N. Sinyagina, Doctor of Psychological Science, Professor, Director of the Federal State Scientific Institution “Research Centre for Upbringing Problems, Healthy Way of Life Formation, Drug Addiction Preventing and Children and Youth Social and Pedagogical Support”, Moscow, Russia Moscow - London 2011 Educational research in the Russian Federation
Today in Russia there is an active support of scientific research in the field of education and upbringing. the update of the meaning of education and upbringing; the substantiation of humanization ways of the educational environment; the detection and ways of support of gifted students; the prevention of socially important problems. The most talented scholars and practitioners are involved in the research implementation and conditions are being created for the active scientific search of young researchers.
Only in the center, which is headed by me, there have been conducted more than 120 large-scale scientific research including 12 researches being pursued for more than 10 years. The research team under the direction of Professor N.Vostroknutov has been studying for many years the peculiarities of children in establishments of social and rehabilitation type. This study allowed us to give the characteristic of children with difficulties in behavior. It turned out that the appearance of such children is significantly affected by: a family with a low income - in 41.3% of the cases among the offenders and in 75.7% of the cases among the homeless and neglected; the upbringing outside the family - in 47.3% among the offenders and 88.7% among the homeless and neglected; abnormal relationships in the family - in 49.3% of the cases among the juvenile offenders and in 74.8% - among the homeless and neglected; mental disorders of relatives - in 76.0% among the offenders and in 93.1% among the homeless and neglected, etc. The obtained results were systematized and formed the basis of rehabilitation programs of the offenders, homeless children and street children. Also we organized the remote consulting of specialists of social practices, working with such children, which in generally allowed to considerably reduce the percentage of such adolescents.
The research team of scientists under the guidance of Professor Е.L. Omelchenko was busy with the training and social adaptation of migrant children. At least 3 million of immigrants come to Russia each year and only 50% of them are able to fill in the official documents in the Russian language, while 20% do not speak Russian at all. This research contributed to the resolution of problem strength: one developed and implemented an adaptation model for migrant children that was called the “School- family-court”, and developed an interactive educational and methodical complex of recommendations on educational and socio-psychological adaptation of migrant children and others. An important scientific work was conducted by the team under the direction of Professor I. A. Zimnaya, who studied and worked out the assessment formation technologies and methods of social competencies in the education system. In the course of project implementation: there has been given a characteristic of educational and social competencies, and its nomenclature has been represented; the criteria of formation of social competencies have been defined; the dynamics of the formation of social competence have been detected; one developed a general model of criteria evaluation of educational process results, etc.
The study of peculiarities of contemporary international relations under the direction of Professor N. Sinyagina show that almost 80% of Russian teenagers experience hostility to other nationalities, and all of 100% of the interrogated schoolchildren of all nationalities heard or read negative statements about their nationality. The majority of students would not like to see their future wife or husband as a man of other nationality. The Russian teachers also have a high level of xenophobia (up to 54.3%) and of negativity in relation to a number of nationalities (up to 65%). On the basis of the concept of multicultural education (the authors are R. Bzarov, T. Kambolov, A. Levitskaya), there has been developed a multicultural education program, built on the respect formation for other cultures and religions, on the dialogue of cultures and on a constructive cooperation. The multicultural education sounds as a complex process of person socialization, based on the continuity of culture, traditions and norms. The need for the implementation of multicultural education has been approved by 57.4% of teachers, 62.2% of parents, and by almost 75% of students.
It is only a few examples of education research in the Russian Federation. See the details: Contact us: Thank you! The author of the pc version V. Y. Mitin.