1 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging The Part D Low Income Subsidy (LIS/Extra Help) February 2015 Benefits 101
2 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging What We’ll Cover Why Part D LIS/Extra Help Matters o Benefits of the Program Overview of the LIS/Extra Help Program o Eligibility Rules How to Apply o Online vs. Paper Form How You Can Help Your Clients Resources
3 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging Why LIS/Extra Help Matters Costs of Medicare Part D drug plans can add up: o Part D plan premium, deductible, and prescription drug copayments/coinsurance Poverty among the Medicare population o Nearly half (48%, or 24M) have income under 200% of the Federal Poverty Level o Many are likely eligible for LIS Average value of LIS for eligible person is $4,000 a year
4 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging More Benefits of LIS/Extra Help LIS provides access to prescription drug coverage Protects people from Part D Coverage Gap (closing by 2020) Waives any late-enrollment penalty premium for Part D Allows continuous Special Enrollment Period (SEP): o Can change plans as often as every month (though not recommended) o Don’t have to wait until the next Open Enrollment Period to change plans Can start the application process for Medicare Savings Programs (i.e., QMB, SLMB, and QI) o Note: If working directly with client, may still want to complete separate MSP application, to expedite MSP process
5 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging Overview of LIS/Extra Help
6 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging Who are the Key Federal Players? Social Security Administration (SSA) and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) work together to administer and educate the public about LIS/Extra Help SSA handles application and eligibility determination, also: o Provides application o Makes eligibility decision CMS administers the program, also: o Handles Part D plan assignment for those eligible o Coordinates subsidies to Part D plans for eligible enrollees
7 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging LIS/Extra Help Eligibility Rules: General Person must have Medicare Part A and/or Part B Live within the U.S. (50 states or D.C.) Also, most people must meet financial eligibility criteria: o Income test based on the annual Federal Poverty Levels (FPLs) o Resource (also called “asset”) test Some people are “deemed” eligible (automatically get LIS) because they receive another needs-based benefit: o People who get any kind of Medicaid (community or institutional), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or are enrolled in a Medicare Savings Program (i.e., QMB, SLMB, QI) o These 3 groups do not need to apply for LIS Once eligible, all get LIS for at least the remainder of year
8 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging Levels of Help Two levels of help from LIS: o Full Help (full subsidy) - for those with lower incomes/fewer resources o Partial Help (partial subsidy) - for those with slightly higher incomes/resources Both full and partial help eliminate the Part D coverage gap No late-enrollment penalty premium for anyone with LIS/Extra Help
9 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging Full Extra Help Eligibility criteria (except for those “deemed”) in 2015: Those who qualify for Full Help pay (in 2015): o No Part D plan premium -- as long enrolled in a “benchmark” plan (i.e., a plan below the LIS premium amount) o No Part D deductible o Copays up to $2.65 generic/$6.60 brand-name drugs (certain people, based on income, pay $1.20 generic/$3.60 brand-name drugs) o No copays after reaching $4,700 limit * Does not include $20 monthly income disregard **Includes $1,500 burial allowance
10 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging Partial Extra Help Eligibility criteria (in 2015): Those who qualify for Partial Help pay (in 2015): o No premium or sliding scale premium (based on income) o $66 deductible o 15% coinsurance for plan covered drugs o Copays of $2.65 generic/$6.60 brand-name drugs after reaching $4,700 limit * Does not include $20 monthly income disregard **Includes $1,500 burial allowance
11 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging Income Test Countable income includes: o Social Security benefits (e.g., retirement, SSI), Railroad retirement benefits o Pensions or annuities, including veteran’s pensions o Wages (gross) or earnings from self-employment (net) o Alimony o Rental income (net) o Workers compensation Excluded income includes: o SNAP (Food Stamps) and LIHEAP (fuel assistance) benefits o $20 monthly in unearned income, such as Social Security o Work-related expenses for people who get Social Security benefits for a disability or blindness
12 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging Resource Test Countable resources include: o Financial institution accounts (e.g., checking, savings, CDs) o Cash at home o Stocks, bonds, savings bonds, mutual funds, individual retirement accounts (IRAs), and 401(k) accounts o Real estate (equity value) other than primary home o Certain trusts that allow a person to revoke or have direct use of funds Excluded resources include: o Home in which the applicant lives o All vehicles (autos, trucks, motorcycles, boats, snowmobiles, etc.) o Household goods/furnishings, and personal effects (e.g., jewelry) o Cash surrender value of life insurance policies o In-kind support (e.g., non-cash help such as shelter) o Irrevocable burial trusts/burial contracts
13 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging How to Apply
14 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging Two Ways to Apply for LIS/Extra Help Online: o Either through Social Security’s website at or through o SSA’s online application available in English and Spanish o SSA accepts electronic signature to complete the application Paper Form: o Obtain a paper form from SSA (either by mail or get from Social Security office) o Be sure and use the form published on or after December 2009, otherwise will hold up application process SSA will make a determination (usually within 3 wks of a completed application) and send applicant decision letter
15 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging Tips When Applying for LIS/Extra Help Online is usually easier and faster! No verifying documents needed -- SSA will use federal records to verify answers If paper form is incomplete, SSA will follow up via phone with applicant Online application cannot be submitted until complete Instruction sheets in 15 languages on SSA’s site IMPORTANT: People who are deemed eligible for LIS (those with Medicaid, SSI, or enrolled in a MSP) do NOT need to apply for LIS; they automatically get LIS. They get a letter from CMS letting them know this.
16 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging Tips When Applying (cont.) Can start the application process for Medicare Savings Programs (i.e., QMB, SLMB, and QI) o SSA sends “leads” data to the state Medicaid office from the LIS application o Some Medicaid programs require clients to answer additional questions o May want to complete a separate MSP application to speed up the process* o Not all clients who qualify for LIS will qualify for MSP *See our fact sheet on why simultaneous submission is important: msp.pdf msp.pdf
17 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging How You Can Help
18 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging My Client Qualifies for LIS/ Extra Help– Now What? Automatic Enrollment o If an LIS/Extra Help awardee does not pick a Part D Plan, then Medicare will facilitate enrollment, also called auto-enrollment Should receive notice about auto-enrollment by end of month in which LIS is awarded Have until the end of the following month to opt out or choose a plan o Auto-enrollment is based on paying $0 premium and is randomly selected. Beneficiary medications aren’t considered in auto-enrollment so the play may not cover all their medications. o Can call SSA and opt out Allows for a continuous Special Enrollment Period (SEP) o Can change plans as often as every month (though not recommended) as needs change (new medications, etc.) o Don’t have to wait until the Open Enrollment Period to change plans
19 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging My Client Qualifies for LIS/ Extra Help– Now What? (cont.) Protection o Protects people from paying more for medication in the Part D Coverage Gap (a.k.a. the “Donut Hole”) o Waives any late-enrollment penalty for Part D o Limited Income Newly Eligible Transition (LINET) administered by Humana o For those awarded LIS/Extra Help but not yet enrolled in a Part D Plan o Point-of-sale (immediate) enrollment with proof of eligibility but must show the pharmacy Medicaid award letter/SSA award letter/Medicare card and the pharmacy will verify eligibility with LINET o For more detail visit: services/linet-information services/linet-information
20 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging Ways You Can Help Your Clients Share resources: Use online resources to guide/assist your clients applying for LIS: o or (to apply for LIS online) o Medicare Plan Finder on (to review plan selections) o (for more info on LIS) Review mailings: Help your clients sort through/understand various mailings they get from SSA, Medicare, and their current plan Review options: Help remind your clients with LIS that they can change plans or select one on their own Person-centered approach: Connect your clients with LIS — and other benefits (e.g., SNAP, LIHEAP, Medicare Savings Programs)
21 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging Additional Resources Social Security’s LIS resources, including their online application at: SSA’s electronic fact sheet that explains LIS and how to apply at: Social Security’s (Program Operations Manual System) for rules on the LIS program at: CMS webpage for resources related to LIS at:
22 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging Additional Resources (cont.) NCOA’s benefits screening and enrollment service, which includes an online LIS application at: Center for Benefits’ Guide to Mailings & Key Events at: benefits/AEP-Guide-to-Mailings-and-Key-Events.pdf benefits/AEP-Guide-to-Mailings-and-Key-Events.pdf Center for Benefits’ resource page on LIS, includes eligibility chart, fact sheets, tips for completing application: security/center-for-benefits/prescriptions/extra-help- lis.htmlhttp:// security/center-for-benefits/prescriptions/extra-help- lis.html
23 Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 © 2015 National Council on Aging Thank You! Thank you for participating in the Benefits 101 Series from the Center for Benefits Access at NCOA We invite you to learn more about us by visiting our website: If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at