Duke University Health System Duke LearningSpace 5.0
Duke University Health System Overview of LearningSpace 5.0 Introduction to the LearningSpace 5 modules Home module Materials module Planner module Profiles module Users module Enrollment module Results module Reporter module Build and test a course LearningSpace 5
Duke University Health System Register users. Manage enrollment. Present the course catalogue. Provide easy navigation to and within courseware. Enforce course prerequisites. Track student progress within a curriculum. Track student’s completion of learning objectives. Display data on courses, enrollment, progress and grades. Compile reports. Manage security of data. Conform to standards (AICC) Manage communication The LearningSpace System
Duke University Health System Simple HTML pages Tutorials / Simulations Assessments Discussions Live Online sessions LAN-based activities Non-computer activities Training/Learning Options in LearningSpace 5
Duke University Health System LearningSpace 5.0 The Core module LearningSpace Core server – Anaco Database server – Horizon1 (Oracle Db on Solaris box) Provides an Administrator and Student interface. The Collaboration module LearningSpace Collab server - Mexia Virtual Whiteboard Direct access to web sites Instant awareness Chat & threaded discussions Document sharing
Duke University Health System Database Management Server (Horizon01 - Solaris machine) LearningSpace 5.0 Core Anaco ( Microsoft IIS ) LearningSpace 5.0 Collaboration Mexia ( Domino HTTP Server ) NSF Databases Admin (browser) Student (browser) HTTP Content Server – Rafiki Oracle Relational Database
Duke University Health System Bookmarking URL access to LearningSpace Administrators/Instructors: ui=admin®DatabaseKey=lspace ui=student For students :
Duke University Health System Admin Interface
Duke University Health System Student Interface
Duke University Health System The Home module: Used for system-wide changes ( Core Settings, Collaboration Settings, and Directory Settings ) For customizing aspects of the user interface ( e.g. the splash on the Home page ) To identify servers that the system needs to use. The Materials module: To create, modify, and delete some form of course content The Planner module: To create, modify, and delete courses and assessments (quizzes).
Duke University Health System The Profiles module: To create, modify, and delete course and user profile categories. To assign permissions to user profiles. The Users module: Add/delete individual users from LearningSpace. Modify user information. Add groups of users. The Enrollment module: Course enrollment and un-enrollment processes; course availability for users.
Duke University Health System The Results module: To view and modify student scores and progress. The Reporter module: To add/delete reports. Run individual reports; display and edit student progress data.
Duke University Health System Planner View
Duke University Health System Planner: Action Toolbar and item status
Duke University Health System Planner: Course Item Toolbar Planner: Properties Sheets
Duke University Health System Capabilities Summary Content Delivery Self-directed Asynchronous collaborative (discussion forums) Synchronous collaborative (live virtual classroom and real time chat) Tracking Reporting Managing
Duke University Health System Analysis Design Development Testing / Quality Assurance Deployment (include Communication plan) Evaluation ( include Evaluation plan) Instructional Systems Development (ISD) Process
Duke University Health System E-Learning Service Consulting Share the knowledge that IBM/Lotus provided: l ISD Process l WBT Process for Collaborative Learning l Learning Object Strategy l Communication Plan l Evaluation Plan