Launch List: 1. Copy New Objective 2. Update Table of Contents 3. Copy new Homework
Agenda 1. 5 Minutes Clothing exchange 2. 5 Minutes map minutes reading and questions 4. 5 minutes closure
Objective Why does Child Labor exist?
Immigration to America
Immigrants on the boat
Ellis Island
Medical Examinations
Push Factors: Why leave Europe? No land Few jobs No freedom of religion Poverty.
Pull factors: Why come to America? Opportunity Free land! – Homestead act Jobs in factories (Sweatshops?) Family already here.
Steerage: Miserable rooms below deck on ships coming to America
Ellis Island Entry point for immigrants in New York City
Ellis Island
Angel Island Entry point for Asian Immigrants, near Los Angeles California
Angel Island
Quiz scoring: Your Score = %
Tenements: Small 1 room apartments with no windows shared by 10 or more people.
Building Codes: Laws that set standards for how structures should be built.
Settlement Houses
Established to help poor immigrants. Provided many services - from schools to laundry rooms. Most famous was Jane Addams and the Hull House
New Vs. Old Immigrants Textbook pg 561 Old Mostly western Europe– Ireland, Britain, Germany New Many from Eastern Europe and Italy
, Great Britain, Ireland, and Western Germany , The above countries continued to provide, as well as Scandinavian Nations , The majority was Austria, Hungary, Italy, and Russia, up until World War 1.
Vocabulary Answers 1. Push factors: Why leave Europe? 2. Pull factors: Why come to America?
3. steerage: Miserable rooms below deck on ships coming to America
4. Ellis island- Entry point for immigrants in NYC
5. Angel island- Entry point for immigrants from Asia.
6. Assimilation: the process of becoming part of another culture.
7. Melting pot: Peoples come to America and contribute aspects of their culture to create a new, unique American culture.
Melting Pot
8. Salad bowl Immigrants do not lose the unique aspects of their cultures like in the melting pot model, instead they keep them.
Salad Bowl
9. Urbanization: The growth of cities.
10.Pogrom: Organized attacks on Jewish villages. (a serious push factor)
11. Ethnic group: group of people who share a common culture
12. Nativist: Those who wanted to limit immigration.
Tenements: Small 1 room apartments with no windows shared by 10 or more people.
14. Jacob Riis Famous writer who exposed the tenement slums by taking pictures and publishing them.
15. Armistice Day: Day the fighting stopped in world war 1. Armistice = stop the fighting. 16. Veterans Day: 11/11 (november 11) every year we take a day to celebrate those who fought in wars.
18. New Immigrants 19. Old Immigrants
20. Settlement Houses “Charity houses” that helped poor immigrants. 21. Building Codes: Laws that set standards for how structures should be built. 22. Jane Addams: Established the Hull house, a famous settlement house
Introduction: –Write a paragraph that discusses the topic in general terms. –Use the hist. con and the documetns to help you –Make sure the last sentence is a thesis DBQ
Introduction: What are you going to prove? Simply restate the question then find support to prove it. PROVE YOUR ANSWER!
Body paragraphs- 1 per document. Relate it to what you are proving.
Outside info- Brainstorm and mention something (anything)
Conclusion: restate your introduction, discuss what you proved.