Preview of AVM-2000 Electronic Signatures Function Add signatures to documents such as 337’s, 8130’s, Log Book Stickers, Work Order and Invoice RTS Statements and more...
How does it work ? Users create electronic signature images Users create electronic signature images Signature images connect to specific Employees / Security User IDs in AVM-2000 Signature images connect to specific Employees / Security User IDs in AVM-2000 Users “apply” signatures to printable documents Users “apply” signatures to printable documents Security and configuration choices can prevent unauthorized signature use Security and configuration choices can prevent unauthorized signature use
Requirements / Supplies Needed AVM-2000 Security must be registered and turned ON AVM-2000 Security must be registered and turned ON AVM-2000 Electronic Signatures must be registered AVM-2000 Electronic Signatures must be registered Clean white paper, Fine / Ultra Fine Black “Sharpie” marker, computer scanner, image editing software to create signatures Clean white paper, Fine / Ultra Fine Black “Sharpie” marker, computer scanner, image editing software to create signatures
Create a Signature Using TangoWare Instructions, create JPG images of employee signatures, using a computer scanner Using TangoWare Instructions, create JPG images of employee signatures, using a computer scanner Examples: Examples:
Configure Electronic Signatures Choose if forcing use of Security Password Choose if forcing use of Security Password Add Employees Add Employees Set Security ID Set Security ID Choose where they can apply signatures Choose where they can apply signatures Mark if they can Pick signatures or only use their own Mark if they can Pick signatures or only use their own Mark if they can remove signatures Mark if they can remove signatures Choose the correct signature image file Choose the correct signature image file
Example from 337 Conformity Page Example from 337 Conformity Page Click next to the Signature field to “Apply Sig.” Click next to the Signature field to “Apply Sig.” Apply Signatures
Enter Security Password If the option to Force use of Security Password is turned ON, users must enter their AVM-2000 Security Password to Apply or Remove a Signature If the option to Force use of Security Password is turned ON, users must enter their AVM-2000 Security Password to Apply or Remove a Signature
Choose from Picklist If this employee is configured to “Pick” signatures, the Electronic Signatures Picklist will display If this employee is configured to “Pick” signatures, the Electronic Signatures Picklist will display Otherwise, the current employee’s signature will automatically be used by AVM-2000 Otherwise, the current employee’s signature will automatically be used by AVM-2000
Signature is Inserted AVM-2000 inserts the signature filename into the Signature field after it is applied AVM-2000 inserts the signature filename into the Signature field after it is applied
Signatures may LOCK Document Security access may be configured so that applying a signature immediately LOCKS the document to prevent further editing Security access may be configured so that applying a signature immediately LOCKS the document to prevent further editing Employees with proper Security permission may UNLOCK documents if necessary Employees with proper Security permission may UNLOCK documents if necessary
Signature Prints on Document Signature images print on the document in the proper Signature blocks Signature images print on the document in the proper Signature blocks
Removing a Signature An option to remove an existing signature will show in the drop-down if this employee has been configured to allow Removing Signatures (may require entry of AVM-2000 Security Password) An option to remove an existing signature will show in the drop-down if this employee has been configured to allow Removing Signatures (may require entry of AVM-2000 Security Password)
Modules where Signatures Available Databases > Employees > Training Records - Supervisor and Employee Signatures Entries > Work Orders > Tasks - Work Order RTS for Shop Continuous Detail Report (up to 2 signatures allowed per RTS; such as 1 for Work Performed By, and 1 for Inspected By) and Inspection Signoff List Entries > Work Orders > Details - Work Order RTS for Task Shop and Customer Printouts (up to 2 signatures allowed per RTS; such as 1 for Work Performed By, and 1 for Inspected By) Entries > Invoices > Text - Invoice RTS (up to 2 signatures allowed per RTS; such as 1 for Work Performed By, and 1 for Inspected By) Documentation > 337's > Conformity Block 6D Signature and Block 7 Signature Documentation > 8130's > Main - Block 17 Signature and Block 22 Signature Documentation > Log Book Stickers > Main - Signature Documentation > W & B - Fixed > Main - Signature Documentation > W & B - Rotary > Main - Signature Documentation > MCFs > Main - Block 16 Signature and Block 20 Signature
For More Information Please see our website for current registration and pricing information Please see our website for current registration and pricing informationwebsite Or contact TangoWare at or Or contact TangoWare at or