PLP Guide1 Training Guide for Inzalo PLP Management
PLP Guide2 This guide has been prepared to demonstrate the use of the Inzalo Intranet based PLP Management applications. TRAINING SECTIONS: 1.Access PLP Clients 2.PLP Scorecard 3.Searching for PLPs 4.Add New PLP Clients This manual assumes: Application users are familiar with web browsers -- e.g. all drop-down keys contain additional information and all field names have help screens Users have knowledge of basic eMpower file lookup functions – e.g. client name and UTi employee name retrievals from search boxes. PLP Management Training
PLP Guide3 Key Concepts PLP (Primary Logistics Partner) This term refers to a logistics company that is the leading or primary service provider for an account. The PLP initiative is a key component of our company’s growth strategy. UTi is committed to becoming the PLP for many of our key global accounts. Inzalo Inzalo is the internal portal or “Intranet” that was deployed across the UTi organization in the 2 nd quarter of Inzalo provides a common gateway for company information and web-enabled software applications. HTML HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, and is the common global standard for publishing information on Inzalo and the Internet. CMF (Customer Master File) The CMF is the UTi global account file that is maintained within the eMpower suite of applications. The purpose of the CMF is to provide a common identification of a global UTi account, and to allow the association of the various local account operating units to a global parent account.
PLP Guide4 ACCESS PLP CLIENTS This section describes how to login to the PLP system on Inzalo and how to display the accounts that have been registered as PLP clients. Training Segments 1. Inzalo logon. 2. Display all PLP accounts. Section 1
PLP Guide5 Access PLP Clients: Inzalo login From the home page, enter your MyUTi login name & password details. Select the “PLP” then “PLP Home Page” under Applications. 2.Click on PLP, then PLP Home Page under Applications 1.Enter Inzalo Login ID and Password
PLP Guide6 Access PLP Clients: Initial Display Screen The initial display will show all PLPs associated with the user’s geographic or global responsibilities. For this example, the FRA branch manager has logged into the system. Click on the Display_All link to display all PLP client records registered in the system. Heading shows FRA default display. Click link to display all PLP clients.
PLP Guide7 Access PLP Clients: Display All Clients This display will show all PLPs registered in the PLP Management System The geographic fields (branch / country / region) indicate the level of PLP authority. For example record #2 below is assigned a relationship at the Germany country level. Blank branch field with country populated indicates Country level PLP Global PLP indicatorBlank country field with region populated indicates Regional level PLP
PLP Guide8 You are now familiar with how to access your PLP client information and retrieve all of the PLP records in the system. Congratulations ! In the next section, we will demonstrate how to display and understand the detail tracking information that has been entered for a PLP client. Section 1 Summary
PLP Guide9 PLP SCORECARD This section describes how to the detail scorecard information for an account that has been registered as a PLP. Training Segments 1. Find PLP documents. 2. PLP Scorecard Information. Section 2 Only authorized Inzalo users can display the detail scorecard information.
PLP Guide10 PLP Scorecard: PLP Display Screen To display the detail PLP relationship information for the account, click on the document icon located to the left of the account name. Note: the document icon will only be displayed for authorized users. The PLP scorecard contains secured competitive information Click document link to display detail PLP information If you do not see the document icon, then you do not have access to the scorecard information.
PLP Guide11 PLP Scorecard: Scorecard Overview The PLP Scorecard contains the account rankings and revenue amounts. An overall PLP score is calculated by the system and is based on: relationship score, revenue share percentage, and position within the account as a service provider. UTi has 63% of the total client logistics spend Overall PLP score of seven for this client The PLP Scorecard contains sensitive corporate revenue and competitive position information. Access is for authorized users only.
PLP Guide12 PLP Scorecard: Scorecard Products The PLP Scorecard revenue and business share information is separated by logistics products Traditional Freight Forwarder products: Air, Ocean, and Brokerage Contract Logistics reflects warehousing and distribution activities. Order Managment reflects uOrder activities Consulting position includes supply chain planning and 4PL services, etc.
PLP Guide13 Display PLP Information: Scorecard Rankings The Relationship Score is selected from pre-set table values (click slide to see inset). The Competitive Position reflects our position as a service provider within the account. Scorecard totals are calculated based on the detail values entered on the sheet. In this example, we are the 2 nd largest ocean services provider Share is the decimal percentage of business we own versus all of the account’s supply chain spend Relationship score was manually selected from table values
PLP Guide14 PLP Scorecard: Scorecard Revenue The Current Gross Revenue reflects the customers spend with UTi – for the specific product category. They Current Spend reflects customer total logistics spend with all service providers. The Potential is the amount that is currently spent with other providers. Click options to modify or delete scorecard Total overall spend by customer for logistics services This column reflects total customer spend with UTi Only authorized Inzalo users will see the link for modifying scorecard.
PLP Guide15 You are now familiar with how to review and understand the many components of the PLP scorecard. Congratulations ! In the next section, we will demonstrate how to use various criteria to search for PLP clients in the Inzalo system. Section 2 Summary
PLP Guide16 SEARCH FOR PLP CLIENTS This section describes how to search for PLP clients and documents based on various selection criteria. Training Segments 1. Search options. 2. Branch Lookups. Section 3
PLP Guide17 Search for PLP Clients: Initial Display Screen The initial display will show all PLPs associated with the user’s geographic or global responsibilities. For this example, the FRA branch managers has logged into the system. Click on the Search link to query for PLP client records registered in the system. Click link to search for PLP clients based on various parameters.
PLP Guide18 Search for PLP Clients: PLP Search Client Name The default search screen allows for queries based on several different PLP attributes. Click on the arrow associated with Client Name to select a client that has been registered in the PLP system. Select the client name and then Click on the Search button. Click arrow to list clients registered in the PLP system Select client name from dropdown box
PLP Guide19 Search for PLP Clients: PLP Display Screen The Search function will result in the display of a hit list with all matching records for the criteria selected. The user can see which accounts are identified as PLPs. PLP scorecard information is only available for authorized viewers. The scorecard document icon will appear for authorized users. User is not authorized to view scorecard Page contains all of the matches for the client name selected
PLP Guide20 Search for PLP Clients: PLP Search Owner Click on the arrow associated with Relationship Owner to select a UTi employee that has been designated for ownership of a PLP account. Select the employee name and then Click on the Search button. Click arrow to list users registered as PLP relationship owners Select employee name from dropdown box
PLP Guide21 Search for PLP Clients: PLP Search Region Click on the arrow associated with Region to select a UTi operating region that has been designated for ownership of a PLP account. Select the desired region and then Click on the Search button. Click arrow to list UTi region names Select region name from dropdown box
PLP Guide22 Search for PLP Clients: PLP Search Region The Search function will result in the display of a hit list with all matching records for the criteria selected. The user can see the PLPs registered for the region that was selected. Page contains all of the matches for the region selected
PLP Guide23 Search for PLP Clients: PLP Search Branches Click on the arrow associated with Branch to display the Branch Lookup window. You may also click on the branch entry field. Enter the first few letters of the branch name and click on Search button. Select the branch entry in the hit list by clicking on the 3-digit branch code. Select branch name from list and it will be written to the search screen
PLP Guide24 You are now familiar with all of the various search options available when attempting to locate PLP clients on Inzalo. Congratulations ! In the next section, we will demonstrate how to add a PLP client to the Inzalo system. Section 3 Summary
PLP Guide25 Add New PLP Client This section describes how to add a new PLP client to the system. Training Segments 1. Retrieve Client CMF record 2. Relationship Scores 3. Competitive Positions Section 4
PLP Guide26 Add PLP Client: PLP Display Screen The initial display will show all PLPs associated with the user’s geographic or global responsibilities. For this example, the FRA branch managers has logged into the system. Click on the Add PLP Client link to the new PLP entry screen. Click link to add a new PLP client to the system
PLP Guide27 Add PLP Client: Control Information Click on green search arrow to lookup valid client names. Enter first few letters of the client name in the “PLP Lookup Client” popup window and click on the matching entry. Search for Relationship Owner and Sponsor by clicking green arrows and entering user last name in the “PLP Lookup User” window. Region, Country, and Branch default to user assignments. Click arrow for client popup window Click account code in popup window to populate client name on entry form
PLP Guide28 Add PLP Client: Relationship Score Click on the green arrow for the Relationship Score box and the popup window will be displayed Click on the appropriate relationship score number in the popup window. The popup will be closed and the score will be populated on the entry form. Click on score number to populate client name on entry form Click arrow for score popup window
Add PLP Client: Detail Scorecard The global, region, country, and branch indicators are allowed for entry based on the authorization level of the user. For branch managers, the global, region, and country levels default to the user logon and cannot be changed. Enter the UTi competitive ranking for each product. Enter the customer spend with UTi and the total customer spend on logistics (each product). Click on the Add button when all information has been entered. Geographic information defaults to user logon Enter competitive position for air services: e.g. 1,2,3 Enter total customer spend on air services (with all providers) Enter customer spend with UTi on air services
PLP Guide30 You are now ready to add a new PLP client to the PLP management system on Inzalo. Congratulations ! This concludes the training template for the PLP Management function. Section 4 Summary