: Massivizing Online Games using Cloud Computing Alexandru Iosup Parallel and Distributed Systems Group, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands A. Iosup Massivizing Online Games using Cloud Computing
Research Vision: Counter Variability in Distributed Infrastructure Variability Unpredictable and unknowable, yet massive amounts of users … within a dynamic environment … with thick middleware stacks … under significant technological, societal, and legal changes A grand challenge of applied computer science: To understand and control the variability of distributed infrastructures, so that they can become as efficient, dependable, and carbon-neutral as possible. Today’s apps: Massively Social Gaming, eScience, smart grids, … A. Iosup Massivizing Online Games using Cloud Computing 2
3 MSG, MMOG, MMO, … 1.Virtual world Simulation + 2.Game content GFX, maps, puzzles + 3.Game data Player activity, stats, and (social) relationships Romeo and Juliet Massivized Online Games = online games with massive numbers of players (100K+), for which the social interaction improves the experience over 250,000,000 active players
Research: Massivizing Online Games using Variability-Aware Cloud Computing Excellence Veni grant Research Awards ArnetMiner New-Star rank: #3 world-wide and #1 NL, Grid Computing/Parallel Data Bibliometrics 65+ peer-reviewed publications 50+ collaborators 8 years in research 170 cites/year GS H-index: 17 G-index: 36 A. Iosup Massivizing Online Games using Cloud Computing 4 Achieving Vision 2(3) PhD daily, 2 PhD temp, several PhD thesis chapters 10+ MSc students International positioning Co-Chair ICT.Open 2012 SPEC Research Group Reviewer Top-5 jrnl./conf. Lectures IBM, MS, Google, ICT.Open 2011, etc. Intern: UCB, U.Wisc., UIsbk 425
Teaching: Early Excellence for a Global Market Vision Excellent, socially-responsible professionals who can operate independently and in teams “Smart stuff” Activated students Excellence Gamification Extend the textbook Early involvement in research Over 65% first-time pass A. Iosup Massivizing Online Games using Cloud Computing 5 TU Delft Courses Computer Organization Bachelor Seminar Distributed Systems Cloud Computing Other courses and lectures ASCI Grid Programming Lectures at UCBerkeley, UU, UvA Various courses at UPB (Ro)
Valorization: Open-Access for Societal, Academic, and Industrial Growth Excellence: 500k+ EUR NWO Amazon EU EIT A. Iosup Massivizing Online Games using Cloud Computing 6 Joint projects with TNO, Deltares, SARA OpenTTD (over 200k players) SPEC Research Group Vision Attract industry funds: MS, Google, S’force EU FP&EIT funding NWO/STW funding Monetizing platform via startup Join Dutch Game Garden Products: Open-access data/SW Grid Workloads Archive Failure Trace Archive P2P Trace Archive GrenchMark/ServMark/SkyMark
Leadership and Contribution to TU Delft Operation Examen Commissie CE&ES Proposed plan for use of IT in education (VMs), Web site, etc. Management Curriculum Team—Werkgroep Curriculum en Studielast Hiring of Ph.D. students Networking with top Romanian university Early Excellence Involved B.Sc. students in research (top journal) Coordinate 2 Challent/Honors Track students Mentoring Ph.D., M.Sc., and B.Sc. students A. Iosup Massivizing Online Games using Cloud Computing 7
My Ambition Short-term goals UD-2 to UD-1 (3 months) Tenured Assistant Professor (3 mo.) Associate Professor (3 years) Demonstrate excellence Long-term goals VIDI (3+5 years) VICI (8+10 years) Full Professor (8-10 years) Create excellence A. Iosup Massivizing Online Games using Cloud Computing Research group at TU Delft Variability in Large-Scale Distributed Systems Cloud Computing Systems for Online Gaming Gain international recognition as tenured Assistant Professor Align with TU Delft’s Research Institutes: Smart Grid, eScience