Barkway Parish Council Annual Parish Meeting 20th May
Barkway Parish Council 20 th May Annual Parish Meeting Chairman's Presentation
Current Councillors Sonia Falaschi-Ray - Chairman N. Plan Sonia Falaschi-Ray - Chairman N. Plan Jim Dalton - Vice Chairman Highways Jim Dalton - Vice Chairman Highways Jenny Warren - Planning Jenny Warren - Planning Giuseppi Frapporti - Environment Giuseppi Frapporti - Environment Robert Squire – Media & Communications Robert Squire – Media & Communications Bob Davidson – Property & Pavilion Bob Davidson – Property & Pavilion Graham Swann - Highways Graham Swann - Highways 3
Councillors for the past year Fiona Tomkins Fiona Tomkins Steve Foster Steve Foster Steve Alsop Steve Alsop Clerk to the Parish Council Catharine Toms Catharine Toms 4
Neighbourhood Plan 5 Sonia Falaschi-Ray
Questionnaire Analysis What you like about living in the Neighbourhood? 6 “A friendly village community in quiet countryside with beautiful views and walks.” (A typical response)
Questionnaire Analysis What would improve your life here? 7 “We would like a village shop and faster broadband, and to calm speeding traffic and exclude heavy lorries.” (A typical response)
Questionnaire Analysis Locations for any Future Development 8 O THER LOCATIONS SUGGESTED INCLUDED : Windmill Close z Periwinkle Close z Greenfield z Nuthampstead Airfield London Road z MoD Towers z Barkway Garage z Bell Farm Sewerage Plant z Pump House
Questionnaire Analysis Level of Future Development 9 Number of new dwellings and percentage support Desirable Levels of Future Development
Questionnaire Analysis Types of Housing in any Future Development 10
NHDC Local Plan Consultation Document Two sites are allocated in Barkway for an estimated 31 additional dwellings. Two sites are allocated in Barkway for an estimated 31 additional dwellings. Taking into account completions since 2011 and permissions at 2014 the Taking into account completions since 2011 and permissions at 2014 the parish is estimated to see 49 additional parish is estimated to see 49 additional dwellings over the plan period. dwellings over the plan period. 11
Preferred sites BK1 Land west of Cambridge Road = 13 BK1 Land west of Cambridge Road = 13 BK2 Land off Windmill Close = 18 BK2 Land off Windmill Close = 18 Total no houses on allocated sites = 31 Total no houses on allocated sites = 31 Completions = 13 Completions = 13 Permissions at 1 Apr 2014 = 5 Permissions at 1 Apr 2014 = 5 TOTAL additional dwellings = 49 TOTAL additional dwellings = 49 12
NHDC preferred sites 13 Windmill Close West of Cambridge Rd
Windmill Close open space 14 Graham Swann
Pavilion with Community Room 15 Steve Alsop Bob Davidson
16 The Opening