Blackboard Next Generation (Version 9.1) Introduction to New Features Coming Summer 2011
Blackboard Usage at NIU 2 2
Blackboard Learning management system available campus- wide for teaching since 2002 Used for range of activities from posting course materials to teaching online This fall 2010, 97% of NIU students and 75% of faculty use Blackboard More details: 3
Use of Blackboard by (individual) Students Usage % for fall ‘10 with 23,795 enrolled is 96.8% of total number of students 23,040 4
Use of Blackboard by (individual) Faculty/Staff/TAs to Teach Usage % for fall ‘10 with 1,761* faculty/instructors/TA/teaching staff is 74.96% *1,761 includes only those providing direct instruction 1,320 5
Number of Credit Course Sections in Blackboard Usage % for fall ‘10 with 5,106* sections is 49.23% *No. of course sections including thesis, dissertation, and independent studies is 5,106 2,514 6
Number of Course Enrollments in Blackboard Students enrolled in several courses that use Blackboard in a semester 87,687 7
Current Blackboard Version (Release 8.0) 8
Blackboard 8.0 9
Control Panel 10
Edit View 11
Blackboard Next Generation (Release 9.1) 12
Blackboard Next Generation Most significant upgrade to Blackboard to date seeking to accomplish 3 main goals: 1.Deliver highly engaging but powerfully simple user experiences for faculty and students 2.Combine new innovation with the best of both Blackboard and WebCT (acquired by Blackboard) 3.Expand Blackboard’s open interface so that it integrates more easily into existing campus technologies More details: 13
New Features and Changes in Blackboard Next Generation (Release 9.1) 14
A Few of the New Features… A more collective and collaborative learning experience for students through the integration of – Blogs, Journals, Wikis, and Mash-ups, as well as new Group Tools. Increased educator efficiency through – contextual editing, content management at the course level, drag-and-drop navigation, enhanced assignment submission and feedback, etc. More centralized control over assessment instruments through expanded question management capabilities available for use when – creating Tests, Surveys, and Question Pools. 15
Brief Demonstration 16
Upgrade to Blackboard 9.1 Blackboard released version 9.1 in fall 2009 Blackboard will not continue to support current version (8.0) after 2011 NIU’s upgrade to version 9.1 planned for May 2011 (Memorial Day weekend) FacDev and ITS staff began testing version 9.1 in summer 2010 to ensure all the features and interfaces work properly, and identify quirks FacDev staff are working on developing new workshops and documentation for version 9.1 Upgrade will not impact course materials, only interface Students won’t see a drastic difference 17
Blackboard Next Generation Upgrade Faculty Support Plan 18
Faculty Support Plan We have organized the plan into 5 Phases: – Phase 1: Install and test Blackboard version 9.1 and begin developing user documentation – Phase 2: Communicate new features and user interface changes to users by several means – Phase 3: Conduct preview sessions (f2f and online) – Phase 4: Upgrade to version 9.1 and begin hands- on workshops for basic as well as advanced users – Phase 5: Offer open lab and special sessions for colleges and departments as requested 19
Faculty Support Plan Phases Phase 1: Documentation and Support Materials Preparation (Beginning Summer 2010) Phase 2: Communications of New Features and User Interface Changes (Beginning Fall 2010) Phase 3: Preview Sessions (Beginning Spring 2011) Hands-on preview sessions 90 mins each; Online preview sessions 60 mins each Phase 4: Hands-on Face-to-Face Workshops (Beginning Summer 2011) All workshops 90 mins Phase 5: Open Labs & Special Sessions Install new system on a development (BbDev) server Test new features and system interfaces Create upgrade page to document new features, changes, and include links to applicable support materials provided by Blackboard Update Teaching with Blackboard support site ( to reflect new features major interface changes Convert site from WebCRMA to new Cascade CMS as part of the redesign update process Outline of features and pre-existing support materials at Articles in Fall ’10 & Spring ’11 newsletters and campus media Episodes on Teaching with Blackboard Podcast devoted to changes Notices of new features posted to FacDev blog, Twitter, and Facebook, and notices to users Screencasts and/or quick tip highlighting changes Online preview sessions archived for on-demand viewing 2 invite-only hands-on preview sessions for support staff and faculty power users [3/29, 4/6] 3 online preview sessions [60 min] for faculty/staff & TAs via Wimba Classroom [3/30, 4/12, 4/27] 3 hands-on preview sessions for faculty/staff & TAs [4/8, 5/3, 5/16] 2 invite-only hands-on preview sessions for faculty teaching during intersession [4/28, 5/16] 6 Bb Tune-up sessions for experienced users offering hands-on overview of changes and new features [6/9, 8/9, 8/11, 8/17(2), 8/19] 7 Bb I & II hands-on sessions for users new to Bb [6/2, 6/15, 7/13, 7/21, 8/15, 8/19] 2 Bb NG Boot Camps (4 in-depth hands-on sessions for faculty/staff on 9.1 new feature sets) [6/3, 8/10] Blackboard Open Lab sessions [11AM-1PM] each day during 1 st week of summer & fall 2011 terms [6/13, 6/14, 6/15, 6/16, 8/22, 8/23, 8/24, 8/25, 8/26] College-specific sessions available upon request Consultations with individual faculty/staff and TAs upon request Hands-on preview sessions and face-to-face workshops will be 90 minutes in length; Online preview sessions will be 60 minutes in length
Faculty Support Plan Timeline 9/10 10/10 11/10 12/10 1/11 2/11 3/11 4/11 5/11 6/11 7/11 8/11 9/11 Support plan drafted & shared with Provost, Council of Deans, and Faculty Development Advisory Committee Version 9.1 installed on bbdev. FacDev & ITS begin testing system Redesign of existing support site begins Initial draft of redesigned support site ready on new CMS New support site goes live Phase 1: Documentation and Support Materials Preparation Phase 2: Communications of New Features and User Interface Changes Phase 3: Preview Sessions Phase 4: Hands-on Face-to-Face Workshops Phase 5: Open Labs & Special Sessions Preliminary info on 9.1 available on current support site New tutorials, quick guides, etc. developed in response to questions received New features in 9.1 covered in all future Blackboard workshops Consultations with individual faculty/staff and TAs upon request Last updated: 11/7/10 Outage / Upgrade to Bb 9.1 (5/29 - 5/30)
Workshops Scheduled 35 workshops currently scheduled for Spring & Summer 2011: – 10 preview sessions prior to upgrade – 8 hands-on workshops for new users – 8 “tune-up” workshops for experienced users – 9 open lab sessions 22
More Information 23