2003 JoAnn Warren Cooperative Learning On-Line
2003 JoAnn Warren Cooperative Learning Students working in “cooperative learning groups” learn more, understand more and remember more material. They feel better about themselves, the class and classmates. David Johnson and others in Cooperative Learning: Increasing College Faculty Instructional Productivity Getting students involved in their education experience requires: faculty-student interaction and student-student interaction. Alexander Astin (What Matters in College, 1993)
2003 JoAnn Warren Require Student Involvement Discussions Appoint student facilitators of discussion Debates Teams Debate a controversial issue Projects Teams work cooperatively together on projects
2003 JoAnn Warren Make it Safe Establish Ground Rules Discussion Etiquette Provide Feedback – individually and publicly Establish a place for anonymous feedback
2003 JoAnn Warren On-Line Discussions Questions and/or Statements - open ended requiring reflection, application, or interpretation (controversial topics) Require and publish minimum standards Encourage with follow-up questions or play the devil’s advocate Assign a student-facilitator
2003 JoAnn Warren Sample Responses
2003 JoAnn Warren Sample Requirements Class Participation Facilitating Discussion Actively facilitates one thread Solicits comments, poses additional questions, plays the “devil’s advocate” Adds relevant information from research and/or text readings Summarizes one thread noting similarities and discrepancies in postings Participating Posts on average, more than two messages for each discussion. Messages demonstrate critical analysis of question or topic. Messages contain original idea or thought. Messages build on other messages, elaborating on discussion
2003 JoAnn Warren Debates Controversial Issue Pro-Con Provide context, reading materials and/or additional resources (web quests) Self-Selection – Affirmative or Negative Take opposite of their personal beliefs Set up Private “Forums” for team deliberations Three Rounds – Opening statement, Rebuttal and Conclusion (4-5 weeks)
2003 JoAnn Warren An Example Post Due Dates for Rounds Create “Forum” for the Debate Require participation in discussion
2003 JoAnn Warren Team Projects Cases, Experiments, Research Topics Options for Presentation of Findings Self-Selection Create Private Forums Allow Adequate Time for deliberations, drafts and finalization of Report/Presentation
2003 JoAnn Warren An Example Post Due Dates Create “Forum” for Final Presentation Require students to review and comment on presentation
2003 JoAnn Warren The Mechanics Team Selection Add “New” Topic “Compose” Message for each side of the debate or each project Require students to self-select a position by replying to posting Form Teams based on interest Private Forums for Team Deliberations Add “New” Topic Select “Private” Manage Members Post an introductory comment
2003 JoAnn Warren Posting Chat Logs Manage Files Chat Logs by room Download Save as html Upload
2003 JoAnn Warren Mixed Results Class was more work than expected Teamwork was challenging (schedules) Enhanced computer and writing skills Better than a TV Course Apply what I learned Greater participation than f2f – time to reflect before posting
2003 JoAnn Warren Warm Fuzzy This has been one of the best classes I have ever taken. Joann's dedication, feedback and encouragement make all the difference. This was the first web class I've taken and it was great except that my computer exploded the first week of class and wasn't fixed forever! Despite some obstacles this semester with Joann's patience I was really able to learn a lot from all of you and this class.