Group 12 Subterranean Fourier Transformers Chris Springer, Andrew Duncan, and Adam Kassar
Introduction Problem Statement Needs Project Background Original Design Overall Architecture ▪ Level Zero Architecture ▪ Level One Architecture Major Technologies Creative Aspects Challenges to System Development Actual Implementation (Design Changes/Deviations) Additional Technologies Used Technical Details of TTE Communication Project Going Forward Demo
Meet a clearly articulated need to save the lives of trapped miners during mining incidents by developing a low frequency TTE communication system to be utilized for miners While keeping the main problem statement in mind, the group is continuing the work of current and past EE 480/481 groups Mentor: Dr. Nutter
Meet safety regulations All MSHA CFR 30 Standards Rugged Must be able to withstand impacts and physical abuse Compact/Lightweight Miners must be able to carry a large amount of equipment into cramped areas Low Power Unsafe for high power signal broadcasting Ensures long battery life
Communicating with miners is as old of a problem as the occupation itself Noisy environment RF communication TTE is no easy task No two-way underground-surface communication system currently exists
Two way through the earth communication is not possible with current technology High radio frequencies (RF) scatter when propagating through the Earth’s crust Wide band transmissions are below the noise floor and thus non-detectable Proposed Solution Spread Spectrum at Ultra Low Frequencies (ULF)
Current Technologies approved by MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration) Walkie-Talkies Leaky Feeder Communication Systems Mine Page Phones RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Tracking Systems PED (Personal Emergency Device)
Chilean mine collapse of 2010 33 miners trapped underground Took 17 days to find them ▪ Why?
Overall Architecture Level Zero Architecture Level One Architecture Level Two Architecture Use Case User Interface Specification Keypad LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Screen Dataflow Diagram State Transition Diagram Circuit Diagram
Two Induction Loop Antennas Previous EE 481 groups designed induction loop antennas with 30 turns Transmit AntennaReceive Antenna
Magister Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) hardware used to interface other cards with a PC via USB
Janus Analog-to-Digital converter Digital-to-Analog converter
Use Existing Open Source HAM Radio Software/Hardware PowerSDR GNURadio Janus/Magister Cards Digital Signal Processing Algorithm Spread spectrum Detect low-power signals at Ultra Low Frequencies
Low power Ultra Low Frequency Needed for through the earth propagation Product Size Mine Safety and Health Standards Completing project on time
Lab bench prototype Able to send and receive ASCII characters Operate in an electrically-noisy environment I and Q Spread Spectrum Algorithm Two Way Communication
Status of Original Expected Outcome Completed Successfully with some Exceptions ▪ Two way communication was not part of the design due to limited resources (future groups can build upon our design to implement two way communication) ▪ LCD was not used as primary user interface….instead software was used to create GUI’s (graphical user interfaces) Lab Bench Prototype Two induction loop antennas ▪ One receive(Rx) antenna and one transmit (Tx) antenna Two Software Scripts with Gui’s ▪ and Audio Amplifier Sub Woofer (thanks to Adam) Two PC’s and HPSDR Hardware Preamp
In addition to the technologies previously specified, the following technologies were used. Software Development Tools ▪ MATLAB ▪ Python ▪ wxPython 2.9 ▪ SciPy 0.12 ▪ Numpy ▪ Matplotlib ▪ PyAudio
Additional Technologies Quintessential Hardware ▪ Multi-Stage Pre Amp ▪ 60 Hz Transformer with rated values ▪ Impedance match antenna to audio amplifier ▪ Three PC’s (one to operate transmit gui, one to operate receive gui, and one to stream data from powerSDR to other PC)
To begin the EE 481 course, the status of the previous group’s project was not fully understood Solution: Stay in close contact with our advisor/mentor Dr. Nutter Try to meet at least once a week in order to keep him up to date with most recent designs and algorithm developments related to project Dr. Nutter assigned the Graduate Student (Zennaeh) to design and build the I and Q circuit I => In phase Quadrature Q => Out of Phase Quadrature
Close consultation with Dr. Nutter led us to the realization that no electrical properties or characterizations existed for the two induction loop antennas Dr. Nutter wanted us to utilize Decent amount of time characterizing the electrical properties of the antennas Next two slides portray the electrical properties of the transmit antenna and the receive antenna Antennas act more resistive then inductive ▪ Propagation is not optimal for the purpose of this project ▪ Proof of concept
Design and Construction of Preamp
Software for Transmit and Receive Transmit Communication Scheme ▪ ULF Band FSK (not true spread spectrum) Receive Script ▪ Streams data from SDR software to Python script and displays the audio (ULF) spectrum of the data in a logarithmic scale or linear scale ▪ Displays the received message in the log window as well as the last message received on the GUI
Antenna Development Purchase better antennas or propose idea to design new antennas Implement Two Way Communication Obtain necessary resources and write software to handle two way communication Implement a better modulation scheme Software developed this semester allows for easy testing
To conclude this presentation, we will show a video of a demo of our project and communication system to provide you a visual understanding of the technical workings of our project.