 5 GDI-Grid will focus on Globus Toolkit 4 Mandatory use of Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) Single Sign On Delegation of Rights Certificate based authentication, proxy credentials GSI chain must not be broken by any component Credentials must not be transferred over the wire Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 50
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Security – current situation in SDI Very heterogenous structure Proprietary authentication and authorization mechanisms Data providers are geo scientists, not IT people Different products require different access mechanisms No cross-product cross-vendor single sign on No delegation of rights Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 51
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Making ends meet… These contrary architectures need to converge GSI must be implemented in or in front of GIS services Paradigm shift in Grid infrastructure? Paradigm shift in SDI / GIS world? Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 52
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Authentication / Authorization At the user entry point, GSI is necessary SDI / GIS applications do not implement GSI Is GSI implementation for end user apps feasible? Different approach: web-based UI GridSphere portal GSI implemented, workflow management possible Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 53
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Certificate Infrastructure Challenges Certificates for Grid use are regulated CA has to be conformant to GridPMA (in our case, EuGridPMA) regulations Resource providers must only accept PMA-compliant CAs Subsequently, only certificates issued by those CAs are allowed in the Grid Commercial CAs are not GridPMA compliant Grid resource providers cannot accept certificates issued by them Little or no interest in GridPMA compliance Certificates issued by commercial vendors are not usable in Grid infrastructures CAs will issue certificate only to „known“ entities Generally, one CA per country, local Regional Authorities (RA) In our context, DFN (German Science Network) and GridKA operate CAs Both supply certificates to member organizations only Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 54
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid PKI Scalability issues D-Grid project is urged to develop sustainable business model SDI / GIS products have large user base Thousands of users Heterogeneous user groups: Commercial, academic, private, institutional Certificate Authority needs to issue a certificate to each end user Are academic CAs ready for this amount of certifications? Who pays for this? Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 55
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid GSI implementation Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 56 All components need to implement GSI At the very least: transport-level security Acceptance of proxy credentials as an authentication token For other components: connectors / adaptors needed MAGE toolkit offers easy integration of GSI Creates Globus container services
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid GDI-Grid and data Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 57 Geospatial data is integral part of GIS / SDI Very costly to collect and maintain Data is nearly always proprietary and non-free Highly valuable asset Data is essential for geoprocessing Input for computation jobs Input for illustrative tasks (maps, 3D scenes) Data management important challenge for GDI-Grid
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid GDI-Grid: Data management Typical situation in Grid environments Data stored on Storage Resource prior to job submission or (limited) Input data submitted together with job In both cases: Input data is duplicated Commercial vendors do not permit this Contractual problem No technical solution (yet) Many different license models / enforcement Different data types / storage containers Is a technical solution possible? Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 58
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid GDI-Grid and D-Grid: The big picture Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 59 Two distinct Grid infrastructures GDI-Grid contains community specific infrastructure D-Grid acts as service provider for computation Scheduling in both Grids necessary Different scheduling approaches User interface: different possibilities Only GDI-Grid infrastructure is under project control
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid The D-Grid view Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 60 D-Grid receives job callouts from GDI-Grid Well-defined entry point necessary D-Grid metascheduler deploys jobs to clusters Cluster nodes pull relevant input data from GDI-Grid storage Result data is pushed back to GDI-Grid storage
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid The GDI-Grid view Transparent Interaction with D-Grid End user does not notice difference to conventional GIS application Alternative: Engine/portal for specification of workflows Finished workflows passed to scheduler Workflow elements sent to relevant WPS WPS calls out to D-Grid Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 61
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Scalability Where to scale? SDI processing should profit from Grid integration Thus, processing tasks should be segmented/paralellized Scaling as late as possible Ideally after WPS What to scale? Part of the GDI-Grid project For suitable data: tiling and computation of 1/Nth For other data: parallel computation of different Levels of Detail (LoD) Computation of different layers in parallel How to scale? Current situation: processing tools distributed as part of Grid job standardized software already available on Grid nodes Adaptation to GDI-Grid situation necessary Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 62
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Scalability and Heterogenity SDI applications are very heterogenous Conventional Windows/Unix GUI interactive applications Non-GUI interactive applications (command-line etc.) Increasingly web-based end-user applications OGC web services D-Grid is very homogenous Standardized architecture Unix only No GUI applications No interactive applications Limited possibility for custom libraries/environments How do we converge? Many questions – technical and organizational Virtualization might be key Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 63
GDI-Grid - Spatial Data Infrastructure Grid Discussion Thank you! More information - D-Grid web site - GDI-Grid web site Contact information Christian Kiehle Andreas Krüger Christopher Kunz General information Christopher Kunz | February 26th, 2008 | Slide 64