For Internal Use Only v The Standard UTi Signature
- UTi CONFIDENTIAL - The Standard UTi Signature Purpose of a Standard Signature: Our signature is part of the UTi brand. We should aim to be consistent and present a professional image. It is a simple way to present ourselves as an Integrated Organization. __________________________________________________________________ Jane Doe - Manager, Customer Service UTi | Laurel Park Road Suite 116 | Rancho Dominguez, CA United States | O | F UTi’s standard signature looks like this: Principles of a Standard Signature: Be concise and understated. Smaller is better – large signatures can distract from the text of the message. There is no need to include pictures of the UTi logo as these place unnecessary strain on our servers. Similarly, backgrounds, templates and stationary tend to be a distraction and burden on the IT architecture and should be avoided.
- UTi CONFIDENTIAL - Step 1: Options From the main Microsoft Outlook window, on the Tools menu, click Options.
- UTi CONFIDENTIAL - Step 2: Select Mail Format b) Click on the 'HTML' message format. a) Click the ‘Mail Format’ tab. c) Select ‘Signatures’ Note: If you have Windows 2000 or Windows 98, you will click the ‘Signature Picker’ button instead of (b) and (c) above
- UTi CONFIDENTIAL - Step 3: Start to Create your New Signature Click New.
- UTi CONFIDENTIAL - Step 4: Create a Name for your Signature a) In the Enter a name for your new signature box, enter a name (e.g. ‘UTi Signature’) b) Choose ‘Start with a blank signature’
- UTi CONFIDENTIAL - Step 5: Create or Copy the Standard Signature Copy and paste this text into Outlook & make necessary edits Either Or Create your own signature using the following guidelines: __________________________________________________________________ Jane Doe - Manager, Customer Service UTi | Laurel Park Road Suite 116 | Rancho Dominguez, CA | O | F ‘UTi’ Text Font: ‘Arial’ Size 8, Color: Blue Text Font: ‘Arial’ Size: 8, Color: Grey Line: Color: Grey Length: Same as the text Click ‘ok’ when done. Then ___________________________________________________________________ Jane Doe - Manager, Customer Service UTi | Street Address | Suburb | City, Province or State, Code Country | O | F
- UTi CONFIDENTIAL - Hint: How to draw the Horizontal and Vertical Lines On most keyboards to draw the vertical line E.g. | Laurel Park Road Suite 116 | Press [shift and this key] On most keyboards to draw the vertical line E.g. | Laurel Park Road Suite 116 | Press [shift and this key] On most keyboards to draw the horizontal line E.g. _________________ Press [shift and this key] On most keyboards to draw the horizontal line E.g. _________________ Press [shift and this key]
- UTi CONFIDENTIAL - Click ‘OK’ when you are done editing the new signature Step 6: Finish Completing the Signature
- UTi CONFIDENTIAL - Step 7: Activate the Signature for New Messages Select your new signature for outgoing messages Click ‘OK’ when you are done editing the new signature