OVERVIEW Drugs have been part of our culture since the middle of the last century. Popularized in the 1960s by music and mass media, they invade all aspects of society. An estimated 208 million people internationally consume illegal drugs The most commonly used illegal drug is marijuana. According to the United Nations 2008 World Drug Report, about 3.9% of the world’s population between the ages of 15 and 64 abuse marijuana
DEFINITION OF DRUG ABUSE There is several ways to define the term drug abuse but the main concept is about the non permissive consumption of certain substance i.e drug that can give certain effects to an individual in which the chronic use of that substance may lead to physical and psychological dependence. This term can be define as the use of either licit or illicit drug outside or beyond the permitted medical practice or medical justification.
1. Drug abuse is not just the problem of the individual. 2. Factors that contribute to drug abuse come from all levels. 3. From the individual's predisposition to addiction to the economy of their environment Factors of Drug Abuse BY ISYRAF RUSYAIDI
Factors of drug abuse 1. Gender 2. Age 3. Peer influence 4. Drug 5. Mental condition 6. Environment 7. Economy 8. Genetic
Factors of drug abuse Gender Men are twice as likely to have problems with drugs Young men are more likely to experiment with drugs than women Age The younger you are when you start drinking alcohol, the more likely you are to try hard drugs later on Young men are more likely to experiment with drugs than women Peer influence There are 2 type of peer influence The group that can pressure you into taking drugs. That people who may choose to hang out with people who are into the same things as they are. It’s often said that teens use drugs when their friends do.
Factors of drug abuse Drug Cause temporary,pleasurable feelings Dependent Mental condition Anxiety,depression and other mental conditions Environment Peer pressure Lack of parental guidance and supervision Economy Unemployed Laid off to CEOs in big corporations
Factors of drug abuse Genetic 1. Susceptibility does not mean inevitability Biological differences It may be harder for people with certain genes to quit once they start. Factors that make it harder to become addicted also may be genetic. Example:an individual may feel sick from a drug that makes other people feel good. 2. There is no single addiction gene Scientists will never find just one single addiction gene. Susceptibility to addiction is the result of many interacting genes. Social and environmental factor contribute to risk of addiction 3. When addiction runs in family Researchers construct pedigrees of large families with addiction as a first step to understanding the disease Not every addict will carry the same gene, and not everyone who carries an addiction gene will exhibit the trait
Sepanjang tahun 2013, kes penagihan dadah di Malaysia menunjukkan penurunan sebanyak 12.77% berbanding tahun 2012 (9,015 orang). Penagihan ini dibahagikan kepada dua jenis iaitu penagih yang baru dikesan oleh sistem AADK iaitu sebanyak 4,768 orang, penurunan sebanyak 9.53% berbanding 5,270 orang tahun sebelumnya. Manakala bagi kes penagihan berulang yang pernah menjalani rawatan di bawah AADK dan direkodkan di dalam sistem AADK sebelum ini mencatatkan 3,096 orang iaitu penurunan sebanyak 17.33% berbanding tahun 2012 (3,745 orang) Secara purata, seramai 655 orang penagih dikesan setiap bulan dengan 397 orang daripadanya penagih baru dikesan dan 258 orang penagih berulang.
Perbandingan Penagih yang DikesanBagi Tahun 2013 dan 2012
Kes penagihan dadah dalam tempoh 5 tahun menunjukkan pola meningkat dan menurun tapi stabil. Bilangan penagih dadah tertinggi direkodkan pada tahun 2010 iaitu seramai 23,462 orang. Jumlah ini menurun kepada 7,864 orang pada tahun2013. Jumlah penagih dadah yang dikesan mencatatkan purata penurunan sebanyak 8.67% dari tahun 2009 hingga Penurunan ini selaras dengan pendekatan transformasi AADK yang dilaksanakan bermula Jun 2010 dengan memberi perkhidmatan secara sukarela kepada mereka yang mempunyai permasalahan dadah (Jadual 2 dan carta 1).
Perbandingan Penagih yang Dikesan Bagi Tahun
PROFIL PENAGIH DADAH JANTINA Penagih lelaki merekodkan kes penagihan tertinggi dalam tempoh 5 tahun ( ) dengan kes tertinggi pada tahun 2010 seramai 23,062 orang. Kes penagihan di kalangan lelaki menurun kepada 7,721 orang pada tahun Kes penagihan di kalangan wanita juga mencatatkan bilangan penagih tertinggi pada tahun 2010 iaitu seramai 580 orang
Perbandingan Kes Penagihan Dadah Mengikut Jantina Tahun
BANGSA Tiga bangsa utama di Malaysia iaitu Melayu, Cina dan India merekodkan hampir 90% kes penagihan keseluruhan dalam tempoh 5 tahun. Bangsa Melayu merupakan penagih teramai yang dikesan setiap tahun dengan kes tertinggi direkodkan pada tahun 2010 seramai 18,693 orang dan menurun kepada 5,667 dan mencatatkan purata penurunan sebanyak 13.97% bagi tempoh 5 tahun. Selain itu, bangsa Cina dan India masing-masing mencatatkan purata peningkatan sebanyak 7.29% dan 9.79% bagi tempoh 5 tahun dari 2009 hingga 2013
Perbandingan Kes Penagihan Dadah Mengikut Bangsa Tahun
Pecahan penagih dadah mengikut umur pada tahun 2012
Berdasarkan kepada carta di atas, golongan belia merupakan golongan yang paling ramai terdedah dengan risiko penagihan. Ini dapat dibuktikan melalui perangkaan majoriti penagih yang dikesan sepanjang Januari-November 2012 adalah belia iaitu seramai 5,632 orang (66.72%). Belia yang berumur antara tahun mencatatkan bilangan penagih teramai iaitu 1,509 orang (17.88%). Manakala bagi golongan dewasa, sebanyak 2,539 orang (30.08%) dan remaja seramai 270 orang (3.20%)
Perbandingan Penagih Yang Dikesan Mengikut Sebab Mula Mengguna Dadah Bagi Januari-November 2012 dan 2011
Jadual di atas menerangkan bahawa faktor utama penagih yang dikesan terjebak dengan penagihan dadah adalah kerana pengaruh kawan (43.40%), diikuti dengan perasaan ingin tahu (21.84%) dan faktor lainlain (13.01%). Penurunan paling besar bagi tempoh Januari-November 2012 dan 2011 berlaku pada faktor secara tidak sengaja (50.00%), diikuti dengan faktor rangsangan (24.58%
Quit Go for a treatment
Thinking of Quitting? Stay away from friends who are taking drugs Learn to control emotions Ignore the psycological craving Be productive: get a job, do things that can make you forget about the drugs Join a support group Change your lifestyle: – Increase participation in physical activity – Increased interactions with family Stay away from friends who are taking drugs Learn to control emotions Ignore the psycological craving Be productive: get a job, do things that can make you forget about the drugs Join a support group Change your lifestyle: – Increase participation in physical activity – Increased interactions with family
Treatment The management of drug addiction in Malaysia is coordinated by the National Narcotic agency. It consists of 3 areas: – Detection and detoxification – Rehabilitation in an institution – Supervision in community and follow-up care The management of drug addiction in Malaysia is coordinated by the National Narcotic agency. It consists of 3 areas: – Detection and detoxification – Rehabilitation in an institution – Supervision in community and follow-up care
Detection and Detoxification It is the responsibility of Minister of Health. It uses the method of ‘cold turkey’. The abuser has to go undergo the withdrawal symptoms without any forms of relief. It is the responsibility of Minister of Health. It uses the method of ‘cold turkey’. The abuser has to go undergo the withdrawal symptoms without any forms of relief.
Rehabilitation Also known as Pusat Serenti. The drug dependant person will undergo 18 months to 2 year programme. Aim: to rehabilitate the person in an controlled environment to be free from drug physically and psychologically. Also known as Pusat Serenti. The drug dependant person will undergo 18 months to 2 year programme. Aim: to rehabilitate the person in an controlled environment to be free from drug physically and psychologically.
Supervision After a long programme of 2 years at Pusat Serenti ended, they will be supervised by Drug Rehabilitation Officer. Aim: to allow integration of the person into community The officer will help the ex addict to lead a drug free life. After a long programme of 2 years at Pusat Serenti ended, they will be supervised by Drug Rehabilitation Officer. Aim: to allow integration of the person into community The officer will help the ex addict to lead a drug free life.
conclusion 1. Just because you are prone to addiction doesn't mean you're going to become addicted. It just means you've got to be careful. 2. There are many ways that genes could cause one person to be more vulnerable to addiction than another.
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