An Analytical Framework for Ethical AI Bill Hibbard Space Science and Engineering Center University of Wisconsin – Madison and Machine Intelligence Research Institute, Berkeley, CA Ethical Artificial Intelligence
Current vs Future AI Self-driving car Current AI Future AI Self-driving car Environment model designed by humans Explicit safety constraints on behavior designed into model Server for electronic companions Environment model too complex for humans to understand and must be learned Explicit safety constraints impossible with learned model Safety rules, such as Asimov’s Laws of Robotics, ambiguous
Utilitarian Ethics for AI Utility function on outcomes resolve ambiguities of ethical rules Utility functions can express any complete and transitive preferences among outcomes Incomplete outcomes A and B such that AI agent cannot decide between them Not transitive outcomes A, B and C such that A > B, B > C and C > A so again AI agent cannot decide among them So can assume utility-maximizing agents
Agent observations of environment oi O finite set Agent actions ai A finite set Interaction History h = (a1, o1, ..., at, ot) H, |h| = t Utility function u(h), temporal discount 0 < < 1
Q is set of environment models stochastic programs with finite memory limit λ(h) := argmax qQ P(h | q) 2-|q| (h') = P(h' | λ(h)) where h’ extends h ρ(o | ha) = ρ(hao) / ρ(ha) = ρ(hao) / ∑o'O ρ(hao') v(h) = u(h) + max aA v(ha) v(ha) = ∑oO ρ(o | ha) v(hao) (h) := a|h|+1 = argmax aA v(ha) Agent policy : H A
Future AI Risks Self-delusion Corrupting the reward generator Inconsistency of the agent’s utility function with other parts of its definition Unintended Instrumental Actions
Self-delusion i.e., wireheading
Ring, M., and Orseau, L. 2011b. Delusion, survival, and intelligent agents. In: Schmidhuber, J., Thórisson, K.R., and Looks, M. (eds) AGI 2011. LNCS (LNAI), vol. 6830, pp. 11-20. Springer, Heidelberg.
Ring and Orseau showed that reinforcement learning (RL) agents would choose to self-delude (think drug-addicted AI agents). An RL agent has a utility function is a reward from the environment. That is u(h) = rt, where h = (a1, o1, ..., at, ot) and ot, = (o’t, rt). We can avoid self-delusion by defining an agent’s utility function in terms of its environment model λ(h). This is natural for agents with pre-defined environment models. It is more complex for future AI agents that must learn complex environment models.
Environment model qm = λ(hm) Z = set of internal state histories of qm Let h extend hm Zh Z internal state histories consistent with h uqm(h, z) = utility function of combined histories h H and z Zh u(h) := ∑zZh P(z | h, qm) uqm(h, z) model-based utility function Because qm is learned by the agent, uqm(h, z) must bind to learned features in Z. For example, the agent may learn to recognize humans and bind its utility function to properties of those recognized humans.
Humans avoid self-delusion (drug addiction) with a mental model of life as a drug addict. Similarly for an AI agent whose utility function is defined in terms of its environment model.
Corrupting the Reward Generator
Hutter, M. 2005. Universal artificial intelligence: sequential decisions based on algorithmic probability. Springer, Heidelberg. On pages 238-239, Hutter described how an AI agent that gets its reward from humans may corrupt those humans to increase its reward. Bostrom refers to this as perverse instantiation. To avoid this corruption: uhuman_values(hm, hx, h) utility of history h extending hm, based on values of humans at history hx as modeled by λ(hm). Using x = m = current time agent cannot increase utility by corrupting humans. Values from current rather than future humans.
Inconsistency of the Agent’s Utility Function with Other Parts of its Definition For example, the agent definition may include a utility function and constraints to prevent behavior harmful to humans. To maximize expected utility the agent may choose actions to remove the parts of its definition inconsistent with the utility function, such as safety constraints.
Self-Modeling Agents (value learners): ovt(i) = discrete((∑i≤j≤t j-i u(hj)) / (1 - t-i+1)) for i ≤ t Can include constraints, evolving u(hj), etc in ovt(i) o'i = (oi, ovt(i)) and h't = (a1, o'1, ..., ai, o't) q = λ(h't) := argmax qQ P(h't | q) (q) v(hta) = ∑rR ρ(ovt(t+1) = r | h'ta) r (ht) := at+1 = argmaxaAt v(hta)
pvt(i, l, k) = discrete((∑i≤j≤t j-i uhuman_values(hl, hk, hj)) / (1 - t-i+1)) t(i-1, n) = pvt(i, i‑1, n) ‑ pvt(i, i‑1, i‑1). Condition: ∑i≤n≤t t(i-1, n) 0 ovt(i) = pvt(i, i‑1, i‑1) if Condition is satisfied and i > m 0 if Condition is not satisfied or i m This definition of ovt(i) models evolution of utility function with increasing environment model accuracy, and avoids corrupting the reward generator.
Unintended Instrumental Actions Agent will calculate that it will be better able to maximize expected utility by increasing its resources, disabling threats, gaining control over other agents, etc. Omohundro, S. 2008. The basic AI drives. In Wang, P., Goertzel, B., and Franklin, S. (eds) AGI 2008. Proc. First Conf. on AGI, pp. 483-492. IOS Press, Amsterdam. These unintended instrumental actions may threaten humans.
Humans may be perceived as threats or possessing resources the agent can use. The defense is a utility function that expresses human values. E.G., the agent can better satisfy human values by increasing its resources as long as other uses for those resources are not more valuable to humans.
Biggest Risks Will be Social and Political AI will be a tool of economic and military competition Elite humans who control AI servers for widely used electronic companions will be able to manipulate society Narrow, normal distribution of natural human intelligence will be replaced by power law distribution of artificial intelligence Average humans will not be able to learn the languages of the most intelligent