Today’s Agenda: 1.Complete a Good Character Worksheet 2.Take Notes on Developing Good Character Mon August 3, 2015 Assignments Due: What are the 6 character traits? Objective: I will be able to list, define, and give examples of each of the 6 character traits. Essential Question:
Go over answers for the Unit 2 pretest Graph your score: ◦ 4 = 10 ◦ 3 = 8-9 ◦ 2 = 6-7 ◦ 1 = 5 ◦ 0 = 4 or less
Complete the Good Character handout together as a class
Have one person get textbooks for your group Turn to page 75 Fill in notes for Developing Good Character as we read
1. A standard or belief 2. An interpersonal contact that helps a person feel encouragement and support 3. Voluntarily postponing an immediate reward in order to complete a task before enjoying a reward 4. A person’s belief about his or her worth 5. The degree to which a person regulates his or her own behavior 6. The quality of contacts a person has with the people with whom he or she interacts A. Self-esteem B. Delayed gratification C. Social-emotional environment D. Value E. Social-emotional booster F. Self-control
Today’s Agenda: 1.Handout Social-Emotional Homework 2.Take Personality Test 3.Lesson 8/9 Vocab Tue Aug 4, 2015 Assignments Due: 1.Friday – Social/Emotional Homework DUE Objective: Essential Question: I will be able to contrast the terms personality and personality type. What is the difference between personality and personality type?
Pass out Social Emotional Environment Homework
Personality – an individuals unique patterns of characteristics Personality Type – a person’s usual way of focusing energy, gathering information, making decisions, and getting work done
Heredity ◦ Intellectual abilities ◦ Temperament ◦ Talents Environment ◦ Everything around you ◦ Where you live ◦ Opportunities available to you
Attitudes ◦ Your feelings or emotions you have toward something Behaviors ◦ What you do ◦ Your actions
Helps you understand yourself Know how you approach and respond to people and things Helps you understand the people with whom you interact Helps you improve your chance of working effectively and successfully with others
Take sample personality test
Get textbooks for your group and turn to page 75 Work on the Lesson 8 side of the Vocabulary Sheet We will do the lesson 9 side on the block day You must show me you finished the lesson 8 side BEFORE you pack up
Answer the following questions without looking at your notes!! 1. What is the difference between personality and personality type? 2. Why is it beneficial to understand your own personality type? 3. Why is it important to understand the personality type of others that you have to interact with?
Today’s Agenda: 1.Take Notes on Developing a Healthy Mind 2.Watch an Intervention Video Wed/Thu Aug 5/6, 2015 Assignments Due: 1.Friday – Social/Emotional Homework DUE How is addiction a mental disorder? Objective: 1.I will recognize ways that addictions can affect your health status. Essential Question:
C. Lesson 3/4 Vocab ◦ 4 = ◦ 3 = ◦ 2 = ◦ 1 = 12 ◦ 0 = 11 or less
D. Advertising Appeals Worksheet ◦ 4 = 10 ◦ 3 = 9-8 ◦ 2 = 6-7 ◦ 1 = 5 ◦ 0 = 4 or less
E. Unit 1 Crossword Puzzle ◦ 4 = ◦ 3 = ◦ 2 = ◦ 1 = 11 ◦ 0 = 10 or less
F. Unit 1 Test ◦ 4 = ◦ 3 = ◦ 2 = ◦ 1 = ◦ 0 = 20 or less
Turn in your completed Unit 1 Tracking Sheet Get out your Unit 2 Notes
A compelling desire to use a drug or engage in a specific behavior and continued use despite negative consequences, and loss of control.
Depression Negative self-esteem Genetic vulnerability Feelings of guilt or shame Traumatic childhood Feelings of tension, anxiety, boredom, or loneliness Difficulty expressing feelings Trouble managing anger Constant need for approval Poor coping skills Difficulty delaying gratification Denying problems
1. Drug addiction ◦ Compelling desire to use a drug even though it harms relationships ◦ Feeling the need to use because they are bored, anxious, lonely, or depressed ◦ Using to avoid facing problems or emotions 2. Exercise addiction ◦ Compelling desire to exercise ◦ Usually accompanies an eating disorder
3. Gambling Addiction ◦ A compelling desire to bet money or other things ◦ Casinos, lotteries, sporting events 4. Nicotine Addiction ◦ The compelling desire for nicotine ◦ Stimulant drug found in tobacco products ◦ Most smokers start before the age of 18
5. Perfectionism ◦ The compelling desire to be flawless ◦ Over critical - Nothing is ever good enough ◦ Most people that become perfectionists had adults put unrealistic expectations on them during their childhood 6. Relationship Addiction ◦ The compelling desire to be connected to another person ◦ Use contact with another person when they are feeling depressed or insecure
7. Shopping Addiction ◦ The compelling desire to purchase things ◦ Hoarding ◦ They feel in control when they are making purchases ◦ Often feel very guilty after 8. Television/Computer Addiction ◦ The compelling desire to watch TV or engage in activities on the computer ◦ They use these devices to avoid their real problems or emotions
9. Thrill-seeking addiction ◦ The compelling desire to take unnecessary risks ◦ During risky experiences, biochemical changes occur in the brain that produce pleasure 10. Workaholism ◦ The compelling desire to work to fill an emptiness ◦ Excessive work or studying ◦ They do not enjoy themselves when they are not working ◦ Use work to avoid real problems or emotions
1. Stay informed ◦ Review up to date information about addictions ◦ Understand the causes and treatments 2. Review the characteristics of teens at risk for developing additions ◦ Do any of these characteristics describe you or a friend? ◦ What can you do to protect yourself?
3. Recognize addictions in yourself or others ◦ Admit or have the person admit that they have a problem ◦ If they are not ready to admit there is a problem, it is unlikely that they will be willing to get help 4. Get help ◦ Call a trusted adult ◦ Search online or call numbers ◦ Ask a counselor or an adult you trust
1. Having a compelling desire to take a drug or engage in a behavior 2. Taking a drug or engaging in a behavior instead of dealing with feelings of anxiety, depression, boredom, or loneliness 3. Feeling bad about oneself after taking the drug or engaging in the behavior 4. Taking a drug or engaging in the behavior despite negative consequences 5. Trying to stop but being unable to do so
Watch the Intervention video and complete the handout as you watch. I will collect the handouts at the end of the class period
Answer the following questions about the Intervention video and be prepared to share your answers: 1. How did Gabe manipulate his parents? 2. Why did Gabe’s parents continue to help him out? 3. What do you think needs to happen for Gabe to stop gambling? 4. Why do you think Vanessa said her Intervention was not successful? 5. What should Vanessa do to get help? Turn in your Social- Emotional Homework to the class basket!
Today’s Agenda: 1.Take notes on mental disorders – group activity 2.End of the week Review Fri Aug 7, 2015 Assignments Due: 1.TODAY – Social/Emotional Homework DUE What are the different ways someone could have a mental disorder? Objective: I will list and define the categories of mental disorders and give an example of each. Essential Question:
You will be put into 8 groups In your group, send 1 person to get materials ◦ 1 White board ◦ 1 or 2 White board markers ◦ 1 textbook – page 89 Each group will be assigned a Mental disorder to review and present to the class.
Your board must include ◦ Name of your category ◦ Definition or description of that category ◦ Examples of disorders in that category Your group will have 10 minutes to have your board ready to go Select one person to be the speaker for your group As groups present, you will add the information to your notes
Turn into the basket on your way out!