Boundary Modification Proposals for SY Board Workshop October 8, 2009
Public Hearing on School Boundaries Florida Statute (4). Prior to the adoption of the district school budget, each district school board shall hold public hearings to review school attendance zones in order to ensure maximum use of facilities while minimizing the additional use of transportation in order to comply with the two-student per year reduction required in paragraph (a). School districts that meet the constitutional class size maximums described in subsection (1) are exempt from this requirement.
1. Student Membership Numbers of students housed in brick & mortar; building capacities are determined by DOE Survey. 2. Capacity Factor Student population in excess of 25% of school brick & mortar capacity. 3. Underutilization Student population which does not meet school brick & mortar capacity. 4. Projections Based upon our best knowledge of previous growth patterns, project estimated five-year student population. 5. Court Decisions Stipulated agreements and OCR regulations must be maintained and followed. 6. Transportation Routes designed for student safety and for easy accessibility. 7. Commonality of Boundaries Based upon the first six criteria, set the school lines to be as contiguous as possible. 8. Completeness of Neighborhoods Based upon the first seven criteria, establish lines that do not split neighborhoods, -- if at all possible. 9. Two-Mile Limit Based upon the first eight criteria, establish school lines which do not interject into the two mile limit of another school. Boundary Criteria
1. From Dunnellon High School to West Port High School 2. From Lake Weir High School to Belleview High School 3. Forest High School to Belleview High School 4. Forest High School to West Port High School 5. School “U” (Marion Oaks) Attendance Zone Boundary Modification Proposals (A) Marion Oaks (Zone 5) (B) Affects 137 students. (A) All LWHS territory south of 135th St. / US-301 east to US-441 (B) Affects 122 Students (A) Zone 1A west of US-441 (B) Affects 43 students (A) Steeplechase Apartments (B) Affects 67 students
SY Day 20 Enrollments/Capacities Enrollments are based upon MIS Day 20 Membership Report of September 2008 Capacities based upon Facilities Dept. report Dec 16, Allowed capacity = 95% of true B&M. Allowed SchoolEnrollB&M %B&M Belleview High1,447 1,511 96% Dunnellon High1, % Forest High 2,3512, % Lake Weir 1,7071,856 93% North Marion High1,4271,703 84% Vanguard High 1,6131,879 87% West Port High 1,7922,453 73%
Boundary Modification Proposal for Increasing Enrollment at West Port High School
SY Day 20 Enrollments/Capacities Enrollments are based upon MIS Day 20 Membership Report of September 2008 Capacities based upon Facilities Dept. report Dec 16, Allowed capacity = 95% of true B&M. After Allowed SchoolEnrollB&M %B&M Dunnellon High1, % West Port High 1,929 2,453 79% Before Allowed SchoolEnrollB&M %B&M Dunnellon High1, % West Port High 1,7922,453 73%
Boundary Modification Proposal to Improve Facility Utilization and Transportation Efficiency: Lake Weir High School to Belleview High School
US- 301 Current Boundary > <<<< >>>> < Proposed Boundary
SY Day 20 Enrollments/Capacities Enrollments are based upon MIS Day 20 Membership Report of September 2008 Capacities based upon Facilities Dept. report Dec 16, Allowed capacity = 95% of true B&M. After Allowed SchoolEnrollB&M %B&M Belleview High1,569 1, % Lake Weir High 1,585 1,856 85% Before Allowed SchoolEnrollB&M %B&M Belleview High1,4471,511 96% Lake Weir 1,7071,856 93%
Boundary Modification Proposal to Improve Facility Utilization and Transportation Efficiency: Forest High School to Belleview High School
Zone 1A: (Blue) US-441 > SW 17th St SW 7th Ave
But don’t forget… we also proposed rezoning students to BHS from LWHS…
SY Day 20 Enrollments/Capacities Enrollments are based upon MIS Day 20 Membership Report of September 2008 Capacities based upon Facilities Dept. report Dec 16, Allowed capacity = 95% of true B&M. After Allowed SchoolEnrollB&M %B&M Belleview High1,612 1, % Forest High2,3082, % Lake Weir High 1,585 1,856 85% Before Allowed SchoolEnrollB&M %B&M Belleview High1,4471,511 96% Forest High2,3512, % Lake Weir High 1,7071,856 93%
Boundary Modification Proposal to Improve Facility Utilization and Transportation Efficiency: Forest High School to West Port High School Steeplechase Apartments (1421 SW 27th Avenue)
But don’t forget… we also proposed rezoning students from Forest to Belleview High…
SY Day 20 Enrollments/Capacities Enrollments are based upon MIS Day 20 Membership Report of September 2008 Capacities based upon Facilities Dept. report Dec 16, Allowed capacity = 95% of true B&M. After Allowed SchoolEnrollB&M %B&M Forest High2,2412, % West Port High* 1,996* 2, % Before Allowed SchoolEnrollB&M %B&M Forest High2,3512, % West Port High 1,7922,453 73% *Includes 137 students proposed to be rezoned from DHS
1. From Dunnellon High School to West Port High School Marion Oaks (Zone 5): 137 students. 2. From Lake Weir High School to Belleview High School LWHS territory south of 135th St. east to US-441: 122 Students 3. Forest High School to Belleview High School Zone 1A west of US-441: 43 students 4. Forest High School to West Port High School Steeplechase Apartments: 67 students Summary Reconciled Enrollments
Reconciled Enrollments Current Reconciled SchoolEnrollment Enrollment Notes BHS1,447 1, students from LW +43 students from FHS 165 students Net gain DHS 1,440 1, net loss students (to West Port) FHS 2,3512, students to BHS -67 students to WPHS 110 students Net loss LWHS 1,7071, students net loss (to Belleview) NMHS1,427N/A No Change VHS 1,613N/A No Change WPHS 1,7921, students from FHS +137 students from DHS 204 students Net gain
Reconciled Capacity Percentages AllowedRevised SchoolB&M %B&M %B&M BHS1,511 96%106.6% DHS %132% FHS 2, %98.5% LWHS 1,619 93% 85% NMHS1,703 84% N/A VHS 1,879 87% N/A WPHS 2,453 73%81.4%
An Attendance Boundary Proposal For New School “U” Serving SW Marion County - Marion Oaks
Total K-5 enrollment these schools: 2,348
SY Day 20 Enrollments/Capacities Before Allowed SchoolEnrollB&M %B&M Hammett Bowen % Sunrise K % Horizon * 94.6% Enrollments are based upon MIS Day 20 Membership Report of September 2008 Capacities based upon Facilities Dept. report Dec 16, Allowed capacity = 95% of true B&M. *Extrapolated as a percentage of the total B&M capacity for the 4-8 facility, to reflect elementary capacity only After Allowed SchoolEnrollB&M %B&M Hammett Bowen % Sunrise K %
Questions & Concerns Mr. Tony Burke, Supervisor, Student Assignments & Records Telephone: (352)