E-Gov SLO 1 of 29 A to Z of the Slovenian e-Government Boštjan Tovornik, M.Sc Ministry of public administration
E-Gov SLO 2 of 29 A Z Applications Banks Currency flow Demands Electronic forms Future Government Information flow Life situations Payment Providers Registers Serving Signatures Taxes Utilities
E-Gov SLO 3 of 29 A... Z - unsorted Government Demands Services Registers Life situations Applications Electronic forms Currency flow Information flow Payment Providers Banks Serving Signatures Future
E-Gov SLO 4 of 29 A to Z of the Slovenian e-Government e-Payment e-Signature e-Serving of legal documents Generic software solutions for the production of e- applications – generator of electronic forms Terms and conditions for inclusion the institutions into the system
E-Gov SLO 5 of 29 Concepts, definitions Payment service payment provider Service provider payment provider E-service provider = public authority Citizen – in general: customer Application application (IT) Life events = life situations Serving = Handing = Delivering
E-Gov SLO 6 of 29 G2C – traditional way
E-Gov SLO 7 of 29 G2C The “net” e-service e-payment
E-Gov SLO 8 of 29 E-Gov layers ICT infrastructure system software “back office” systems e-services infrastructure for of the shelve custom Next: e-Gov simplified
E-Gov SLO 9 of 29 Shema ŽD in e-SJU Maintaining life situations, services and forms Register of regulations Catalog of public information Register of public sector institutions Hierarchy of life situations Security scheme Administrator at institution 2 Field editor (public institution) - Input of life situation content; - Creation and binding e-forms with life situations Answering FAQ e-Payments Bank 1 Mobile payment provider CIS Sending form to institution Serving of legal documents to citizen Application processing E-SERVING PROVIDER 2 E-SERVING PROVIDER 1 Citizens Administrator at institution 1 Service 1 application 1 Bank 2 Bank 3 Life situation 2 text, information... service 2 Life situation 1 text, information... service 1 Service 3 application 3 Service 2 application 2 POST OFFICE OF SLOVENIA Safe mailboxes e-Gov editor Life situations Forms - portal e-SJU e-Form generator
E-Gov SLO 10 of 29 E-Gov: even more simplified Life situations e-Payment Register of institutions e-Serving e-Signature e-Form generator e-Services portal
E-Gov SLO 11 of 29 Life situations (C) A tool for hierarchical search of services based on most common life situations A model of real life Obtaining information on services Entry point for e-services
E-Gov SLO 12 of 29 Life situations (G) A tool for providing and maintaining information on (e-)services Binding life situations, services and applications through a portal e- Services Scope: state administration => public administration Content maintenance distributed among field editors
E-Gov SLO 13 of 29 E-form generator e-form made of blocks Building blocks – elements –ordinary fields (char, numeric, date) –special fields (EMSO=unique personal ID, tax number) –structures (address – actually acquires data from register of spatial units) –lists (predefined and custom) –groups & repeating groups of fields –free text, spaces, graphics
E-Gov SLO 14 of 29 E-form generator: the look adding an element creating a custom list
E-Gov SLO 15 of 29 Register of institutions Institution specific information Institution hierarchy Custom groups of institutions Local competence => localized content Direct connection to Business Register of Slovenia (PRS) – all business entities
E-Gov SLO 16 of 29 Register of institutions
E-Gov SLO 17 of 29 E-Payments: the idea e-Payments e-services payment services e-service providers payment providers
E-Gov SLO 18 of 29 System should support: many e-services providers (public sector institutions) + simple inclusion many applications + simple adding many payment services + simple adding E-Payments: requirements
E-Gov SLO 19 of 29 E-Payments: scope (providers, banks, services) Providers: public authorities Payment services: –Credit cards (Activa, Diners, Maestro, Mastercard, Visa,...) –Web bank (Abanet,...) –Mobile payment (Moneta,...) Payment services providers (selected through tenders): –Abanka, Banka Koper, Diners, Mobitel,...
E-Payments: payment & information flow UJP (bureau for public payments) e-service 1 e-service 2 e-service 3 (id=3) E-Payments Mobile payment service (Moneta) Payment service “web bank” (Abanet) Payment service “credit card” (Mastercard) Public authority (institution) main office List of receipts (CSV, XML) (daily) List of receipts (daily) Receipt archive (e- safe) Time delay ! Visualisation, revision track (PDF, XML, HTML) Payment service (...) e-receipt e-payment
E-Gov SLO 21 of 29 E-Signature & E-Serving Every body should have its safe mailbox (the Post Office), opened by main editor Access to the mailbox requires qualified digital signature. It is enabled by local admin (appointed by head of the body). Safe mailbox is destination for applications and serving confirmations Every signatory must be appointed by head of the body
E-Gov SLO 22 of 29 E-Signature & E-Serving institutions’ safe mailbox citizens’ safe mailbox record on delivery e-Serving provider e-Signing & e-Serving
E-Gov SLO 23 of 29 E-Signature & E-Serving Both functionalities supported by single web application
E-Gov SLO 24 of 29 Terms and conditions for institutions e-services prepared and published ICT readiness (be able to accept e-forms) responsible persons appointed (editors, administrators, signatories) Shortly: to (be able to) use modules mentioned today payments: contracts signed with (some of the) payment providers
E-Gov SLO 25 of 29 Benefits for the citizens prompt and accurate information on services information, forms, e-services in one place localized content selection of e-services through life situations security (digital certificate, but only if necessary) serving of documents by
E-Gov SLO 26 of 29 Benefits for the institutions free tools for publishing of information, news, e- services, generating e-forms, published information => less explaining faster administrative procedures (no direct interaction, e-Serving) less fuss with cash (e-Payment)
E-Gov SLO 27 of 29 e-gov.si: Plans for future /1 The framework is set. What now? Integration of registers, information systems Advancing accessibility (disabilities, minorities) Expanding no. of service providers included Maintaining prompt and accurate information on e- services Increase the usage of e-services BUT, three main points are:
E-Gov SLO 28 of 29 Content and Content !!! e-gov.si: Plans for future /2
E-Gov SLO 29 of 29 Thank you !