Strategy for upgrading Delhi’s Slums Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board
Map of Delhi
Population Growth in Delhi How many Households are added every year? 3
Income Levels
Houses Constructed Housing is provided in Delhi in the following forms Plotted/Group Housing : 2,75,000 (App.) -- DDA Housing : 3,76,453 Employer’s Housing : 50,000 (App.) Housing in Special Area and villages : 3,50,000 (App.) Addition of Housing through existing stock : 1,25,000 (App.) Housing for Urban Poor through unathorised /regularised colonies : 3,70,000 (App.)
Shortage of Housing S. No. MPD Projected Population Actual Population Shortfall in Housing 1. MPD 2001 128 Lakh Lakh 24.5 Lakh houses 25.5 Lakh houses 1.00 Lakh 2. MPD 2021 153 Lakh 230Lakh 24 .00 Lakh Houses
Slums: Characteristics Number of slums : 685 JJ Clusters Population : 4,20,000 JJ Dwellers Land owning agency wise details LAND OWNING AGENCY NO. OF JJ CLUSTERS % OF JJC IN TERMS OF LOA CANTT.BOARD 11 2 CPWD 43 6 DDA 340 50 MCD 56 8 NDMC 5 1 OTHER 10 RLY 59 9 DELHI GOVT 154 23
THE SLUM CONDITIONS OF DELHI The slums in Delhi can be categorised in two basic categories as under: Notified Slum Areas, i.e. areas which are notified as ‘Slum areas’, as per the provisions of the Slum Area (Improvement and Clearance) Act, 1956. The JJ Clusters, i.e. jhuggie clusters on public lands in the form of illegal encroachments.
Un-authorised Colonies in Delhi * 103 colonies regularised in 1962 * As per 1980 survey, a new list of 607 unauthorised colonies was prepared, out of which 567 were regularised till October, 1993 * 1639 unauthorised colonies are now awaiting regularisation under the notified policy of regularisation in the year 2008.
Rehabilitation Policy The Slum & JJ Deptt of MCD (now DUSIB) had earlier been following three pronged strategy for looking after the problems associated with the existence of slums and squatter clusters. Strategy I Carrying out environment improvement of existing slums under the EIUS scheme in the slum clusters. Strategy II In-situ redevelopment on the JJ cluster sites, where the land owning agencies gave NOC for utilising their land for planned development and reallocation of plots to the inhabitants. Strategy III Resettlement of the jhuggi jhopri inhabitants on a newly developed site, in the form of allocating either a plot of 18/12.5 sqm. or by providing a built up tenement of 25-40 sqm. covered area.
Growth Potential National Capital Distribution hub e.g fruit and vegetables Indian Labour report 2010 McKinsey Study 2010
Magnitude of Problem 685 JJ Clusters * 4.20 Lakhs Jhuggies Household * About 21 Lakhs persons are living in these JJ Clusters * Approx. Area under encroachment in JJ Clusters : 700 Ha * Requirement of Land Considering density of 500 D.U/Ha. : 840 Ha. * Funds Requirement @ Rs. 6.00 Lacs /unit : Rs. 25,000 crores Acquisition Cost of Land @ Rs.75 lacs/Acre (assuming 500 hect Insitu) : : Rs. 650 crores
Status of JNNURM Projects in hand Department Flats constructed Flats in Progress Flats in Pipeline Under Approval DSIIDC 9660 4144 27180 DUSIB Nil 1024 17180 14960 5168 44360 Allotment of Flats to eligible Jhuggie Dwellers till date : 85 Families at Bawana
Government Intervention 46 clusters identified for relocation (15000 Jhuggies) Beneficiary identification Cut off date changed from 2002 to 2007 40 % JJ dwellers found eligible 60% population may be in-eligible due to following reasons (??) - Seasonal migration - Lack of Ration Card/ Voter I- card - Frequent change of residence - Change in Employment opportunities
Creation of Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board The Delhi Govt. vide Delhi Gazette Notification dated 01.7.2010 has created the Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board under the Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board Act, 2010. Creation of Housing stock for the poor sections of the society and for the implementation of provisions of Slum Areas (Improvement & Clearance) Act, 1956”. Envision for improvement of the living conditions of the slum dwellers, including the JJ clusters (jhuggie jhopri basties), in order to make Delhi a ‘Slum Free City’.
DUSIB Act Removal and resettlement of JJ clusters : As per Section 10 of DUSIB Act, the Board shall have the power to prepare a scheme for the removal of any jhuggi jhopri basti and for resettlement of the residents Improvement of Jhuggie Basti: As per Section 11, the Board may prepare a scheme for the improvement of any jhuggi jhopri basti which may include provision of toilets and bathing facilities, improvement of drainage, provision of water supply, street paving, and provision of dustbins, or sites for garbage collection, street lighting, or any of them, or provision of any like facilities.
DUSIB Act Redevelopment of Jhuggie Jhopri Basti: As per Section 12, the Board may, with the consent of the owner of the land on which the jhuggi jhopri basti is situated, work out schemes for collective community rehabilitation, relocation or insitu upgradation and involve private sector/slum cooperatives for redevelopment of the basti with a view to bringing about environmental improvement and improvement in the living conditions of the residents facilities. Community Participation: As per Section 13 of the Act, the Board may constitute a Basti Vikas Samiti for any jhuggi jhopri basti to assist and advise the Board on all matters relating to the activities of the Board in respect of such basti or bastis.
Action Plan for Slum Free City Planning Setting up of State and city level Technical Cells Conduct of slum surveys in the city for web enabled slum MIS Entry of Slum survey data into slum MIS Development of city based map and slum maps using GIS Preparation of slum redevelopment/ rehabilitation plans; zonal plans and city level Slum Free plan of Action
Challenges Ahead Rajiv Awas Yojna Benchmark for providing facilities to Slums Scarcity of Planned Land Financing Pattern Multiplicity of Authorities
Challenges Ahead Rajiv Awas Yojna Need for creation of Authority for Single Window clearance of Projects for their speedier implementation Public Private Participation Community Participation
Mangolpuri Industrial Area Important Landmarks Existing Bus stops IMPORTANT LANDUSES & LANDMARKS Existing Schools Road Networks Existing hospitals Dr. K.B. Hegdewa Marg Outer Ring Road 2.0km to Peera Garhi metro Station Railway Line Budha Vihar Marg 850 m to Industrial Area Phase -I 650m to Industrial area Phase - II 500m Walking Radius Nangloi Drain MANGOLPURI JAIPUR GOLDEN HOSPITAL SANJAY GANDHI MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Existing Planned area Mangolpuri Industrial Area Phase – II Mangolpuri Industrial Area Phase - II Udyog Nagar SLUM REDEVELOPMENT FOR MANGOLPURI F & G BLOCK Source : Google Earth , DSSDI
Street network around the site BLOCK G 30 m Road Other’s Property 18 m Road 7m Road Collector Roads Existing pedestrian Network Arterial road BLOCK F
Govt. Role and Challenges: NOC from Land Owning Agency required to allow the people to stay on the land. Subsequently, Land tenure may be provided to people on a leasehold basis, at the prevalent cost. People may pay for the land cost through community savings or long-term loans.
Govt. Role and Challenges: Govt. to enable Finance through NGOs and micro-finance institutions as no Banks are coming forward for providing loans Govt. to work closely with local NGOs to facilitate and encourage the formation of local CBOs for future sustainability, sense of ownership and belonging. Govt. to provide basic services, infrastructure and social amenities. As much as possible, all infrastructure should involve participation from the local community in construction and maintenance.