Human-Computer Interaction Computer Science Tripos Part II Alan Blackwell
Add a button to turn the screen yellow.
- (void)loadView { //allocate the view self.view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame]]; //set the view's background color self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; //create the button UIButton *button = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect]; //set the position of the button button.frame = CGRectMake(100, 170, 100, 30); //set the button's title [button Me!" forState:UIControlStateNormal]; //listen for clicks [button addTarget:self forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; //add the button to the view [self.view addSubview:button]; } -(void)buttonPressed { Pressed!"); }
700 Wavelength (nanometers)
I want it to be golden yellow.
Why did you want the screen to be yellow? I want it to look like gold.
That’s not golden yellow.
“Sir John Herschel even thinks that our inability to resolve yellow leaves it doubtful whether our vision is trichromatic or tetrachromatic...” John William Strutt (Lord Rayleigh) 1871 “Some Experiments on Color”. Nature 111
I want it to look like gold.
Connotations relate not to a word's actual meaning, or denotation, but rather to the ideas or qualities that are implied by that word. A good example is the word "gold." The denotation of gold is a malleable, ductile, yellow element. The connotations, however, are the ideas associated with gold, such as greed, luxury, or avarice.
Where’s the button?
How can you get one button wrong?
How to design buttons and screens? Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Interaction Design User Experience Design (UX) Interactive Systems Design Cognitive Ergonomics Man-Machine Interface (MMI) User Interface Design (UI) Human Factors Cognitive Task Design Information Architecture (IA) Software Product Design Usability Engineering User-Centred Design (UCD)
Typical results of HCI research (HCI 2009)
What the university offers … Arts & Humanities Humanities & Social Sciences Technology Physical Sciences Biological Sciences Clinical school
Arts & Humanities Humanities & Social Sciences Technology Physical Sciences Biological Sciences Clinical school Human|Computer
interpretivescientific reductionist positivistrelativist soft academic style
good intuitive cool effective simple correct
Human|Computer interpretivescientific reductionist positivistrelativist soft academic style good intuitive cool effective simple correct
creative practical professional style interpretivescientific reductionist positivistrelativist soft
HumanComputerInteraction Design UserExperienceDesign InteractiveSystemsDesign CognitiveErgonomics ManMachineInterface UserInterfaceDesign HumanFactors CognitiveTaskDesign InformationArchitecture SoftwareProductDesign UsabilityEngineering UserCentredDesign
HumanComputer HumanMachineUsability ManSystemsErgonomics UserSoftwareArchitecture UserInformationEngineering UserInterface CognitiveInteractiveDesign CognitiveInteractionDesign ExperienceInteractionDesign TaskProductDesign FactorsDesign CentredDesign
creative practical interpretivescientific reductionist positivistrelativist soft design professional academic
Course objectives (options) Learn interesting stuff about humans Prepare for professional life See cool toys Find an alternative perspective on CS Take an opportunity to be more creative Get easy marks in final exam
2013/14 votes on course objectives Learn interesting stuff about humans Prepare for professional life See cool toys Find an alternative perspective on CS Take an opportunity to be more creative Get easy marks in final exam
2013/14 course preview Lecture 2: Visual representation Lecture 3: Text and gesture interaction Lecture 4: Inference-based approaches Lecture 5: Augmented and mixed reality Lecture 6: Usability of programming languages Lecture 7: User-centred design research Lecture 8: Usability evaluation methods
Textbooks Sharp, Rogers & Preece Interaction Design: Beyond human-computer interaction 3rd Edition 2011 – Practical design methods, at forefront of current practice
Textbooks Carroll (Ed.) HCI Models, Theories and Frameworks: Toward a multidisciplinary science 2003 – Best introduction to research trends and advanced methods – (but out of print )
Textbooks Cairns and Cox (eds) Research methods for human-computer interaction 2008 – Advanced techniques, academic context
Supervision exercises Preparation/evaluation for Part II projects – Selecting research and evaluation methods, within strict constraints (much as for a professional project). Experimental comparison of user interfaces – Study changes in learning, efficiency or accuracy that result from modifications to a user interface. Cognitive Dimensions in Comp Sci research – Identify what makes advanced programming languages useful to real programmers.
Final exam We will decide in the final lecture how the material we have covered should be assessed. This may resemble previous years – aimed to assess knowledge of range of models and techniques available, the ways in which they differ, and applicability to professional situations. But not if we decide not! Note: dissertation can also gain marks from HCI – preparation + evaluation sections > 20% exam question – for interactive systems, consider user research & testing