Javid Iqbal Assistant Professor Department of Management Sciences COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad
Education M.Sc in Accounting (Pass with Distinctions, August 2007-June 2009) Graduate School, School of Business, Economics and Law, Gothenburg University, Sweden Master of Business Administration in Finance (2004-2006) Department of Business Administration University of Sargodha, Pakistan Master of Commerce in Accounting (2001-2003) Hailey College of Commerce University of the Punjab, Pakistan Bachelor of Commerce (1999-2001)
DISTINCTIONS & AWARDS Rotary International Student House (RISH) has selected one of the top five international students from Gothenburg University, Sweden. Awarded distinction on master project (Thesis) presented to fulfill the requirement of Master of Science in Accounting degree. Awarded cash prize and certificate on project of European financial crises
EXPERIENCE Assistant Professor Research Fellowship Lecturer COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad (2009 to till date) Research Fellowship School of Business, Economics and Law, Gothenburg University, Sweden 2009 Lecturer University of Education, Lahore, Pakistan 2006 to 2007 Hi-Aims College of Commerce, Jauharabad 2004 to 2005
RESEARCH INTERESTS Financial Disclosure, Financial Regulations, Financial Statements Analysis, Accounting Practices, Management Accounting
End of Profile
Managerial Accounting MGT 431
Managerial Accounting MGT 431 Basic Course Outline
Basis of Managerial Accounting Managerial accounting is concerned with the use of accounting information to managers within organizations to make business decisions for better management control functions on the resources of the organizations.
Introduction to Multinational Corporations (MNC) Types of Businesses Types of Business Organizations Define MNCs Goals of MNCs Published financial statements Theories of International Business International Business Methods
Changing the Roles of Managerial Accounting in Dynamic Business Environment Managerial Accounting and its role in management process Objectives of Managerial Accounting Managerial Accounting vs Financial Accounting Organziational chart Major Themes in Managerial Accounting Concepts of Strategic cots managment and value chain
Basic Cost Managment Concepts Distinguish between cost, product cost, period cost and expenses Types of manufacturing cost Cost of goods sold, and income statment for manufacturer Behavior of variable and fixed costs, in total and per-unit basis Direct, indirect, controllable and uncontrollable costs Opportunity cost, an out-of-pocket, sunk cost, defferential cost, marginal cost and average cost Practice Questions
Product costing and cost accumulation Product and service costing in manufacturing and non manufacturing firms Distinguish between job order and process costing Predetermined overhead rate Enteries of record costs of direct material, direct labor and FOH Two stage process used to compute departmental overheads Practice Questions
Process Costing and Hybird Product Costing systems Similarities and differences between process costing and Job order costing Journal entries to record the process costing in sequential manner Equivalent units uner weighted average process costing Cost per equivalent units Departmental production report Practice Questions
Activity Based Costing Product costs under a traditional, volume based costing system How an activity based costing system operates Two stage procedure for cost assignment and selection of cost drivers Product cost under activity based costing Three criteria for selecting cost drivers Activity based costing in service industry Practice Questions
Cost volume Profit analysis Break Even point using contribution margin and equation approach CM ratio and break even in sales CVP analysis to determine effect on profit change in fixed, variable, sales price and sales volume Assumptions of CVP analysis Role of Cost Structure and operating leverage in CVP relationships Practice Questions
Budgeting Capital Expenditures budget Research and Development Budgets Cash Budgets Budgeted Balance sheet Zero-based Budgets Pert
By-Product and Joint Product Costing Difficulties in costing By-Products and joint products By-Products and joint products defined Nature of By-Products Nature of joint products Methods of Costing By-Products Methods of joint products Practice Questions
Variance analysis FOH over applied FOH under Applied Idle capacity Variance Spending Variance Practice Questions
Recommended Book Core texts: Managerial Accounting; Creating Value in a Dynamic Business Environment. Latest edition; Ronald W.Hilton Managerial Accounting 14th edition; Ray Garrison Cost Accounting: 9th Edition Matz Usry Online library http://www.questia.com/Index.jsp http://www.managementhelp.org/ http://www.businessbookmall.com http://search.bnet.com
Introduction to Managerial Accounting and Cost Concepts Chapter 1 Introduction to Managerial Accounting and Cost Concepts
Types of Businesses Manufacturing Merchandizing Services business.
Manufacturing Business Types of Businesses Manufacturing Business Product Toyota Motors Cars, vans Intel Computer chips Nishat Textile Nike Athletic shoes Coca-Cola Beverages Sony Stereos and television
Merchandizing Business Types of Businesses Merchandizing Business Product Metro Cash & Carry General merchandise D.Watson Medicine United Mobiles Mobile Phones Amazon.com Internet books, music,
Types of Businesses Services Business PIA Transportation Product PIA Transportation Marriott Hotels Hospitality and lodging HBL Financial Services PTCL Telecommunication
There are three types of business organizations Proprietorship Partnership Corporation
A proprietorship is owned by one individual. Advantages Ease in organizing Low cost of organizing Disadvantage Limited source of financial resources Unlimited liability
A partnership is owned by two or more individuals. Advantages More financial resources than a proprietorship. Additional management skills. Disadvantage Unlimited liability.
A corporation is organized under state or federal statutes as a separate legal entity. Advantage The ability to obtain large amounts of resources by issuing stocks. Limited liability Disadvantage Double taxation. Difficult process to establish
Formation of Corporations Promotion Stage Incorporation Stage Raising of Capital Stage Commencement of Business Stage
What is MNC A multinational corporation (MNC) or enterprise (MNE), is a corporation or an enterprise that manages production or delivers services in more than one country. It can also be referred to as an international corporation. an MNC as a corporation that has its management headquarters in one country, known as the home country, and operates in several other countries, known as host countries.
Goals of MNC Commonly accepted goals of an MNC is to maximize shareholders wealth. “ most common form of ownership of US. Based MNCs, and it enables financial managers throughout the MNC to have single goal of maximizing the value of the entire MNC instead of maximizing the value of any particular foreign subsidiary.”
Constraints interfering with the MNC’s Goal Environmental Constraints Building Codes, Disposal of production waste materials and pollution control Regulatory Constraints Taxes, currency convertibility, earnings remittance, employee rights, and other policies that affect cash flows of a subsidiary established there Ethical Constraints There is not consensus on standard of business conduct that applies to all countries. A business practice is perceived to be unethical in one country may be totally ethical in another.
Managing within the constraints Using the world wide code whatever the cost companies have to bear just to enhance their credibility in the markets.
Overview of Lecture 01 Course Outline Types of Businesses Types of Business Organizations Formation of Corporations What is MNC and Goals of MNC Constraints interfering with the MNC’s Goal Managing within the constraints
End of Lecture 01