2014 FOUNDATION & MEMBERSHIP FORUM ClubCentral and ClubRunner for Foundation Chairs Presented by David Gardner & Bob Gravino
“ ” IT IS BETTER TO GIVE THAN TO RECEIVE IN ROTARY, GIVING TO THE FOUNDATION ENABLES CLUBS TO RECEIVE AND PROVIDE SERVICE ABOVE SELF! How can ClubCental help you as a Foundation Chair to be more effective in managing your club’s giving to ensure that funds come back to District 7930 and ultimately to your club?
In order to access the many reports for the Foundation, you will need to log in to RI. Click on My Rotary and proceed to sign in using your and password. If you do not know your login information, click on Forgot Password
WHERE DO I GO FROM HERE? Click on The Rotary Foundation to access information about: District Grants, Global Grants, Packaged Grants and Grant Application Fund. You can also learn the many ways to give and receive recognition. But most importantly for today, is to access the many reports available to help you determine both your members’ giving and to provide opportunities to enhance that through effective communications with your club leadership and ultimately with your entire membership.
On the District Grants hyperlink you will find everything you need to know about District Grants including: Similar information is available under the Global Grants, Packaged Grants and the Grant Application Tool links. Becoming familiar with all of the reference material and learning to utilize the tools will provide the content and the messaging that will help your club develop projects that can be funded by The Rotary Foundation. WHAT THEY SUPPORT HOW TO USE THEM HOW THEY’RE FUNDED HOW CLUBS REQUEST FUNDS RESOURCES AND REFERENCE TOOLS
WHERE DO I FIND THE FOUNDATION REPORTS? Click on FOUNDATION REPORTS to access all of the reports available to you: Paul Harris Society Report Polio Plus Report Major Donor, Arch C. Klumph Society and Bequest Society Report Monthly contribution report Every Rotarian Every Year (EREY) Donor History Report
The Rotary Foundation Foundation Reports
Foundation Giving Reports To review the status of your club’s foundation giving click on Club Recognition Summary. This will provide a complete listing of contributions for any Rotarian associated with your club, past or present.
This report shows all giving by members within your club. It details the current total recognition amount, their Paul Harris status, the date they became a Paul Harris Fellow and their total Foundation Recognition points available. When you review this data consider looking at how close a member is to receiving their first Paul Harris Award, or to earning a multiple PHF. Encourage those members who are within $ to consider making an increased gift this year. In the situation where a member has 1,000 points or more available, remind them that they have an opportunity to honor another member, friend or family member with a Paul Harris Award.
“ ” COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY, ACHIEVE RESULTS ENGAGE YOUR READER, SHARE INFORMATION PASSIONATELY AND MASTER THE METHODS. How can ClubRunner help you as a Foundation Chair be more effective in communicating information about the Foundation and increase giving to the Foundation?
In order to use the tools in ClubRunner you will need to log in to your club website. Click on Member Area and proceed to sign in using your and password. If you do not know your login information, click on New and existing users, …
WHERE DO I GO FROM HERE? From the Admin Screen in My ClubRunner you can: Update your Profile and ask the club to do so as well Contact information Personal photo Change your login or password Add your personal signature Update your designations: Current and past offices - Club & District Paul Harris & other Foundation designations Add friends to lists Write stories for the website or eBulletin Post Content to Custom Pages
EDITING MY PROFILE Confirm your information or edit by clicking on edit. Minimum information should contain primary mailing address, , preferred phone and key dates.
EDITING THE ROTARY TAB Confirm your information or edit by clicking on edit. Here you can add your classification, sponsor and key Rotary dates as well as your designations and positions held in the club and the district. To change your login or password, click on the Settings tab and click Edit. You can also add your signature here.
HOW TO SEND S Click on Compose new message.
ADDING YOUR MESSAGE Do not start with Step 1. First enter your subject, then your message. If you created your signature, it will appear in the bottom of the text. When editing your message, start in word, or preferably a basic text editor like notepad. Do not apply any attributes to the text in terms of color or style. Once you have your message finalized, copy and paste that text into the editor in ClubRunner. Then add any formatting that you would like to use. The variable text, like first name, nick name and last name, among others is really powerful but requires very close attention to ensure that it works the way you intended it to work. Use: Dear $Nick_Name$ It will use the nickname if available or first name if not.
ADDING ATTACHMENTS AND SENDING A TEST Add attachments here. Browse your computer and select files you would like to add. Click on Send to Myself, check your inbox, open and review the message. Edit as necessary. Repeat until perfect.
OPTIONS AND SCHEDULING THE You can send now or at any time in the future. Click on schedule and choose the date and time you want the to be sent. Recommend sending the list of recipients as an attachment and always copy yourself.
ADDING CONTENT, RECIPIENTS AND ATTACHMENTS Now choose who you want to send this . Click send when the message is perfect!