1 Residents User Group (RUG) report Frenchay Preservation Society 20 th June 2013
2 1.Our Frenchay 2.Village Green Status application 3.The third ‘Master Plan’
7 Ariel view of Frenchay Scale of proposed development: an irreversible change
8 2. Village Green Status application
9 South Gloucestershire Council COMMITTEE: Planning, Transportation and Strategic Environment DATE: 28th November The Officers have prepared Plan 4 to illustrate a concept statement for the site which they consider more closely addresses site assets and opportunities than the submitted draft. 42. Key features illustrated are: a) New development contained within the built form of the existing hospital buildings. (pink line) Ariel view of Frenchay
Frenchay Park House and Stables
11 15 th March 2013 Internal Boundary: Limit of built form as defined by SGC Nov 2012 External Boundary Proposed Village Green Area Proposed Land for Village Green Status: Frenchay Park Land
12 Key Objectives of Application 1.To ensure that all green open spaces including Conservation land, TPO land, Nature Reserve and interspaced undesignated land should be joined together to form a new ‘Greenbelt’ 2.New ‘Greenbelt’ to be gifted to the People of Frenchay and thereafter maintained by South Gloucester Council
13 3.The third ‘Master Plan’
15 Previous Plans 1. Concept Statement: Started late 2011 – unanimously rejected 28 th November Outline Planning Application: Submitted 14 th December 2012 – negotiations between GVA and SGC ongoing, but with no local involvement except submission of letters during February New Master Plan: To be released in July/August for comment
16 Principal features of new Master Plan
17 Principal features of new Master Plan 1. Density / Style of Housing i. 490 dwellings ii. SGC think only 460 possible on reduced land iii. 35% social housing – pepper-potted iv. 30 apartments in Frenchay Park House and Stables v per hectare per acre (hectare=2.47 acres) vi. High quality, contemporary single style, reflecting hospital heritage – conversion of Water Tower
18 Principal features of new Master Plan 2. Traffic Concerns i. Acceptance of GVA commissioned traffic report: that there will be no additional vehicle movements during rush hour (analysis contested by residents) ii. No new infrastructure planned iii. Traffic calming on Beckspool Road iv. Park and Ride from Frenchay to Southmead
19 Principal features of new Master Plan 3. Future of all Open/Green Spaces i. Village Green Status application submitted 11 th April 2013 before change in law on 25 th April 2013 ii. Could take 12 months or more to be concluded iii. Get Trusted independent assessment of Lime Tree Avenue – perhaps from Westonbirt Arboretum?
20 Principal features of new Master Plan 4. School Size & Location i. Single form (210 pupils) for children mainly from new development ii. To be built on VGS land iii. One hectare shown as adequate, however, normally 1.7 – 1.9 required
21 Principal features of new Master Plan 5. Future of the Community Hospital i. South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group approved hospital in April 2013 ii. No mention of GP surgery iii. Clinical Commissioning Group to meet next week and advise on Community Hospital
Frenchay Park House and Stables
23 Principal features of new Master Plan 6. Community Facilities & Shop(s) i. None to be built ii. Section 106 budget might provide cash for village hall enhancement and a crèche but no site identified for this
24 Principal features of new Master Plan 6. Concern over Listed buildings i. Future unknown, but NBHT likely to vacate building within 12 months of completion of Southmead ii. Likely to be converted in to apartments
25 What next? 1.Wait until Master Plan is released for public consultation 2.RUG will have a stand at the Frenchay Flower Show to answer questions: Saturday 20 th July 3.Arrange another ‘village only’ meeting to decide whether, or not, to convert to a fighting group and start campaigning against what has been proposed: Perhaps Sunday 21 st July in F/Show Marquee? massive local support would be essential
26 Frenchay as it was / could be Again